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Once the day ended, Zhen Pu Yang had to admit to himself that his heart was happy, not only did he eat something that was a rare sight in the palace, he also got a figurine that looked like his teacher.

He did feel that holding a figurine that resembled himself was too weird, if he wanted to look at himself, wasn't looking in the mirror sufficient? Might as well want his teacher instead.

Once he put the wooden figurine by his bedside, there were palace attendants who came to inform him that his Father Emperor called to meet him.

His heart was slightly unsettled, curious as to how his Father Emperor was. Suddenly asking after him, it couldn't be that their secret excursion out of the palace had been found out?

But fortunately, the Emperor's manner of speaking was as per normal, pulling Zhen Pu Yang to play a game of chess, even caringly asking after his recent happening and whether he had been studying well.

"Father Emperor, this Son has been studying."

Zhen Pu Yang gave an affirmation while putting down a chess piece. He admitted this proudly, his studies under the Imperial Tutor's daily strict watch let him believe that his standards were quite high.

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After listening to his answer, the Emperor bowed his head with satisfaction and touched his short beard, "I recently hear the palace attendants praising you, (Imperial) I was wondering when you became so sensible? (Imperial) I'm guessing it's due to the Imperial Tutor's credit. In your opinion, how is the Imperial Tutor's teaching?"

Although he asked like this, but he already knew the answer in his heart.

It seems that after the test, the precious horse that he had rewarded was given away to the Imperial Tutor by his ninth son after not even a day. Didn't this show something very clearly?

This kind of question was a common occurrence, Zhen Pu Yang responded with a casual sentence of "Still acceptable."

The Emperor was also had some awareness of Zhen Pu Yang's personality, since it was acceptable, it meant that it was very good.

He stroke his beard with admiration. "It seems like it's time to congratulate the Imperial Tutor, This little tiger of Mine has had his claws softened."

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The emperor smiled slightly, wrinkles deepening, his eyes had admiration and teasing.

Zhen Pu Yang was teased by his Father Emperor in this manner, in that moment that was a sense of wanting to escape. Scared that if he continued to speak he would be red in the face, he said quickly: "Why speak about him? Father Emperor, lets continuing playing chess."

The chess game continued on, but Zhen Pu Yang's heart's clear pond was as if it had been disturbed by small stones, making circles of ripples appear. There was a feeling that things were not that simple.

Unable to concentrate on the chess game, Zhen Pu Yu steadily lost ground and the game ultimately ended in his defeat.

He was slightly discouraged, and didn't linger for long. He just gave his goodbyes to his Father-Emperor and left.

Looking at his back-view, the over 50 Emperor turned around and muttered to his close servants: "It seems that the Imperial Tutor is skilled in teaching the Prince, this puts me at ease."

Fu Sheng (1) raised his head, looking at the Emperor, "Emperor, do You(2) really intend to let the Twelfth Prince follow the Imperial Tutor?"

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He always felt that the Ninth Prince would fly into a rage, but the Emperor wilfully thought otherwise.

No matter how outsiders reported, He(3) still thought that His ninth son's personality was pure and gentle, and would definitely get along harmoniously with his brothers.

The Emperor had known early on that the Imperial Tutor was well-read, but His unfilial son had always loved to make trouble, and he was scared that the single Imperial Tutor was unable to teach him, and therefore never wanted the Imperial Tutor to teach the other princes.

Nowadays, looking at the Imperial Tutor's breezy demeanour, He was also relieved.

Thinking of that rarely-seen son of His, He let out a sigh.

His memories were covered in a thick layer of dust, indistinctly reappearing. The emperor narrowed his murky and worn eyes, misty gaze emitting a sense of nostalgia.

That child's eyebrows were still so alike to that of the woman He had once loved, and was usually rather obedient, just spending the days in his own residence, not making any fuss.

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Although there was no observable talent, always quietly obscured, but it was enough. Thinking like this, the Emperor's complexion gentled greatly.

Maybe the closer it got to dusk, the more his heart differed from the coldness of his youth. Towards the gradually maturing children, especially those children and their mothers whom He ignored, at that moment, there was always a sense of wanting to make up for it.


(1) This is a servant I think...

(2) Respectful "you" so I capitalized it!+

(3) I'm gonna capitalize the pronouns for the emperor, except for when he's speaking about himself and it will be (Imperial) I/Mine etc. 

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