Chapter 234

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Wolf Cub’s Dining Table was bustling with success everyday. At first, I thought the people were coming out of curiosity and gradually, the enthusiasm would die down but it turned out, that wasn’t the case at all. Not only the second floor which served as a banquet hall, but the VIP room on the third floor and the reserved seat on the first floor (which was  only 1/3 of the whole seating) were also fully booked up to a month in advance.

Thanks to this, there was a long queue formed before lunch and dinner time. We often ran out of ingredients. However, since we planned the purchase of our ingredients carefully by considering the restaurant’s income and outcome, it was hard for us to make short-term changes. We couldn’t make immediate purchases based on the fluctuations of the number of our customers. (Well of course, since for example, we procured our uni by making a request through the adventurer’s guild. We relied on the adventurer to hunt Giant Urchin for us.)

However, if our business kept on blooming, it would be only a matter of time before the customers started raising complaints if they had to be driven away after waiting patiently in line.

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And thus, we came up with a ‘ticket system’. In a ticket system, we would be giving a numbered ticket to the customers who had waited in line for the ticket. We took their order and then told them the waiting time. If they weren’t present when we called their name, they would lose their right to eat at our place. Ticketing system was a common practice in Japan.

This system allowed the customers to know the estimated waiting time and gave them the option to go somewhere else while waiting (or gave up if the waiting time wasn’t suitable for them). The restaurant could do their inventory control better like this and allowed the customer flow to move smoothly.

After we implemented the ticketing system, our situation improved considerably compared to before.

The other thing that made our restaurant stand out from the rest was the quality of our customer service. Our staff provided high quality service to ensure our customer’s satisfaction.

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Since we were obviously lacking in servers, we had to make do by hiring the kids who were relatively tall to work as servers. The kids had been helping us by distributing flyers before but now, they were helping us at the restaurant.

Since Tanya usually spent her time relaxing at home with Ash, I decided to have the two of them help out at the restaurant as well.

I remembered there was a Japanese idiom that goes like this… ‘So busy that you would even welcome the help of a cat’. I guess I’m taking this idiom quite literally now.

However, the customer really welcomed this idea with open arms.

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The children’s maid outfit that Yurina-san designed was so incredibly cute. Ash was also wearing an apron with a basket filled with sweets or simple dishes. The sight of Ash in an apron with a basket in his mouth was just so adorable.

We were able to provide a high quality customer service thanks to the guidance from the onee-sama from the Butterfly’s Cradle pub. Their service was impeccable. The children were learning from the best in their field.

With beautiful female servers, adorable children and a cute mascot animal (including our handsome-ish head chef), we were able to satisfy our customer’s demand. We gained not only the support from our male customers but also from our female customers.

And just like this, through various trial and error, our restaurant, Wolf Cub’s Dining Table, gradually gained more repeat customers.

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“〇×、××△〇〇?? ◇△〇×、〇〇?”

Then one day, as I entered the restaurant and looked around just like usual, I was approached by an elderly regular customer of ours who always came at the same time and ordered the same dish.


T/N: This elderly man is either a legendary ex-chef or super rich businessman. I’m sure it’s either of those two! 

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