Zhen Pu Yang took a seat on the chair, held his (HL) hand in dissatisfaction, gave him a deterrent look, his tone was weird, "Who allowed you to call him Qiu Bai."

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He lang didn't want to answer his naive questions. Could it be that a best friends still have to be named by their full name?


Zhen Pu Yang rolled his eyes unconvincingly, turned his head blankly, and called him stiffly, "It's better to listen you say Yang'er."


"Oh, Yang'er." He Lang fulfilled his wish.




Is this what a majestic Emperor should look like? He Lang shook his head repeatedly.


Thinking that after taking the heavy responsibility of the Emperor, Zhen Pu Yang will settle down and focus on national affairs, and actually he did have such a signs some time ago, big and small movements he do it continuously.


But before He Lang had time to be relieved, he realized that he (ZPY) was idle again...?


"Your majesty, are you not busy? What do you do when you just go to the Imperial teacher's mansion all day long." He Lang frowned, looking at the helpless servant and Zhen Pu Yang who was so enthusiastic.


Zhen Pu Yang ignored his expression, pushed away the servant who wanted to reach out to stop him and its just only a few servant and all easily failed, Zhen Pu Yang then walked straight over and rubbed He Lang's shoulders, "It's not busy. Otherwise, what's the use of the other minister?"


He Lang can see the lack of words. Some time ago, he had served so many officials to help him deal with state affairs.


Thinking of his temporarily idle, He Lang reminded him to deal with it as soon as possible, and said jokingly: "The palace for his Majesty is still new, and now you are living in that palace." 


Zhen Pu Yang didn't want to replied, in fact, he didn't want to be annoyed because of that. 


Then he (ZPY) curled his lips and pressed He Lang on the chair, "Teacher is not there, I can’t sleep well, you have to move into my palace for the sake of the country." 


He thought he would have to negotiate first with He Lang. But he did not expect that he agreed very quickly.


Zhen Pu Yang looked at him in surprise and joy, the thoughts in his heart were messy, without losing a sense of tension.


Not only did his sweetheart not scolding him because of his etiquette, but he also agreed very naturally, and it was impossible for him not to enter the palace, no matter what, he would definitely make him (HL) rest on the same bed with himself in the end.


However, He Lang did not refuse. This also proves that his sweetheart does not hate being close to himself, nor does he hate the intimacy between them right?


Although it's just merely a little thing, Zhen Pu Yang's mind is like a spinning silkworm, fine and dense, weaving into a beautiful luxury.


The sentiment in his heart came out like the momentum of breaking a bamboo. The simple non-rejection and no retreat gave Zhen Pu Yang great expectations, allowing him to ferment into a sweet fantasy in his heart.


Although he deliberately appears to be so naughty, just like a teenager, how can he really relax in this kind of situation. 





On the most tiring night of the day, it is so pleasing to be able to stare at the face of his sweetheart, Zhen Pu Yang no longer dissatisfied with this. His desire is like throwing into the raging fire of dry wood, which burns more and more, and the flames rising up high will swallow his whole person, but he does not know how to relieve it. 



When the night was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers, and the people beside him were sleeping soundly, he seemed to have practiced thousands of times, and he take He Lang's lips accurately. It was just a simple action, but his heart was beating wildly, especially at this moment of silence, his violent heartbeat was clearly audible, and if its continued, he was afraid that his own hearts would jump out of his throat. 


But after all, he was reluctant to let go. Instead of petting go, he went even further and squeezed his (HL) lips who's as soft as he imagined. He don’t know how long it took before he dared to slightly open that lips and trace the beautiful lips with the tip of his tongue like a temptation. And then push deeply, till it held the touch of warmth. When the two temperatures met, Zhen Pu Yang felt that his mind seemed to be rumbling, and then he went out of control, holding that chin and kissing until the saliva flowed from the place where the two met, and the kiss became deeper. 


He is forcing himself to stop, just finally taste it.






With his heart still beating, Zhen Pu Yang turned around carefully and took a deep breath. It seemed that the smell between his mouth still made him nostalgic, he bent his lip up and fell asleep with this secret tenderness.




Therefore, he did not hear the unspeakable sigh from who knows who is it.


