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Not long after, a new figure entered their world.

It was also on that day, Zhen Pu Yang found him in their regular study.

Teacher still hadn't arrived at that time, Pu Zhen Yang first went to prepare the study materials, but didn't expect the arrival of a baffling person, who was occupying his cushioned reading seat but completely lacking self-awareness.

He didn't really seem to enjoy speaking, upon seeing Pu Zhen Yang he merely stood up woodenly, not giving Pu Zhen Yang much attention from start to end.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Facing this man, Pu Zhen Yang's tone was not very pleasant, arrogantly looking him over, seriously posing his question.

This was where the Imperial Tutor gave his lessons, how could a random person just appear here? But...

Sizing him up and down, there was a flash of memory in Zhen Pu Yang's mind, and he suddenly had a realization.

It turned out that this was his Imperial Younger Brother, ranked 12th, a little younger than him. No wonder his body frame looked to be soft and immature.

However, his clothes were simply too plain, wearing simple un-patterned black clothes, and there were no decorative ornaments on his body.

In this palace, not just the Princes, even the common servants were also adorned in silks and satin, so he didn't think that that person was one of his brothers.

Indeed, his identity had been quickly verified, at his side followed a personal eunuch, who upon seeing Zhen Pu Yang immediately bent his waist and explained.

"This Servant pays respect to Ninth Royal Highness! Reporting to Your Highness, from today onwards the 12th Prince has been entrusted to the Imperial Tutor by the Emperor to teach him, especially coming to the study to report."

Pu Zhen Yang was originally quite calm, but hearing this sentence he immediately widened his eyes, his annoyance was exhibited in his speech, uncaring about whether the relevant party was still there or not, rejected this in a single breath.

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"Let him go to the Imperial Study Hall(1) to learn, why must he gather here and bother This Highness's teacher?" In a rush of anger, his tone of speaking was not too great.

Regular princes all collectively went to the Imperial Study Hall, where the teachers there taught them. His teacher was the Imperial Tutor, not teaching the Crown Prince nor other princes, he was the teacher that belonged solely to him.

What right did this person who suddenly appeared have to share his exclusive privilege?

The eunuch who was questioned in this manner was anxious till his head was full of sweat, unsure of how to answer: "This... because Scholar Li's has fallen ill, so..."

Presumably, this Scholar Li was the teacher who specifically tutored 12th Prince, Zhen Pu Ren.

But Zhen Pu Yang was still dissatisfied with this reason, and continued to ask: "Temporarily?" This meant that after Scholar Li's recovery he would no longer need to see Zhen Pu Ren (12th Prince).

The eunuch's sweat flowed like rain under Zhen Pu Yang's intense questioning gaze, deferentially shaking his head, "This... Servant does not know."

Zhen Pu Yang's complexion was a little dark.

Knowing that he was not welcomed by this Imperial Older Brother, Zhen Pu Ren was not upset – this was all within his expectations.

Flinging his sleeve expressionlessly, Zhen Pu Yang didn't think more, going directly to find his Father Emperor.


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Fortunately, the Emperor was off from official duties and was at leisure, very quickly found by the anxious Zhen Pu Yang.

Disregarding any etiquette, he opened the door and said: "Father Emperor, why do you want to entrust 12th Prince to this Son's teacher?"

The youth who was usually calm, because of this matter, ran up to him huffing and puffing, like an unruly young child.

The emperor was slightly dissatisfied with his discourteous behavior, but still gave him an answer.

"Your Imperial Younger Brother has a weak constitution, and is unable to study with everyone else, and his regular teacher has fallen ill, and the Imperial Tutor is so outstanding, and is at leisure now, he's the most suitable."

After speaking, the Emperor added a sweet-talking sentence: "Yang'er (2) is kind-hearted, (Imperial) I believe that you will empathise with your Imperial Younger Brother, right?"

The Emperor who had completely shed the veneer of a dignified Emperor, facing his own children, was extremely loving and warm, and patiently gave His son a full explanation.

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"Scholar Li is ill, then there is still Scholar Zhang, Scholar Chen, Scholar Lin, why must it be my teacher who teaches him?" Zhen Pu Yang didn't give up easily.

The more he spoke, the angrier he got. Not only did he bite his lower lip, his face turned dark. If he knew earlier on, he wouldn't have let other people know of this person's goodness.

The emperor looked at this look of his and had no desire to talk more.

Actually, this wasn't his intention from the start, but it was because a few days ago, Zhen Pu Ren who had always stayed away, had taken the initiative to make this request.

But He couldn't let the true reason be said out loud, or else judging from this child's temperament, He was scared that he would make trouble for Zhen Pu Ren.

He pretended that nothing happened, smiled lightly and said: "(Imperial) I have great hopes for the Imperial Tutor."

Zhen Pu Yang said expressionlessly: "Imperial Tutor He(3) is already very tired from teaching me, this Son doesn't want my own teacher to be overworked."

He was surprised that Zhen Pu Yang could be so considerate, but it was impossible to choose between His two children(4), and not to mention a gentleman could not take back the words he already said(5).

This was a decision that was already made, as the head of the country, it was difficult for him to revoke, and he also did not want to change what he promised his other son.

The Emperor patted Zhen Pu Yang's increasingly muscular shoulders and continued to reason warmly with his beloved son.

"Imperial Tutor He does not usually concern himself with state matters, and is already very free, moreover (Imperial) I believe in the Imperial Tutor's ability, not only a single Prince, even if there's two, he will be able to teach them well, isn't it, Yang'er? Hehe"

Hearing His words, Zhen Pu Yang couldn't help but widen his eyes round, it couldn't be that his Father Emperor wanted other princes to snatch his teacher? One Zhen Pu Ren was not enough?

He frowned, no matter what was said he was afraid that more annoying people would appear again.

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He understood propriety, also understood his Father Emperor's words, and knew how to observe His demeanor, and this was one reason why he was favored.

Father Emperor was stubborn(6), no matter how cute one acted, it seemed that he had hardened his heart. Zhen Pu Yang gritted his teeth and could only give up.

Anyway, looking at that idiot, there would also be no way for Zhen Pu Ren to put pressure on him. Zhen Pu Yang very quickly calmed himself after a moment of agitation.

Seeing that Zhen Pu Yang finally stopped arguing and was ready to give up, the Emperor revealed a benign smile and rose to lead him to the door. "The two of you are brothers, studying together as companions, isn't it great?"


Zhen Pu Yang nodded, remembering that the Imperial Tutor was supposed to arrive soon, sullenly asked to take his leave.

-- footnotes -- 

(1) Actually 资善堂 (Zi Shan Tang) which is where the princes in the Song Dynasty study... I think... Couldn't find an English explanation.

(2) Zhen Pu Yang's nick name – it's a diminutive when you add 'er' at the back for younger people.

(3) This refers to He Lang – Imperial Tutor (his position) + He (his surname)

(4) The phrase is 手心手背都是肉 which literally means both the front and back of the hand are fleshy – meaning that there are two options that are equally good.

(5) Literally words were like horses that had been released, difficult to catch.

(6) 油盐不进: literally not letting salt or oil enter; stubborn

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