She Was Sent by God

Chapter 91

“You two.”

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She couldn’t stand it and intervened between the Duke and Duchess.

But before he could even bring out the next word, Agnes said.

“High Priest! Please tell the duke how deeply underwear and bed are related.”

“Okay. Even if the two of them are deeply connected, can’t you tell me in advance?”

“That’s why I mentioned it in advance! I didn’t wear it!”

“I thought you were asking for help.”

“Who asks for help with that? You suddenly ring the bell and call the maids.”

Agnes raised one hand and kept hitting her chest. There is no way to fully express her frustration.

Laslo, who is standing across from her, is equally frustrated.

“You two!”

Katerina raised her voice for the first time. The duchess was surprised by the sound and stopped arguing.

“Why are you here today?”


“A ritual of oath is a ritual that unites two different souls. One of the most sacred pledges in front of God is that the two of you will become each other’s breath, life, and become one.”

“I know…”

“I’m not done talking yet.”

Katerina cut her words coldly. Agnes pursed her lips, then closed them.

“Why are you arguing in front of me when you said that you are willing to do a ritual that ordinary people do not do because the binding force is so strong?”


“If you don’t want to do it, I will organize your rituals right away.”

“I’ll do it.”

“I’ll do it.”

Laslo and Agnes answered at the same time. Katerina looked at the young duke couple, with the eyes of a strict teacher.

From the perspective of Katerina, who will turn seventy this year, the two of them, who are only in their early to mid-twenties, the couple is young and immature no matter how high their status.

So, when she first heard that Laslo was going to prepare for the oath ceremony, she was worried.

This is because the binding of souls does not just end with a stronger pledge of love.

“It’s not too late, so think again.”

Katerina’s voice became much softer than before

“Without each other, you cannot have children, so it would be difficult to bond with others even after the death of the spouse. Of course, the one left alone will live in suffering until he dies.”

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“The most terrible thing is when the other person changes his mind. The ritual of oath is a ritual that binds the soul, not the mind. It will be a great pain for both of you later when your love for each other fades away.”

“I know well. That’s why I’m doing it.”

Surprisingly, Agnes answered. Katerina was inwardly surprised.

Naturally, I thought the duke was the one who initiated the oath ceremony.

I haven’t seen the Duchess many times, but the way Laslo looked at Agnes and the way Agnes looked at Laslo was markedly different.

On the other hand, Laslo looks unhappy as Katerina continues to explain.

“The priestess will soon find out, but Duke Arpad has very important circumstances to say.”

She glanced openly at Laslo. There was a bitter sarcasm in her words.

“I am going directly to the battlefield that is coming soon.”

“What? The duke himself?”

“Yes, without a successor! Isn’t it amazing to hear that the Lord himself is going to the battlefield, but what power can I have to stop him?”

“Then, wouldn’t it be better not to do the ritual?”

The priestess thought it was simply to strengthen the relationship of trust between the couple, but the situation is more serious.

This is because, if Laslo goes to the battlefield at all costs, Agnes who was left behind will be at a great disadvantage.

“No. I have to do this so that the duke won’t think of any nonsense and come back alive.”

“I’ll live and come back even if we don’t do the ritual.”

Laslo quickly refuted as if he had waited.

“Then it doesn’t matter if we do the ritual. If you’re coming back alive anyway. Isn’t it?”

“Can’t you change your mind?”

“If the ball doesn’t go to war, I’ll make it happen.”

Agnes crossed her arms and looked up at him.

Laslo shook his head with a light sigh.

“Okay. Do whatever you want.”

“That’s what I’m going to do. Instead, I forgot my face for a while and showed an ugly appearance in front of the priest instead.”

“It’s not.”

“Forgive me. Then go to the place you have prepared for us.”

Agnes said it maturely. And secretly held out one hand to her husband.

Laslo hesitated for a moment, then grabbed his wife’s hand.

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Instead of emphasizing how scary the oath ceremony was to the young couple, Katerina turned around.

“Follow me.”

If it was something that could have been done by persuading her in a few words, she would not have come here in the first place.

She stopped persuading them and led the two to the chapel.

In front of the altar were all kinds of fragrant flowers, wine, a small dagger and two wine glasses.