The next day, Zhen Pu Yang's dream was interrupted very early, because the envoy of Kernu entered the court and waited to see him, so he had to get up early to prepare.


He is so unwilling to go, so the action is also very procrastinated, He Lang can't stand it, and urges him again and again.


"But I'm still sleepy, I don't want to see those barbarians." Zhen Pu Yang said, consciously putting his chin on his (HL) shoulders, wrapping his hands around his (HL) waist, and pinching him in his arms. It was an extremely intimate posture, but he did it without any embarassment.


Perhaps the kiss last night gave him more courage, and then he tried to go further.


He Lang stiffened for a moment, frowning and keeping his distance, he couldn't accept it anyway.


But Zhen Pu Yang has always been the best at shamelessness, feeling the rejection, he was slightly lost, but didn't want to let go.


This time, the person guarding the door became more anxious, and had no choice but to urge them boldly, reminding that the princess of Kernu was also with them this time.


"Hurry up, go, after come back i give you a hug. The princess is a noble and you can't neglect it." He Lang could only come up with this.


Zhen Pu Yang's eyes lit up, and he felt that the most recent teacher was sensible to the extreme, and he (ZPY) would obeyed him without a words, all of a sudden, he was filled with hope, and his grievances were swept away.


But thinking that the teacher was also a high-ranking minister in the court, he spoke again.


"But, teacher will accompany me to meet the barbarians."


"The emperor must remember not to call the distinguished guests a barbarian--"


So the two went to meet guests together, although it was not ceremonial, strangengly no one has any objections.

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The Kernu officer is slightly sturdy, with a deep face, and looks rugged, but he can be considered polite when he arrives in their place, but He Lang is focused on the purple-clothed women in a group of envoys.


It’s not hard to guess that she is the most noble princess of Kernu. It is said that she is the tallest and most favored among the princesses. The herders of Kernu can also be called a feminist country. At that time, she was alone in charge, with the female body she charge of the country's power.


He Lang had thoughts and proposed to Zhen Pu Yang that the princess should be set up a table beside the dragon chair to show respect, and Zhen Pu Yang also obeyed him.


Although she is a princess, Kernu is naturally unrestrained and does not speak too much. This time they came here to have fun. Zhen Pu Yang ignored her, and He Lang temporarily greeted the princess for him. 


Speaking of Zhen Pu Yang's childishness and funny stories when he was a teenager, the princess was really interested, and praised Zhen Pu Yang as a person of true temperament, in harmony with her character.


Zhen Pu Yang laughed mockingly, but the princess didn't mind, she laughed again and again,"Look, the princess said that you have a true temperament."



Finally at the dinner, He Lang also found that Princess Zi Su's eyes became interested and frequently gaze at Zhen Pu Yang, he also knew in his heart.


Not to mention that before leaving, the princess left a sentence saying that if the two countries get closer, they will be willing to have a sincere friendship.


In this way, their diplomacy at this time is nothing more than falsehood and arrogance, testing each other, no wonder the cooperation just discussed is not practical.


The sincere friendship in their mouths is to let go of prejudice and their respective ambitions, and this further friendship as a condition is nothing more than marriage. Zhen Pu Yang didn't want to think about it, but it doesn't mean that He Lang would not think about it.


Although he does not want Zhen Pu Yang to betray the marriage time and time again, it is undeniable that this is a simple and powerful shortcut. 


Since there is a shortcut, why take the risk to find another way? 


Before the princess and her group had left, He Lang called the maidservant who was standing beside Zhen Pu Yang, and instructed her to bring the princess back into the palace, and let the emperor and the princess have a chance to encounter...


Finally, He add a sentence , "As long as the emperor marry Princess Zi Su, the two countries will be stabilized, and the Kernu's troubles will be solved."




When the maid nodded, she never thought that this sentence would be received word by word by Zhen Pu Yang.



He (ZPY) thought He Lang would go back to the house to get something, but suddenly thought of reminding him that he would go back to the palace tonight, so he followed him personally, but he didn't expect to discover such a conspiracy.


Zhen Pu Yang was immediately furious, and overturned all the things with his hand, "Do I need to marry just to keep the two countries?!" 


The maid just took the order, how can she think of such an incident, even if she isn't calm person she would already shake all over with fright.


