Chapter 233

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A little while later after the Christmas party, the sign of springs started to become more noticeable. And also, finally the building for the Wolf Cub’s Village and our brand new restaurant was finally completed. 

The management of the village was going smoothly. Also, when I told Donny-san that the main building for Wolf Cub’s Village was not finished yet, he allowed us to keep using the soldier’s tent that we used for the Christmas party until the building was completed.

Actually, when we were having that Christmas party, the wooden stove (the one especially designed for an indoor tent, we had a chimney connected to the vent to let the smoke flow outside) was enough for the tent. I felt that the inside of the tent was warm enough without us needing to bundle up that thick. Hence why since we already procured a tent warm enough for the children to stay for a long time, the staff from the Commercial Guild had started teaching the children various lessons.

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The building for the village was not made with the luxury of excess design in mind. However, although the design of the building was not as intricately detailed as the design for the restaurant and general shop, the design implemented in the building for the village was still amazing enough. No matter how modest it was, it was still Taylor-san’s design after all.

This building really fit the name Wolf Cub’s Village. Taylor-san still implemented cute and playful elements in the design of the building. I had asked to have some sort of playground equipment like a swing or a slide for the children to play and Taylor-san really fulfilled my request perfectly.

On the other hand, the design for the restaurant was incredibly detailed. Every detail was meticulously designed, since this was a place where we would be charging customers to eat at.Taylor-san still managed to incorporate the design of wolf cub to create an adorable restaurant.

As for the food we would be serving at the restaurant, we would be developing our menu by using various exquisite ingredients in this world that I had encountered during my travels. Such as uni, eel, that thing that tasted like foie gras, seafood that I imported from neighboring country, soy sauce, ginger, etc).

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A restaurant with wonderful design and exceptionally delicious food. I was confident that our restaurant would become popular.

The restaurant had 3 floors. The first floor had an open terrace seating, the second floor specifically designed for a banquet hall and the third floor was designed for VIP rooms. The different types of utilization of each floor allowed us to cater to different kinds of customers based on their need and want.

The VIP room was not only decorated with luxurious decoration (like waterfall flowing down from the walls) but we also provided our experienced waiter on standby there to make sure we could take care of our VIP customers attentively. Of course the prices for the VIP room was a digit more expensive compared to the other floors but considering the disparity of wealth between the rich (basically the noble) and the common people of this world, the price we asked was still pretty cheap for the rich. 

In fact, by having our VIP customers paid more, we would be able to keep the price for the common folk on the low side. As a business owner, I couldn’t possibly remove the VIP section from our business.

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Not only did we have an excellent building and equipment in our arsenal but we also had the uniform designed by Yurina-san.

Yurina-san designed a clean and sharp looking uniform for Bokuzen-san. The uniform he had reminded me of a kaiseki chef, it really suited his masculine build and short, clean cut hairstyle. As for the waiting staff, Yurina-san had designed a traditional maid uniform for them.

When the beautiful onee-sama from Butterfly’s Cradle pub wore that outfit, it was quite an enchanting sight. The onee-sama really exuded the image of a maid for a princess. According to Yurina-san, the onee-sama had deliberately changed their makeup style into something more refined and elegant, to match the vibe of the restaurant.

“It’s amazing how a different style of makeup could change one’s impression to this extent…”

To become a beautiful butterfly, a butterfly first needed to undergo an extraordinary metamorphosis called the pupa stage. The name Butterfly’s Cradle really captured their essence.

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For the grand opening of our store, I sent letters to the people who had helped us, such as Bavarian-sama and the people from the guild. We then had the children from Wolf Cub’s Village distribute pamphlets with a piece of recovery candy, which was our new product, attached to it. The children helped us by distributing the pamphlets all over the town.

And just like this, the grand opening day for my new restaurant, Wolf Cub’s Dining Table, had finally arrived.


T/N: Hmm… I think the VIP section should be placed on the 2nd floor. Unless the banquet hall can also be used as an ordinary table area when there’s no event in place? Because, it seems like a waste to have the middle floor empty. 

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