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Once Zhen Pu Ren came, Zhen Pu Yang did not speak from start to end. Even when He Lang gave him a book to read, he was indifferent and refused to show interest.

This had obviously nothing to do with He Lang, but he didn't know why his heart was uncomfortable – like it had been scratched by a small rock, so he also treated He Lang coldly.

He Lang also didn't care about him and took back the book.

Since His Highness liked to throw a tantrum, then just let him. He would be tolerant, but this was not without limits.

He is a teacher, not a servant.

Turning around, he continued to put his focus on the new student. Patting Zhen Pu Ren's slim body, he brought him to the desk.

Spreading a piece of delicate rice paper on the table, He Lang asked him if he could write certain characters and simultaneously helped him to grind ink.

When he knew that Zhen Pu Ren could write these words, a sliver of joy appeared in his eyes, and he encouraged Zhen Pu Ren to write them for him to see.

Zhen Pu Ren had never displayed his words to outsiders, so he was a little shy and his movements stilted.

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He started studying late in life, and it was only in recent years that there were teachers to teach him how to write. Thinking of how his words could not be considered beautiful, he felt self-abased.

Even so, under He Lang's attention, he still mustered up the courage and used his slim hand to hold the brush, writing his name out carefully on the prepared paper.

Although it was written neatly, there was a childish spirit that was revealed, and his brushstrokes were slightly superficial.

Curiously stretching out his neck, maintaining his composure to glance at the written words, Zhen Pu Yang laughed sneeringly.

Oh, still wondered how powerful it could be, turns out that it couldn't be compared to half of him.

Being mocked by his own Imperial Brother, Zhen Pu Ren's face heated up slightly, and kept the paper in embarrassment, thinking dismally – this was originally a good opportunity to show his skills, but he had absolutely no ability to be compared with his Imperial Brother.

Originally thinking that Teacher would also reveal a contemptuous gaze and be disappointed in him, he (HL) unexpectedly continued with his usual expression, gently touching his (PZR) head, and glanced and his Imperial Brother, wanting him to withdraw his sword.

After that, Teacher grasped his hand that was holding the brush, his pure and gentle voice was distinct in his ear, and the soft breath was also just as gentle, wafting by his cheeks and itching at his heart.

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"Write like this... the words will become more defined."

He Lang stopped the brush, moved it down, and a beautiful word was written out.

Until he released his hand, letting Zhen Pu Ren try it himself, the enthusiasm on his face didn't waver but instead became stronger.

Pu Zhen Ren was full of confidence, lowering his head and not daring to look at He Lang, he held the brush tightly and remembering the feeling of the moment before, followed the example and wrote out the word accordingly.

Zhen Pu Yang was normally the liveliest, but at this time it was a rare sight that he did not say a word, and just sat at the side chair, quietly watching the pair's actions.

It seems that the atmosphere between their interactions was harmonious? Zhen Pu Yang saw He Lang's the kind small on He Lang's face, and gave a snort.

The one thing he detested the most about Teacher was that he smiled at everyone, such a sham.

But what he liked the most was how he smiled and his eyebrows curved. It couldn't be said to be dazzling, but it was just gentle enough to make people want to approach him.

Zhen Pu Yang thought, maybe he liked it when Teacher smiled only at him.

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The tea on the table was already cold, Zhen Pu Yang took a cup and downed it, using it to suppress the anger in his heart.

Since the two were studying, he would also not be left behind. It was just that when he raised the book in his hand, he was unable to read even a single word, and even wanted to tear up that damn book that was packed with words.

He Lang's task was to assist Zhen Pu Yang to ascend the throne, and he naturally would not pave the way for Zhen Pu Ren.

When choosing the book, he off-handedly picked a book teaching one to cultivate oneself.

It was not intentional, but teaching an unfamiliar prince, he would not be as attentive as when teaching Zhen Pu Yang .

Although Zhen Pu Ren didn't desire fame nor fortune, and did not seem to wish to sit on the throne, but his eyes held a sense of unwillingness, as if wanting to fight for something. The revealed inner state was not like as calm as what he outwardly portrayed.

Was he jealous of His Highness always held in imperial favor but he himself was unfavored?

He Lang regretfully shook his head, only hoping that he could become a real gentleman in the future, not being polluted by ugly and dirty desires.

But Zhen Pu Yang obviously couldn't understand He Lang's intention, and saw that Zhen Pu Ren only needed to read one book, only thought that his Teacher was biased towards this 12th Imperial Younger Brother, and was reluctant to let him overwork.

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At that moment, Zhen Pu Yang immediately raised the corners of his lips, words full of ridicule: "At the first meeting with Imperial Tutor, I was made to finish four books and five classics. Why is it that he only needs to read one book?"

He Lang froze slightly. Four books and five classics... was it what the original body requested? He couldn't remember wanting Zhen Pu Yang to read those books.

But at this time, all of this body's actions were fully accepted by him.

"Your Imperial Younger Brother's body is weak, it's suitable for him to read one book. Unlike you who needs moral books to nurture your character."

He Lang carried slight reproach, curled his fingers and knocked his head lightly, not understanding why Zhen Pu Yang's temper was so explosive today.

It was obvious that he was so pampered, yet still wanted to nitpick about fairness with a motherless child. When he heard about this child even he felt sorry, why was it that His Highness, as his Imperial Brother, did not even have a shred of sympathy.

Zhen Pu Yang was only knocked lightly by He Lang, but he felt a gust of grievance from the bottom of his heart. If it were the normal situation it wouldn't matter, but it was in front of his Imperial Younger Brother, and he felt all the more disgrace.+

Covering the top of his head, it was like Zhen Pu Yang had suffered unknowingly great abuse, and didn't say a single word, only staring straight at the two, as if wanting to stare a hole into them. 

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