Chapter 14

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I ROLLED my eyes, ignoring the knowing grin on his face as I walked towards his car. I knew that smug look when he saw the post-orgasmic bliss all over my face from the climax he gave me not so long ago.

His approaching footsteps and then a hand on my waist made me suck in a breath as his warm grip coursed through me. He kissed the top of my head then finally opened the passenger door. "Why are you so in a hurry?" There was a tiny bit of sadness in his voice.

"I told you, I have a video call with my friend in Seattle once a month. She was the one who came to the concert of Fifth Death with me." I got in the car, and Skip closed the door after me.

He immediately started the engine, then turned to my side and smile genuinely. "That was the best night of my life." He stroked my cheek affectionately.

"I thought the first one...back seven years ago." I arched my brow.

A silly grin spread across his face. "Okay, but last night was beyond amazing, Reigh."

"Good to know." I leaned and cupped his face. "It was indeed amazing." I pressed my lips to his. Skip instantly welcomed me, slightly moaning the moment our tongues touched. I had to press my thighs together as the sensation blanketed my skin.

Skip raised his hands and slowly stroked my shoulders down to my arms. He nibbled my bottom lip then ran his tongue to where he made it swollen. He gently kissed my lips, then pulled away causing me to sigh in dismay, and that surprised me because I've never been greedy like this.

I opened my eyes to the most breathtaking smile I've ever seen. "It's not over, and I can't make my girlfriend come and scream here while those bastards are watching us." He looked outside the window.

My eyes widened when the realization hit me. "Huh! How can I quickly forget everything when I'm with you? What did you do to me, Skipper?"

"Well, I'm glad I have that effect on you." He drove out of the parking lot.

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The moment the elevator door closed in front of us, my heart started hammering again.

Skip pushed the door open to my apartment while our mouths still locked together, then he said, "Reigh, you really have to answer your phone. It starts to annoy me."

I've been ignoring my phone that kept on ringing since I woke up in the morning. And I knew exactly who that was. My hands fumbled his belt as he was undoing the button of my jeans.

"That's probably Brett. I promise I'll call him later, and you're hot when you're annoyed anyway." I winked at him.

"If you say so, love," he chuckled then deepened the kiss.

"Well, well, well if it's not the two long lost lovers finally got back together." A yelp slipped my mouth the moment I heard that voice— the familiar voice that had been the cause of my nightmares.

Instantly, Skip wrapped his arms around me protectively and possessively. "Who the fuck are you? And how the hell did you get inside this apartment?"

"Oh, she didn't tell you, did she?" His mockery made Skip's body shake with anger.

"Dominic, p-please stop." My entire body shivered. My chin started to tremble. I found him leaning against the window. If I haven't known him for a long time, I would not be able to recognize him.

"Oh, you're still scared at me, aren't you? After all, you locked me up for months and yet, you never changed. Can't your asshole manwhore protect you from me?" Dominic jeered. His black hair was longer than the last time I saw him. He hated a beard, but right now he looked like he had not been shaved a month or so. He might have lost some weight as well based on the shirt he was wearing, it was too loose on him.

"Get the fuck out of this apartment, dickhead before I will call the police and let them arrest you for trespassing!" Skip's voice thundered. His hands unknowingly squeezed my arms to the point they may leave bruises.

"And I'm so scared," Dominic derided.

"You just violated the restraining order, Dominic," I said.

"I don't care, not until I get my money back, bitch," he sneered.

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"Call her again and I swear—"

"Skip." I hugged Skip tightly before he could launch to Dominic, wishing I could make him calm. "Please, don't, Skip, he doesn't worth your strength." I lifted my gaze to him.

His eyes were furious. "How did you marry this piece of shit, Arella? Let me break his face for treating you—"

"I marry her because she forced me to, didn't she tell you? I can't believe you're so fucking clueless? Do you think I ever loved her? This lousy lay bitch!"

Before I could blink, I stumbled back, and Skip was already punching him. My world spun around. Thuds and screams made me fell on my knees and sunk into the floor. I hugged myself as the sound of my heartbeat thrashing in my ears. My fingers tremored.

