She Was Sent by God

Chapter 92

[You’re really crazy]

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Someone’s fierce criticism reached her ears first.

Agnes wanted to refute that statement, but somehow, she couldn’t speak.

[Do you think you have many lives? No matter how much I do, there is a limit to how much I can help.]

she wanted to ask, what is he talking about and who is he to tell her this?

But her whole body, let alone lips, does not move.

[Wake up. Agnes]


She breathed out the breath she had been holding back. From that moment on, her paralyzed body moved according to its will.

When she turned her head, she saw a familiar space. It was her magnificent bedroom, which Laslo had decorated with all his might.

[Can you pull yourself together?]

Agnes turned to the direction the voice was heard.

It was not the person she was expecting, so there was a slight disappointment her my face.


Her voice was so hoarse.



He was sitting in a small chair next to the bed. Even in the dark with little light, he still has a beautiful face.

“Why are you here?”

[I saved something that almost died, so is that all you’re going to say to me?]

“I almost died?”

[Don’t you remember what you did?]

Eugene asked angrily. Agnes slowly looked back on her memory.

So, after arguing with Laslo from the carriage and getting scolded by Katerina, they held the ritual of oath…….

I suddenly vomited blood.

After that, no matter how hard she tries, she can’t remember what happened next.

“Did I get poisoned?”

[It’s not because of poison, but because your heart exploded and your intestines were damaged, so you vomited blood.]

At Agnes’ murmur, Eugene swept his head roughly and retorted.

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[Because of the Ritual of oath, you made.]

“Is that a problem? It’s just with Laslo.”

[That’s the problem]

He didn’t hide his troubled face. He got up from the chair and sat down on the bedside

Then he stretched out his long white fingers and pressed Agnes’ forehead hard.

Agnes looked puzzled as he didn’t understand what he meant.

[Did you forget that you signed a contract with me?]

“I did not.”

[You know, but you signed another contract with your soul again. Are you out of your mind?]

Eugene smiled crookedly. The hand that was poking her forehead went near her chest.

Suddenly, Eugene’s face was right in front of her.

It was so close that there was no time to turn her head.

With a grumpy look on his face, he whispered

[If it weren’t for me, your heart would burst and die on the spot.]


[The influence of the contract with the soul has a great effect on the body. You signed a contract to bind my soul with yours, so your body can’t stand it.]

“Then what will happen?”

[I poured out more energy and temporarily connected the torn heart]

Eugene’s face, which had been close without a gap, gradually moved away. It was then that Agnes was able to catch her breath.

[However, this is only temporary, and it will tear again when an impact is applied.]


Hearing that her heart was torn doesn’t make sense. She placed her hand in her left chest.

The subtle heartbeat transmitted through the palm of her hand was the same as before.

“How long can you live under this condition?”

[It’s not like that. But you’d be more vulnerable to shock than the average person. If you do something that puts too much strain on your heart, you may quickly get tired or collapse.]

“Really? Thank you.”

Eugene’s face, who was sitting next to her, was distorted strangely at her usual tone of voice.

[Thank you?]

“You saved me. I owe you my life many times. The grace to repay is deep.”

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[ … It’s the first time I’ve seen a person who has a lot on their hands.]

“Is that so?”

There was nothing to say, so she just smiled briefly.

She felt a strong gaze. When she turned her head, Eugene was staring at her.

“Why do you look at me like that?”

[Because I can’t understand you people at all.]

“It’s the same with each other.”

Agnes’ expression remained unchanged.

Her heart has fallen into a state where it is easy to tear, but she did not lift my eyebrows once.

Eugene looked at Agnes more blatantly than before, and then moved to her side.

Agnes frowned when his body was close enough to reach the flesh.

“Move a little bit.”

[Does it have to be Laslo?]

“What does that mean?”

[There are so many good guys in the world. You lived together for three years already. Why do you want to live with the same guy twice?]


[I thought about it, but this man is not good. So just leave him and find a new man.]


