He has promise of staying by his side. Zhen Pu Yang felt that before he could just be invincible, fearless, and be a recipient. 

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Be the beloved good king, that all the possibilities of it never thought of when he was a child, and the future that he dare not touch because of his unruly nature, are all realized at this moment.


He regained his temper, and then proudly made a gesture on the top of the two of them, and said: "Teacher, I was born taller than you."


Many years ago, Zhen Pu Yang was still a half-year-old boy, his wish that's it to be only if he is taller and stronger than the teacher, he can held him tightly in his hands.


He Lang smiled and pulled his robe. The bright yellow robe made him (ZPY) especially stable today. His complexion was like jade. He was indeed an adult man whom many women admired. For a while, he was moved. Then he patted his shoulder lightly, "Go, don't make the civil and military officials waiting."


Then, Zhen Puyang turned and left, and his figure became smaller and smaller on the glorious road. Under the waiting of thousands of people, he met his gaze, strutting with high spirits, and he was overwhelmed by the officials, which was so beautiful. On a high platform surrounded by officials, which seemed to be thousands of miles away, He Lang couldn't help but think of another person---He Zheng from his uninhibited, confident, and inevitable expression of the world. After he killed all his brothers, including him, the yellow robe was added to the throne, full of awe.


Was it the same, vigorous and ambitious? After the enthronement ceremony, the court situation began a major reshuffle, and the palace was also busy, tidying up the house, and re-moving the things in the palace. In this raging scene, He Lang did a good job. And he ready to leave. He held the melon rabbit, opened the manual, and read the words of power in the world again, wondering, he had already let Zhen Pu Yang ascend to the throne, wouldn't it be considered power in the world? Why didn't this pamphlet give him the slightest hint, and the news that he was resurrected back to the original world? Guatu kindly helped him look through it, and finally found out the reason.



It turned out that Zhen Pu Yang first ascended to the throne, the foundation is still unstable, and the way to win the throne is somewhat invincible, unable to convince the public, especially the stubborn and arrogant old ministers of the two dynasties, they is the biggest obstacle.


Relying on their age and years of experience as officials, they think that Zhen Pu Yang is just a kidd, and not to be afraid. They think that he lacks long-term emperor education and cannot manage the government, and even tried to restrict his actions to achieve their control of the government. 


Final goal. If this is considered an internal worry, He Lang thinks it is not difficult, but after Zhen Pu Yang became the emperor, troubles arose one after another. Call it a foreign attack. Many problems divide the power in Zhen Pu Yang's hands, making him only be a naive emperor, rather than ruling the world. 


At this time, it was heard that the neighboring countries had changed their dynasties, and the ambitions of the Kernu herders, who had always been not meek, were immediately hooked up. Although they were brave and good at fighting, their numbers were scarcel and resources were also scarce, and they were not enough to support the huge consumption of war. Therefore, their attitude has always been ambiguous. So they have frequently sent envoys recently, and he doesn't know if there are any spies among them. The Emperor Xian of Kernu has always been benevolent and friendly, so he has not turned them away. At present, the two countries still maintain friendship on the bright side. This stalemate situation does not know when it will break, so He Lang can't leave so quickly after all. 

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"I have to stay." Helang lowered his head and touched the rabbit. Melon Rabbit moved his paws, put his paw on his (HL) shoulders, and asked him, "Are you happy?" In the past few years in this world, he has spent many years in this world. 


The memories with Zhen Puyang, wouldn't it be recalled? Then he was in nostalgia and can't bear to leave? If that's the case, how will their future tasks be accomplished? Guatu pouted its three-lobed mouth. He Lang thought for a while, and finally replied warmly to it: "There is no sorrow nor joy."



Guatu contentedly continued to eat the various fruits and melons presented by the maid. Sure enough, the manual selection is still very accurate. Knowing that he has no emotions, he can no longer throbbing with anyone, and naturally will not give birth to any emotion. 


But nostalgia, such a person is the most suitable to help them finish a task.


Once Zhen Pu Yang came to the throne, it was quite like the three fires of new officials, especially after listening to Helang's advice to guard against the veterans, the methods were even harsher.


From the very beginning, he thoroughly investigated the major crimes of corruption and the grievances of various localities. Anyone who was convicted of unfairness or favoritism would be removed from official positions without showing any sympathy.


