Chapter 15

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HER TEARS fell like a stream. "Because I was so sad and I wanted to forget him and move on..."

"And of all the people you chose to date that dickhead?" Brett roared with anger.

I knew him well if he was pissed off, and right now he was on the razor-thin edge towards losing his control.


"Oh, and there is more, huh?" And Brett's sarcasm was pissing me off, too, but there was something in Arella's voice that made me wanted to shut the bloody off out of Brett.

"...and I-I w-was pregnant."


The word pregnant clawed into my skin, found a way right deep into my soul, taunting me. And there was a strange feeling awakened inside me that I haven't felt before.

I blinked rapidly as if I misheard her.

Pregnant. The word kept on repeating in my head to the point it made my world spinning.

"Reigh, I'm out of...rub— condom," I told her shyly. I was already hard when I remembered I already used the two foils I had on my wallet.

"Is that why you stop?" She bit her lip. A rosy pink blossomed on her cheeks. "How about you let me do something for you instead."

"No, Reigh. I'll be fine."

I scratched my head and looked down to my unsheathed cock. "I think I just have to make you feel good."

"I'm on a pill, Linton."

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I was beyond terrified. We had a kid, yet she never mentioned it to me last night.

"You're lying, right?" Brett asked in a disbelieving voice.


"Where is our baby, Arella?"

She suddenly burst out crying, covering her face with her trembling hands, and shook her head repeatedly without looking at me. "I'm sorry, Skip. I'm so sorry."

My skin flushed and tingled as to why she was apologizing. I was barely breathing, and I could pass out in a moment to this unexpected revelation. "Where the fuck is our child, Arella?"

My sudden explosion startled her on her bed. My fist struck the wall as I knew exactly the answer to my own question. It hurt, but it was merely a sting compared to the pain I had in my chest.

I unyieldingly denied the fact. "Just fucking answer me for God sake!"

Her pain, her cries, and her tears were a soul-searing creep in my veins.

She just cried out loud.

Just fucking great!

And that made me more an impatience dimwit. God knew how much I wanted to scurry towards her, to hug and comfort her and tell her everything will be alright, but that was a complete bullshit. Right now, all I wanted was to know the truth.

"Arella, would you mind answering him?" Brett cut in, and surprisingly he was calmer than I am,

My gaze never left her. "I think I get it, Bretton." I huffed. "I can't believe you have that in you, Arella. You broke my heart that I doubt there's anything in this fucking world could fix it. You ruined me! Un-fucking-believable! The woman I was madly in love for seven years is a fucking filicide. Screw you!"

I stalked away before I could do something to her that I might regret. I wanted to squeeze her to talk, but damn it, I still loved her. No matter how cruel she was, I couldn't just undo my feelings for her. I was only sure of one thing, I couldn't be with her anymore.

"Skip!" Brett was calling me as I hurriedly stalked away out of Arella's apartment. "Can you just stop for a second!"

His quick footsteps got closer.

"Damn it, Linton!" He was furious as I am.

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I stopped and turned. "What the fuck do you want now you know our deep darkest secrets? Wanna punch me again? Go ahead, just fucking do it!" I looked up at the sky. It seemed the world was mocking me.

I ground my teeth, squinting my eyes at him."I wanna be bloody numb. Hell, I don't care about life anymore. I just lost my best friend, I lost my child and now I fucking lost the woman I ever loved. What reason do I have to live, huh, Bretton? Do fucking tell me!" I threw my hands up.

"I'm sorry, mate." He shook his head. His eyes filled with shame, sadness, and anger. "I have no idea Arella was keeping something like this to our family. I bet grandma just died and didn't get a chance to know about this."

I blinked twice and breathed deeply to repress my pent-up emotions, but there was no much help. "I guess I just don't know anything about her after all. You should go up and take care of your sister. I just broke my promise. I'm so sorry, Brett. I have to go." I walked away, and I could sense he didn't follow me anymore.

Fuck this life!

* * *

THE TIRES screeched at Mum's driveway as I pulled over. I was glad I didn't get into a car accident. I rushed to the foyer and banged my fist on the door. "Mum!"

My body threatened to shatter with emotions— emotions that I never thought could crumble down a man. Before I could knock again, the door swung open, it was her caretaker telling me Mum was in her office.

I sprinted to where I expected Mum would be. Her face fell the moment she saw me. Without a word she stood up from the chair and walked in my direction that it felt like a century. She wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back for comfort whilst I shook to cry for my losses.

"Oh, honey, what happened?"

"How could she, Mum? How could she? S-she's not the woman that I thought I knew. I guess I know nothing about her. Those eyes never lied to me, but why did she do that?"

"Hush, honey, come here, and let's talk about it." Mum pulled away, held my hand to the couch.