[We went back in time, but you’re wasting it. Do you really need to be with Laslo in this life?]

She felt annoyed after listening to it.

She reminded herself to have more patience five times.

That’s my savior who saved my life. A savior. A savior.….

“If you’re done talking nonsense, will you leave? I’m tired.”

She said with the corners of her mouth raised as kindly as possible.

[What do you mean nonsense? That’s too harsh. To the savior who saved your life so many times.]

“Because you are my savior, I endured your rudeness, otherwise I would have tied you to a wall and hit you very hard.”

Agnes said bluntly. Eugene didn’t give up. Instead, he fluttered his eyebrows and whispered seductively.

[Agnes. He might bring you down. Don’t you mind if your body collapses or shattered into pieces and disappears without?]

“That’s funny.”

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“Because that’s exactly what I did to Laslo in the past. I destroyed him, shattered him, and eventually tore his limbs to pieces, leaving no trace.”


“So, it’s fine. It doesn’t matter as long as I’m with Laslo”

Agnes said with a big smile with sincerity. Eugene’s face was distorted for the first time.

[You might regret it]

“That’s what I already did.”

* * *

“…Don’t do that. Rather…….”

“After taking care of it like that…You…”

“… Do you think she’ll stay still if she knows the truth?”

Agnes’ head was ringing. The voices of the two familiar men were alternately heard.


Agnes frowned and let out a moan, and the loud voice quickly subsided.

“Madam, are you awake?”


“Madam, ugh, madam.”

The sound of Ney crying and the voices of two men could be heard clearly.

Agnes opened her eyes with difficulty as if it was her first to raise her eyelids.

The people who had gathered next to him could not bear it and threw words at her.

“Get a hold of yourself?”

“No, Madam. Ugh, I thought you were really dying.”

“Princess, I’m glad you opened your eyes now.”

She looked around eagerly. The person she longed for and wanted to see is nowhere to be found no matter how much she searches.

“La, Keum, Laslo?”

The surroundings were briefly engulfed in silence.

It was Niall who answered her question belatedly.

“The Lord has gone up to the capital.”

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“…I see.”

It’s a fact I expected, but I can’t help but feel sad.

Noticing the disappointment on Agnes’ face, Zoltan opened his mouth.

“It’s not because he wanted to go, but because the king sent a messenger and urged him so much.”

“That’s right. The lord said he would never go and wait for the Madam to wake up, but he had no choice but to leave because he was under heavy pressure.”

Niall immediately added a lengthy explanation.

“How many days was I out?”

“A fortnight, Madam.”

Since then, Ney has been shedding a lot of tears.

“You collapsed after performing a ritual in the temple and woke up after a fortnight.”

“Hmmm, fortnight?”

“Yes. You’ve been lying down for 15 days.”

“I’m glad. I’m really glad. Do you know how afraid I was that you wouldn’t be able to wake up like this?”

Ney tried to wipe the tears away with her sleeve, but it was useless. Niall sighed and went outside to call a doctor.

“No one even knows why the Madam collapsed, so the master catches and interrogated the people involved. What a hideous atmosphere there was in the castle.”


“Ugh. Is that all? I thought my brother would die first, not the princess. He didn’t eat anything for three days, and only stayed by the princess’ side.”

“What are you talking about?”

Zoltan sighed and shook his head.

“When he came to the castle carrying the princess on his back, he was completely out of his mind. Once every hour, he yells at the doctors and asks them to save you.”


“He went to the temple to find the culprit, and had a big fight with the high priest.”

She clicked her tongue. All sorts of things happened while she was lying in bed.

Laslo stood by Agnes without eating or sleeping properly after she collapsed.

If Zoltan and Niall didn’t urge him, he would most likely collapse.

“And when the messenger of Sebastian came, he went half crazy……”

Ney shook Zoltan’s arm. Zoltan’s voice subsided in an instant.

Fortunately, Agnes only exhaled slowly, as if she had not heard.

Just in time, Niall returned with a doctor.

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