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Zhen Pu Ren on one hand was grateful for He Lang's concern towards him, and on the other hand was troubled by his Imperial Brother's words.

Although he was often treated unfairly by his brother, but it wasn't as if he didn't have his own sense of dignity. Once he heard Zhen Pu Yang speaking like that, and was knocked on the head by Teacher, Zhen Pu Ren quickly replied.

"Thanking Teacher for his compassion, this student's qualifications are mediocre with dull brains, and not up to Ninth Imperial Brother's cleverness and wit, and therefore should study with greater effort."

He Lang retracted the hand that knocked Zhen Pu Yang, putting back in his sleeves. Worrying, did he really hurt Zhen Pu Yang? There was something wrong with his expression.

Resisting the impulse to help him massage it, He Lang nodded at Zhen Pu Ren, "This Minister is gratified by the 12th Prince."

Zhen Pu Ren quickly shook his head, "Imperial Tutor He has no need to refer to this student so respectfully, Imperial Tutor is now this student's tutor, just call me directly by my name."

Remembering that Zhen Pu Yang had only been willing to admit him as his teacher after being taught a lesson (1), in comparison, Pu Zhen Ren was much better behaved.

He Lang curled his lips, using a gentle form of address, calling him "Ren'er" (2).1


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This form of address was heard by Pu Zhen Yang, who only laughed lightly, but secretly thought, how long as it been, already calling him Ren'er.

Teacher called his Imperial Younger Brother so intimately, and yet he is still being called Your Highness up till now. This disparity in affection was really obvious.

The root of Zhen Pu Yang's teeth itched, and intentionally prevented the two from getting along, continuously calling for the maidservants to bring forth teatime snacks, and then loudly proclaiming that he was hungry and that it was time for lunch.

Naturally, nobody dared to disobey his orders, so the maidservants followed his request, entering in a single file – the room was no longer quiet for a long time.

He Lang had a headache from the noise, Zhen Pu Ren also pinched the book pages and said nothing.

He knew that he had garnered his Imperial Brother's loathing, and accepted it, first taking his leave. Of course, he would still return the next day.

Seeing that that eye-sore of a child had left, Pu Zhen Yang's whole body was put at ease, but he still had the same woeful complexion towards He Lang, who asked Teacher to give him the cold shoulder just now.

He Lang turned a blind eye to his expression, it happened that he was hungry, and calmly instructed the maidservants to bring the food.

"..." Zhen Pu Yang forcefully sat down, suspiciously evaluating He Lang's expression, Teacher really didn't notice that he was angry? Why was his demeanor unchanging!

Well, He Lang helped him grab the food that he liked, which let him simmer down, awkwardly eating, eyes shining non-stop, curiously asking.

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"Teacher – you, have you previously had other students before? Other than that brat just now."

He Lang blinked, lowered his gaze and fell into memories. Rabbit (3) awoke and made use of his moment of inattention to burry into his arms.

If it was students, then there weren't any. But his current interactions and relationship with Zhen Pu Yang reminded him of He Zheng's (4) childhood.

When He Zheng was young, he was also this kind of radical and mischievous, he too always used this kind of tone, lightly teaching moral principles, and how to be a good person.

Only, He Zheng didn't seem to internalize it.

After he grew older, his increasingly ambitious ideals gradually swallowed his childhood innocence, purity and the happiness of their youth.

As such... In the end, they ended up with this kind of ending. He Lang's eyes flashed with billowing emotions.

Although his emotions (5) had been taken, he should no longer care about He Zheng. But there were too many overwhelming memories that emerged, too many complicated emotions attached, which still made him unable to truly remain calm.

Feeling the host's emotional fluctuations, Rabbit opened its wide and lively eyes sharply, and reached out one little paw onto He Lang's heart, immediately letting He Lang recover his state of calmness.

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The Host was indeed unable to control his feelings well in this first world, Rabbit's energy was spend, and he curled into a ball.

However, it believed that in latter worlds, the Host would accumulate more practice, truly letting go of his heart's desires, unwavering in advancing towards his goals.

Zhen Pu Yang waited for He Lang's answer till he was anxious, unhappily pulling at his sleeve.

Teacher's gaze was so far, so tranquil, but under this pretense of calmness, a sense of deep yearning could be felt, especially the last glance at him, who was he thinking of?

Who was teacher remembering through him?

This question rang in his brain, occupying it, letting irritation emerge in his heart, his calm heart was also thrown into disorder in all directions.

He didn't know why he quietly developed a desire to destroy, letting him realize his ugliness.

He wanted to punish this person, using any means to make him cry, letting this person's gaze only clearly looking at him, and his mouth could only speak his name, everything in his mind and heart would all be on his own person.

But, all these ideas could only be forcefully suppressed, what right did this person have to make his emotions disorderly, inflicting torture, while he (HL) was still so aloof and unmoved.

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(1) In the sense of having a talking to rather than an actual study lesson.


(2) Diminutive of Zhen Pu Ren's name, affectionate.


(3) This is the system... I forgot about him HAHA


(4) Remember He Zheng is his real brother who he loved and killed himself for 


(5) Not all emotions but it's a kind of Taoist concept I think... like worldly emotions? So imagine one of those immortal fairies who can laugh etc. but don't feel lust/romantic love... 

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