I sat down, feeling the numbness in my body. I glanced at Mum closely. "It was my fault. I left her that night. I didn't look for her even though I knew where to find her. I hated myself for not thinking twice. Now I lost them." I looked down, feeling guilty when I realized I shouldn't be blaming Arella. She was still young. She was barely eighteen when she'd gotten pregnant by a stranger. She had a life ahead of her and pregnancy was the last thing for a teenager to wish for.

I was the one who was selfish. I could have been spending in jail but I chose to run away.

Mum pulled me into a hug again, then she let my head lie down on her lap. I closed my eyes, taking all the comfort from her hand as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"We're supposed to have a baby, Mum," I mumbled when my senses came back. My tears were just falling. The fuck I care!

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry." The concern in her voice wrapped around my skin like a soft blanket.

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"I know, and I said terrible things to her without thinking I had my own mistakes. I think I lost her for good. I don't think she can ever forgive me, can she?"

"You just have to do the right thing, Skipper. Follow your heart if she means a lot to you," Mum said, pointing her finger to my chest.

"Her ex-husband hurt her and broke her physically and emotionally. I thought I'm not capable of hurting her, but I did the worse. It just, I got carried away and accused her of a killer."

"It's not too late, Skipper. You still have time to make it right."

"I hope so, Mum. I hope you're right." My eyelids fell heavy. I closed my eyes, letting the darkness to take over.

THE ARENA went black. The crowd was dead silence. Then, the platform rose out of the stage, revealing the lead singer of the Fifth Death—Axson Scott Linton, my cousin. He had an electric guitar with a strap around his shoulder, the other members follow.

Then the light shone, they started with their billboard hit song, entitled, She only mattered to me—Axson sang his heart out. Veins protruded on his neck, sweat shone on his forehead, eyes slightly closed as he strummed his guitar, and the audience sang along.

"Sing with me, Ravenhill!" He raised his arm causing his shirt to lift up, giving a glimpse of his boxer and abs. The arena went crazy, especially the girls. His curly hair fell errantly around his forehead. He took the mic from the stand and walked to the left corner of the stage, giving the audience a full view of his arse. I rolled my eyes, don't get me wrong, I loved this bloke like a brother and his ego never soared high despite their popularity and girls' attention they received. I guessed what he was doing was a part of the props.

"I love you, Axson!" A slender blonde yelled at the top of her lungs that caught my attention. Her and Axson's gaze connected. He winked at her, and I could see her she was about to fake her collapse.

She yelled again, "I just died!"

I've been watching her screaming Axson's name with her friend for a couple of minutes now. Can't blame the girls though. Axson was living his life with his new found popularity. He loved music more than anything.

"Hey, a fan, huh?"

"Aren't we all are?" She yelled to my ear.

The stadium was full. The Fifth Death played their latest single and the crowd roared as they sang along. This was one of the best crowds so far. Axson was glad I came with them unbeknownst to my real reason—to meet my close friend in college, Bretton Rogue.

I shrugged. "I guess, we all are." Then she met my gaze. Her brown eyes sparkled. This place was dim-lit, but I could still see how gorgeous her innocent face was. Her mouth was forming an O shaped.

My cockiness kicked in, I smirked. "I'm Linton." I held my hand.

"Linton?" She barked into laughter, mocking me.

I inwardly felt annoyed because I and Axson never had any resemblance though our dads were brothers. He grew up in U.K all his life. That was why most of the American girls fell for him—for his thick Londoner accent and sometimes he could fool you with his cockney. I, on the other hand, was faking to be an American. And that was my mistake.

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"And shouldn't you be telling me what's yours?" I kept on smiling.

"It's Reighan, just call me Reigh." She shook my hand, and I grasped it, not letting it go. It was soft and warm.

"Wanna go out from here, Reigh? I know a place."

Her hesitation was all over her face, so I nodded slowly and let go of her hand, then she grasped it back.

"Sure." Her face lit up.

I brought her to the hotel room and I could feel her sudden uneasiness. I offered her a beer when she seemed to relax.

"I'm not sleeping with you Linton," she mumbled.

"Who said I'm sleeping with you, Reigh?" I told her truthfully. There was something in her that drew me in. And she wasn't a flirt nor a groupie.

"Oh?" Sounding surprise to her own word, she leaned on the dresser, sipping the beer.

"I just wanna go out from the crowd." I sauntered closer to her.

Her eyes widened. "Oh my, God! You're eyes! I thought it was just the effect of the lights from the stadium." She raised her hand to trace my cheek. "They're magical. I haven't seen like yours before."

Her touch sent zing right between my thighs. My lips dried instantly. I inwardly cursed.

"Most girls were scared when they saw my eyes, so I usually used contacts or glasses."

She cupped my face, making me stiffened. "You're gorgeous, Linton."

"You're beautiful, Reighan." I ran my thumb on her cheek. Her lips slightly parted. "I want to kiss you." My voice thickened.

"Kiss me."

She didn't have to say it twice. The moment she touched me, I already took back what I said earlier. I leaned down. I could smell the beer she drunk from soft and sweet breathing that caressed my face. Her eyes flutter closed and so as mine.


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