The elderly man who approached me came here with a black-haired young girl. Both of them had ordered uni pasta and sparkling wine just like usual. They must be a pair of wealthy old man and his grandchild. This dish was not something the common  folks could afford to eat every day.

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“Is there anything I can help you with?”

I said with a mix of gestures to convey my question.

“Oops! My apologies. You’re not from here, right?”

Huh? What?

I froze in place while holding a paper and a pen so I would be able to communicate through writings.

“My name is Glacies and this is Henrietta. Are you the owner of this restaurant?”

“Ah, yes. My name is Okuda..”

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“My apologies for calling out to you out of the blue. I want to express my gratitude for the delicious food you’ve served to us.”


“Please, accept this as a token of my appreciation.”

I was caught off guard, making me unable to respond properly when Glacies took out a beautiful, transparent looking fang from his pocket and handed it to me.

I carefully held the fang, thinking that the fang would be fragile since it looked like glass but contrary to my expectation, the fang was very hard and yet, the fang wasn’t heavy at all. I could sense a mysterious power emanating from it.

I used appraisal on the fang.

【Fang:Can’t be appraised.】

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So it said.

Based on my experience so far, the items that couldn’t be identified by appraisal skill must be the kind of items with a higher level than my appraisal skill. I needed to level up my appraisal skill first before I could get more information.In other words, this fang was much much more precious compared to any other items I had appraised before.

Glacies-san must be so impressed by the meals he had here that he decided to share one of his prized collections with me. This must be one of his indulgence as a rich man.

If that was the case then it somehow made sense that he could understand my words and vice versa. Most probably, he must have had some sort of magical device on him with translation magic applied to it.

“Glacies-san, thank you very much. However, I cannot accept something so expensive like this. The price that you’ve paid for the food is all the gratitude we wish for from you…”

I couldn’t possibly receive an expensive gift when he always properly paid for the food he had eaten. It wouldn’t be fair. So, I tried to return the fang…

“I’m sure that thing will be useful to you in the future. There’s no need to think too much about it. Just take it.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you very much…”

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I was momentarily taken aback by Glacies-san’s sharp glint of eyes that I missed the timing to return the item to him.

“Well then, at the very least we can consider that today’s meal is already paid for….”

“I said that this is a token of my gratitude for the food, didn’t I? It would be counterproductive if I didn’t pay the price of the meal properly. You can thank me later when I come to eat here again , okay?”

And at that very moment…

“Would you, refill, drink?”


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Tanya, donned in maid outfit, came with a refill of the sparkling wine. Along with Ash who was wearing an apron, serving his duty as the mascot of our restaurant.

Upon seeing this, Glacies-san’s expression changed. He looked like he was staring at his young granddaughter. While Henrietta-san stopped eating her meal, her gaze was fixated on Ash. Then in the next second, she began to pat Ash’s head in a short but fast interval.

The somewhat tense mood in the air disappeared, replaced by a warm, wholesome mood in the air. I felt like I was staring at a field of flowers in springtime.

And then, after playing around with Tanya and Ash for a while, the two of them paid the bill and left the restaurant.

Once the flow of customers began to dissipate, I went to my study room and placed the fang I had received on the desk. I stared at the fang.

I definitely sensed something, like we were connected by a string of destiny when I looked at the fang.


T/N: Oh… Turns out they’re something legendary or something… Might be connected to that legend Yurina-san had told MC before but I already forgot.

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