Chapter 225.3 : (Kishuu’s POV) A Doctor’s Resolution 

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The Blue Brigade was a vigilante group that Margo and the others originally formed to help Keigo Okuda. The members of this group often got injured and due to the nature of my profession, I often provided medical treatment to them.

It was at that moment that I heard about what Keigo Okuda was planning to do. 

“Saving the children of the slum.”

Keigo Okuda said something along those line and I… I couldn’t contain myself.

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I couldn’t help but to say that what he was trying to do was a reckless thing to do. Achieving such a grandiose goal was simply impossible. What he planned to do if there were sick children? He didn’t even have any medical knowledge.

I was greatly shaken from how preposterous his idea was.

Keigo Okuda also asked me to help him but of course, I refused. I told him if he couldn’t pay me then he wouldn’t be able to receive my service. However, Keigo Okuda didn’t press me any further. Instead, the gentle expression on his face kept on prickling my heart.

After that, I couldn’t help but be curious about Keigo Okuda’s ‘project’ and what it was all about.

I watched the situation from the shadows and I casually grabbed some members of his group to ask about their situations. Apparently, they had brought in a child who appeared to be on the verge of death into their tent.

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“What are you guys doing?! Look! The airway isn’t even secured yet, right?!”

If someone were to see me, they would find my current predicament to be quite amusing. I was seething with anger while watching them from the shadow.

“He’s just one of those people who complain but not doing anything to help. If it’s just complaining then anyone can do that.”

And I’m one of that kind of people.

People who may be lacking in skills but still strived to make a sincere effort to help others were undoubtedly a hundred million times more honorable than those who actually had the required skill to help but opted to do nothing but complain.

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I was on my way back home that evening when I kept on thinking how pathetic I was.

Barrage of emotions swirled in my head. Actually, I had always wanted to help those children. Those children in the slum who kept on dying every day. However, I was afraid that some invisible entity would accuse me of being unfair.

Hence why I had no other choice but to pretend to be a fair doctor who only treated patients if they could pay me. I kept on turning a blind eye to the horrors of children dying in the slums.

But, I was aware that was just an excuse. If I could help them but I chose not to, then I might as well stop calling myself a doctor right at that moment.

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By the time I realized it, my feet were heading toward the opposite direction of my home… To be more precise, toward the direction where Keigo Okuda had set up a bunch of tents that he called the “Wolf’s Cub Village”.

As I grew nearer toward the Child Wolf Village, I could hear some commotion going on.

I asked a volunteer from the Blue Brigade that I was familiar with. Apparently the critically ill girl that they had brought into their tent before, that girl’s condition suddenly worsened.

In my hands, I had a leather bag filled with medical equipment that I always carried with me. The next thing I knew, I was already running towards the tent where the said girl was located.


T/N: Keigo didn’t even need to do anything. Kishuu’s guilty conscience is more than enough to make him shake off his weird ‘fair policy’. They must be feeling ashamed of themselves. Imagine some weird outsider suddenly decided to solve your town’s poverty problem.

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