Since I reincarnated….

Chapter Prologue


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「What an ordinary life it was…………」

Thinking back to myself up until now, I think those words.

Tanaka Ryousuke, 35-year-old salaryman, in the consecutive holidays where most of my friends have married and create families, spending their time bonding, it was when I was touring by myself riding a bike along the coast.
The truck running in the opposite lane came crashing towards me.


I turned the handle trying to avoid the truck.
However, unable to dodge completely, the back tire collided and I was blown away above the guardrail.
I didn’t feel pain with my body in the air so I thought 「Lucky〜!!」 for an instant but immediately when I thought of that, I noticed that I was outside the guardrail into the cliff.

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While falling down, the instant I saw the scenery, I thought 「I won’t survive in this height……」, and gave up.
I felt death looming very slowly and thought「This is what they call the revolving lantern of life huh……」, and the thing that I thought, looking past through my life was「What an ordinary life it was……」.






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『It hurts damnit〜!!』

I don’t know if I’m currently falling or it’s after I fell, I don’t know how long has passed since I lost consciousness, but I shouted that to the person who was slapping my but when I regained consciousness.
However, what actually came out was「OGYAA〜!!」different from my words.

「Ohh! He finally cried」

To me, confused with the words I let out myself, the person slapping my butt said that and carried me to an embrace.

『What’s with this granny?』

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I started to get dubious towards the granny who carried me to an embrace very easily in my blurry sight.
However, the words coming out of my mouth was「Aa〜」or「Uu〜」, those were all that would come out.

「Look! She’s your mother!」

Saying that, the granny passed me to a huge woman with an exhausted face.
I looked around and grasped the situation.

『These people, they’re not the ones who’s big……』

『I’m the one who’s small……』



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It looks like I reincarnated……







Which is better, using “this” or 「this」in conversations?

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