Chapter 1

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It has been 3 years since I reincarnated.

Within that time, I somehow understood what this world is and about my family.


First, my new name is「Shunsuke」.

I am the third son born between my father Tamosuke and my mother Shizue.

My two older brothers the eldest son Ryunosuke and second son Toranosuke is 11 and 10 respectively, and as you can see, their age is a bit far from mine.

The granny that slapped my butt when I was born was a midwife, and because I was born with difficulty being feet first, I was not breathing at first.

Because of that, I was turned upside down and got my butt slapped and regained my breath.


And about this world, the language being used, like the names of my family members is Japanese, so I thought that I reincarnated somewhere in Japan, but it looks like I actually reincarnated in a different world similar to Japan.

And the reason for that is, the clothes that my family members are wearing are clothes that could be seen in historical dramas that you could see in televisions and the clothes townspeople were wearing were kimonos. In addition to that, there is not a single electric device. However, when that was not enough to be sure that this is a different world, Mother said「Ignite」when she was putting fire on the charcoal in the fireplace, releasing small fire from her fingertip.

I thought what in the world is it at first, but seeing it many times, I understood that it was a kind of magic called Livelihood Magic.

I have experience reading mangas and light novels in my past life although I cannot say that I have read a lot, so leaving aside my physical body, my mental age is that of a middle-aged man in his the forties, I could not help but get excited.


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Thinking that I could also use it, I tried to copy her but a fire would not come out.

However, when I concentrated looking at Mother’s magic, I felt a steam-like thing in her fingertip when she released a fire.

I thought “maybe” and concentrated on my own fingertip, I felt a steam-like thing.

It looks like that steam seems to be magic powers.

Since then, I tested many things and as I have thought, I noticed magic powers flowing inside my body although it is feeble.

And as the result of practicing many times, I succeeded releasing the magic「Ignite」, but I got so excited and repeated it a second time, and in the third time, my vision got blurry then lost my consciousness.


“A, re? The date changed?”


The cause is the so-called exhaustion of magic power.

I did not think of the fact that there is no way that a body that only three years had passed since birth would have a whole lot of magic powers.

However when I woke up, I felt more magic powers up until now inside my body and concluded that it is like those light novels that the more one would use magic powers, the more their total amount of magic powers would increase.

From then on, I repeated using Livelihood Magic until I almost exhausted my magic powers every day.


My home is a farmer’s house so it does not seem to be wealthy, but because my parents and two big brothers are growing many kinds of vegetables and most of all, because I can eat rice, I do not feel any worries about food.


It looks like I am not hard to take care of so there are many times when my parents would leave me alone.

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I was able to use my time to control magic powers for a long time thanks to that but recently, I am not able to use all of my magic powers anymore.


“If this continues, it’s gonna be boring……”


There is no entertainment in this village, no, you could say that there is none.

Although it could be said that I have spent an ordinary life in my past life, having been able to live in a world where entertainment is everywhere, there is nothing else to do other than spending my time using my magic powers.




One girl ran to me while calling out my name.

This girl’s name is “Kyoko”, she is in the same age as me and is the granddaughter of this village’s village chief.


“Shun-chan let’s play!”


Is it because there is no one with the same age as her in this village? She frequently wants to go and play with me.


“Eeh〜! I don’t want to. All that we’re going to do is play house right?”

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The games played by girls in this village is only playing house and it is a considerable pain for a middle-aged man with forties in mental age to get along with that every time.

Also, I am very worried about my magic powers hitting a wall right now, so I want to be excused from playing something like playing house.


“Muu〜! Ah! I know. Then, I’ll read you the book in the house〜!”


“Eh!! There’s books?”


I got surprised to the sudden reading invitation.

It is not like I am a book worm but it is surprising that there is a book in this village.

It is because I did not think that there are books in this village where there is no school.

Of course, we do not have something like that in our house.

Come to think of it, I remembered that the village chief is trading with the peddling merchant from the neighboring town that comes about twice a month.

In this village, education like reading and writing is left to each of the houses, and in my house, the rule is education would start when I reach 7. Mother teaches how to read and write, and she teaches my big brothers during winter where there is no harvest.

It looks like the education of Kyoko, the granddaughter of the village chief starts early.


“Un! Let’s go!”

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Pulled by Kyoko to the village chief’s house, when I looked at the bookshelves there, I found a book that I wanted. It is a book where the magic in this world is written.


“In the country of fire……”


Kyoko is reading this country’s story that she had just learned to me.

However, because my attention was drawn towards the magic book, I took that book from the bookshelf and flipped its pages.


“Moo〜! Shun-chan listen〜! In the first place, can Shun-chan read?”


“n〜, I’m just looking〜.”


I memorized the contents of the book while replying half-heartedly and because the book does not have that many contents, I was able to remember it with just once.


『Yosh! With this, I can enjoy using magic for quite some time……』


While getting excited inside, I made Kyoko cheer up after that and let her read me the story once again.

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