My breathing rasped as I tried blocking his fists on my face.

"Bitch, I know you still talk to him! You worthless bitch! I will kill you and her in front of him!"

"Enough! Please stop!" I screamed with terror as I hid my head on my knees.

"Arella!" I barely heard Skip yelling and shaking my rigid body. "Reigh! Reigh, please baby, I'm here. Look at me, please?" His warm breath, his touch on my face, his familiar smell, his voice pulled me back to him.

"Skip." The black spot took me in completely.

* * *

THE WARM caress on my hand felt so good and made want to sleep even more. With heavy lids, I opened my eyes to the familiar surrounding of my room. My gaze landed on my furious brother leaning against the door jam whose staring down with an intensity that could turn someone into coal. Then I looked at Skip whose sitting on a chair beside my bed. His brow knitted together as he continued circling caresses on my hand. And I wanted to place my finger to ease the crease.


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They looked at me with surprise, but no one said a word.

I looked at Skip with bruises on his face. "You okay?"

He nodded and smiled sadly, then leaned down to kiss my lips, causing Brett to growl.

"My brother, Skip," I whispered nervously.

"The fuck I care. How are you feeling? You scared the bloody shit out of me, Reigh."

"Wait a minute, what did I..." My brows furrowed.

Then what happened earlier flashed back. I sat, leaning my back on the headboard, bouncing my eyes between them. "Where is Dominic? How did he enter my apartment?"

"You should be checking your messages and returning calls, Arella." The tone of his voice made Skip clench his jaw.

"He went to the hospital and threatened Kat. She gave him the key. That's how he got in. Don't worry Dominic, he can't come near you anymore. He's back to prison." Brett added but remained stoic.

"Oh, my God! Where is Kat? Is she okay?" My eyes widened. I couldn't take if Kat was hurt because of me.

"She's fine. She made a statement to support Linton's while you passed out," Brett said.

I looked at Skip when he squeezed my hand.

"How do you feel? Really." His strong eye contact warmed my heart and made me feel safe.

"I'm better now." The fluttering on my stomach and the palpitation of my heart worsened my guilt and the possibility that my brother was already aware of my relationship with Skip.

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"Now, it's time to explain what he said back in the station." Brett's strong and cold voice made me shiver.

"W-who?" The tone of my voice suddenly changed, making me look guiltier.

"Stop playing dumb, Arella."

Skip turned to Brett. "Can you give her a little time to rest? She just collapsed hours ago if you might forget."

"Don't talk to me like that about my sister, Linton. I don't fucking care about you. Our friendship is over the moment you touched her! You broke my trust, you fucking slept with my sister, you disrespect me, you fucking son of a bitch!"


"What? Did you even care about our friendship over your itch, Arella?" His eyes were wide as he moved slowly and deliberately towards my bed.

Skip jerked to stand. The chair stumbled causing to create a loud noise in my room. "Don't you ever talk to her like that again!" He jabbed a finger on my brother's face.

"I left her because of I chose our friendship over her, but that was seven years ago, and it's my call this time and I don't fucking care about how long our friendship was if I had to stay away from the woman I've loved. You hate me or not, you accept what I and Arella have, I don't give a bloody shit. I choose her over you this time, Rogue. And I don't need to ask permission from you because she's a bloody adult. And may I remind you, I didn't make a blood pact with you, so, you either accept it or just leave us alone."

Skip's confession made me gasp. I just witnessed something beautiful... something that I might never see it again, and so as Brett who stared at him incredulously. But it was gone in a heartbeat.

"I can't believe you fucked my sister behind me!" Brett's words were like a punch to my gut.

"I didn't know she was your sister back then!"

Brett was about to punch Skip when I yelled at them to stop, but they seemed not to hear me.

"I won't allow you to punch me again, Bretton Rogue!"

"Just stop, please!" When I got their attention. "I forced myself to go out on a date with Dominic, because..." I breathed deeply and closed my eyes when they stung. My chin trembled. "Because..."

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