The center was decorated with white cloth and flowers, reminiscent of a wedding hall.

Priests in white robes lined up on both sides to welcome the duke and his wife.

Laslo and Agnes passed between them and stood in front of the altar.

Katerina quietly poured the drink into the two glasses.

“The ritual is not difficult. All you have to do is mix alcohol and each other’s blood in the glass I gave you, memorize a spell, and drink it together.”

She held out the dagger to Laslo first. Laslo poked his fingertips, dripping a few drops of blood into the glass.

“Ahh…. I can’t. you do it.”

When it was her turn, Agnes was afraid and did not take the dagger.

“Okay. Give me your hand.”


Soon there was blood dripping from her thumb.

The inside of the two glasses was red with the blood of two people.

“Now follow what I’m saying.”

Katerina began to chant long spells. Laslo and Agnes eagerly followed it.

“You can drink it now.”

Laslo looked at Agnes with his glass up. Agnes looked straight into his eyes and put the glass in her mouth first.

The fishy smell touched her nose first. It was a strong liquor, so it burned her tongue and neck one after another and crossed her esophagus.

Laslo soon emptied his glass.

Katerina went to retrieve the empty glass without a word.

“Is this the end?”


“It’s really simple. If I knew this I’d have done it sooner.”

Agnes muttered in a small voice.

Surprisingly, nothing happened.

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The world did not turn upside down.

Nevertheless, this moment felt very special.

The scent of flowers tickling the tip of her nose, the faint smile on Laslo’s lips, and her bitter and hot throat.

All of that was engraved in Agnes’ mind as a memory.

She felt like it was something she would never forget.


As she stared blankly at Laslo, he took a step forward.

Suddenly, she remembered the day when she first had a conversation with Laslo in the shrine.

– I think it’s enough to call you a princess.

She thought he was a blunt and cold man. Even after living together for three years, she had no idea who he was.

She knew nothing about what he liked or how he looked when he smiled.

“I remember the first time I saw the Duke.”


“I thought you hated me.”

“Me? You?”

Laslo hurriedly waved his hand.

“No, it’s not like that at all.”

“Now I know how much you cherish me?”

Agnes smiled broadly at him. The three years we had passed by like a lantern.

The beginning and end came to mind clearly.

“How much the Duke loves me.”

As she said that sentence, her heart tickled. Laslo’s straight and upright dark green eyes were visible.

More than anything, the night when she heard sweet words from his lips while covered in blankets, whispering that he loves her, she was dazzled.


Oh, it’s love.

Like lightning, Agnes had some realization.

A huge emotion that could no longer be denied or pretend not to know and ran from far away, hit Agnes.

Every time I saw him, I smiled for no reason, and I finally understood why I felt the fear as if my intestines were pouring out when I heard that Laslo was going to a dangerous place.


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Agnes reached out to him.

‘I like you too.’

Can I fully convey this great heart? Her voice and lips trembled at the same time.

It was then.

A violent cough poured out. It was so strong that her lungs hurt.

At the same time, her vision was shaking and couldn’t see clearly.


The fishy and red liquid flowed down from her lips

It hurts.

The stabbing pain suddenly came.


Laslo ran toward her with his eyes wide open.

Her legs that were supporting her body loosened helplessly.

If Laslo hadn’t grabbed her by the waist, she would have collapsed on the spot

“Agnes, come to your senses! Agnes. Doctor! Call the Doctors now!”

Her ears feel numb. Her eyes were blurred and her heart was hot.

It was difficult to breathe as if her head was sore and her lungs were shrinking.

Agnes managed to open her mouth.

“La, huh, Laslo…”

“Stop talking. The Doctor will come soon. So, Wait. Wait a minute. Huh? Please. Oh. Agnes, Agnes.”

‘I have to say I love you’

I realized it too late, and now I have to say I’m sorry.

Contrary to her will, her consciousness is gradually becoming blurred.

Now it was hard to open her eyes properly.

The only thing that could be seen dimly was Laslo’s face and the hem of the bloody dress.

“Is he still far away! Doctor! Agnes, open your eyes. Agnes!”

His arms hugging her body are quite warm. It was surprisingly comfortable.

And Agnes’ shallow consciousness was cut off there.

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