Even if several officials reported that this was useless and would consume a lot of human and financial resources, he still didn't care about it. After checking it down, one can imagine how many people were found.


Immediately afterwards, he (ZPY) frequently held the palace exams in various senses and selected a batch of promising seedlings.


This series of actions clearly made the idea of ​​changing the blood of the entire imperial court, but among them, Jiang QiuBai was so unfortunate.


He was demoted to a broad sense that could be called a remote place, and was also accused of vain.

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Before leaving, Jiang Qiu Bai deliberately brought two pots of wine to say goodbye to He Lang. It was also at this time that He Lang knew the existence of this matter through the mouth of his own friends, and was surprised.


Since Zhen Pu Yang came to the throne, he has also reduced the number of times he went to court because of his entanglement and his own relaxation. He did not expect to be kept in the dark by such events. Jiang Qiu bai's personality is very clear. He is not a tacky person who is greedy for wine and property, and he is usually safe. 


How can he be as embarrassed as he was accused of security? Zhen Pu Yang also knew that their friendship was not shallow, and he should have the right to know. Why did Zhen Pu Yang never mention this matter? Seeing his friend being kept in the dark, Jiang Qiu Bai's eyes were complicated. He knew that his Brother He must have been ignorant, but the emperor, the former 9th princes, had long criticized him, and this time he was in power. He would make this move as he expected, and he was powerless.




Not only he was involved, but also Fu Shang Shu, who was working with him, was downgraded to one level. He heard that some time ago he complacently said to his colleagues that he had gone to the Imperial tutor's house to "propose a marriage", but he did not expect to get into trouble so soon. 


Investigating the cause, he (JQB) also thought about it for a long time. The new emperor's unusual thoughts about his best friend could not be felt even if he didn't believe in Brother He.


But how could he manage the affairs between them?


Jiang Qiu Bai shook his head. The wine glass in his hand suddenly became so heavy. He raised his head and drank it. The spicy taste stimulated his brain.


He swept away his gloomy emotions of being relegated, and took out a herbal illustration book from his arms.


"It's been a long time, but I am finally tired of it. I am now interested in medical skills. I visited a lot of famous doctors a few days ago and asked for advice. They all praised my talent for studying medicine."


Helang nodded slightly. 

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Yes, Jiang Qiubai's mother has been seriously ill in bed. For this reason, he searched for famous doctors and came into contact with a lot of pharmacology himself. Under the influence of doctors who often come to the house, he has always been interested in medical skills.


Jiang Qiu Bai smiled, "It seems that your brother can consider resigning and concentrate on medical skills."


Fortunately, his (HL) friend was not angry about the matter, but accepted it with optimism, and was so optimistic to find another way out.


But even so, He Lang was still upset for his friends.


He didn't understand how Zhen Pu Yang could be so unwise at this juncture. Jiang Qiu Bai was also a capable man, so it was a loss for the court to exclude him.


Zhen Pu Yang also appeared silent when facing his questioning, but still actively listened to his teachings and did not repent.


"The Emperor, why are you doing this?" He Lang sighed in distress.


"I just hate him." Zhen Pu Yang said bluntly, whoever he hates, he will certainly not wrong himself, even if this is the irrationality and naivety that teacher had said.




"..." Zhen Pu Yang stopped speaking, looking at him groaningly, as if all the fault was on him (HL).


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He Lang gritted his teeth, hated iron and steel on his forehead. It seems that even if he becomes the emperor, Zhen Pu Yang still does not change this small-minded problem. He dislikes a person casually, and punishes them at will based on his likes and dislikes. Relegation, not to mention that this is a minister who works for himself, he must explain it to his best friend.


"Brother Qiu Bai is conscientious. He is both literary and courageous. He is fair and unselfish. It is true—"


"Just say one more thing, and I will send him to the wild." Zhen Pu Yang's complexion seemed so gloomy, it seemed that he had heard enough of the pair of those words. Then spit out other people's names and compliments from his (HL) beautiful lips.


He Lang stared slightly, thinking that this person became more and more unreasonable.





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My brain and writing style are not good, I just want to write some cute texts for myself and everyone. Thank you for the babies who have followed the text up to now. In order to make you motivated, please buy the genuine ones in the future. You are true love, okay? .


    Into v sprinkle flowers! ! I will try my best to code...really, really, really!



Translator have something to say, Tomorrow would be the last journey of He Lang in the first world!!!

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