We had more than 30 kids under our care in Wolf Cub’s Village. Taylor-san was working hard to make the building in our village but still, the construction was still far from finished. Since we were able to provide decent food and sleeping places here,it didn’t take long for the children we rescued to regain their energy and health. 

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Wolf Cub’s Village had a large open space so the small children were enjoying themselves playing in the snow. As for the children who were already in the working age, they said they wanted to work so we entrusted them to Sarasa and Elsa. They were able to perform simple tasks like ‘carrying things’.

Josephine, the Mama from Butterfly’s Cradle Pub also offered to take some children to work in her place but I politely declined her offer.

Her place is way too stimulating for young children. 

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I had 3 drum bathtubs left so I decided to give 2 drum bathtubs for the people in the village to use. The bathroom in our store already had a special order magical device in the form of a bathtub that Taylor-san designed for us. We didn’t need multiple drum bathtubs when we were going on a trip, one was enough so the other 2 drum bathtubs were unnecessary for us. 

The bottom of the drum bathtubs had metal plates with water and fire attributes in the ratio of 7:3. So it was like a traditional Japanese bathtub with an automatic water heater function. 

The children were not used to taking a bath so they were a bit nervous and hesitant at first but, once they learned how good taking a bath felt, they were basically hooked. 

Yes, yes. That’s the way it should be. 

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The bath in our house looked a bit more extravagant than the drum bathtub though. The hot water was supplied with a water heater (a magical device) and flowed out from the mouth of a wolf stone statue into our big bathtub that was covered in smooth tiles. It was like that Merlion statue back on Earth. 

The bathtub was installed on the roof terrace of our home, it was designed in a way to allow us to enjoy both indoor and outdoor baths. Since our home was located on the hillside, we were able to get a great view of the river and hear the soothing sound of the flowing water when taking a bath.

Which reminded me, our employee, Chatra, had gained Alchemy Level 2 and Blacksmithing Level 1. Now that he could create basic level potions and grant fire and water attributes to things, we were able to have him handle the task of creating products that we sell to Margo and Sarasa such as ‘Wakimizu-kun β’ and ‘Pokapoka-kun α’.

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Our employee had signed NDA contracts to ensure confidentiality so I doubt our trade secret would get leaked out. (I heard if they did break our agreement, there would be severe penalties from the Commercial Guild.)

However, if our productivity increased, then it was only natural that we raised their salaries accordingly too. Maya also had been steadily improving her negotiation skill with the nobility and our rival merchants. We had been entrusting her with more and more work.

When I used appraisal on Maya before, I found out that she now had Conversation Skill Level 2 which wasn’t there before. By the way, in my set of skills, I had Conversation Skill Level 3 written there.

Our general shop, Wolf Cub’s Apron, was experiencing growth in both sales and profits. Seeing the potential for even further business expansion, I decided to increase their salaries by 1.2 and I also added another bonus benefit. They could take a bath as long as they wanted during their breaks.

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I also planned on hiring some more employees from the Commercial Guild.


T/N: Since for a merchant ‘trust’ is their most important point, I don’t think any of the employees will dare to break the NDA. Unless they’re that desperate for money. 

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