Fearing that Zhen Pu Yang's anger would spread to her, He Lang told her to retreat quickly, but the two of them were relatively speechless.


Zhen Pu Yang looked fierce and seemed to want to swallow him alive. He Lang lowered his eyes and was unwilling to look directly at him. He close his eyes hardly and could feel that he (ZPY) was holding back his anger.


"Do you know my thoughts or do you pretend to be deaf and dumb? Why do you always give me to others? I have grown up and I don't want to be at your mercy anymore!"


He Lang did not expect he would speak so bluntly, his eyes opened slightly, and he remained silent for a while.


His silence made the air more stagnant, and Zhen Pu Yang's heart gradually sank, it seemed that the root of his tongue was full of bitterness.


He sneered. His intimacy and affection became more and more obvious. But he didn't believe that this person couldn't see clearly at all. It turned out to be deliberately turning a blind eye.


Unable to resist his questioning gaze, He Lang calm in right face arguing with reason, "Your Majesty, you know that this is not the right way, but it is a stumbling block on your majesty's road. Looking back now, both you and me are only beneficial and harmless."


"But i am willing." Zhen Pu Yang retorted blankly. He was willing to want this harm and give up the benefit, even if this is how outrageous in the eyes of the world, he still prefers to persevere.


"His Majesty, this minister doing this is for your own good." Seeing that he was stubborn, He Lang also get a headache. He had known this for a long time, so he had not explicitly refused, because he was afraid that he (ZPY) would lose control of his emotions and cause chaos in the government and politics. What an irreparable fault.


But now, with such a coincidence, he still has to find out everything after all. He Lang said that, he was at loss, and his mind became a mess.


This sentence is not painful but itchy, as if putting himself outside, makes Zhen Pu Yang resentful. Now, he still wants to hang up like this, still so high that he refuses to stain him with a trace of red dust.


"I don't want your favor! I want you!" he was almost heartbreaking.


In the end, He Lang chose to escape and left his gaze, not wanting to spend more time to talking.


He (HL) knew his selfishness, but didn't want to admit it, so he had to use his original intention to cover up his fault.


He is doing well for Zhen Pu Yang. He is right to do so. He has a clear conscience for himself, because he came to this world to help him reach the top. This insistence has also been strengthened by the manual's compulsion and cannot be changed by him.


In the next few days, He Lang was afraid that the previous things would make him unstoppable again, so he went back to his mansion in a daze. 


Later, Fusheng, the old eunuch who served on the two pilgrimages, sneaked out of the palace and anxiously persuaded him to return to the palace soon. 


Obviously, he knew the relationship between Zhen Pu Yang and him. Only then did He Lang know that the early dynasties were all over the past few days, and a large pile of memorials and official documents were piled up, and no one was in charge. 


And Zhen Pu Yang just drink alone under the moon every night, drunk until dawn, and the things in the half of the new hall were smashed all over. 


The cleaned up slaves and maidservants went in and out, and his anger would spread to the servants. There are already a few, like ten people were executed for this, and the courtiers and palace servant were panicked. 


He Lang also panicked, the planned things deviated from the direction of development. For the first time in this world, he felt so involuntary.


When the others left, he touched the soft fur of the rabbit and asked him melancholy, "You say, what to do?" Guatu rubbed him, "The host should first appease the subject, and the state affairs should be considered for the long term." He Lang thoughtfully.



Seeing Zhen Pu Yang again, the demeanor on the day of ascending the throne was completely lost. Before, he was obviously the most energetic person, but at this time he looked a little downhearted.


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Next to him was a fallen wine jar. There were many broken porcelain pieces on the ground. He (ZPY) was unconscious, and his hands were pierced with the porcelain fragments.


"Your majesty, don't drink anymore." He Lang grabbed the wine jar in his hand and set it back, frowning and looking at the mess beside him, wondering whether it was the strong alcohol that made his mind swell, or the messy scene in front of him.


Zhen Pu Yang heard his voice, stiffened for a moment, but immediately threw his hand away (Tn like shooing), ignoring for half a minute.


He Lang held his (ZPY) scarred hand, "This minister will bandage you."


Zhen Pu Yang raised his eyes bitterly and gave him a grimace, but it was full of entanglements and irresistible love...


Even if he hates his ruthlessness and ignorance, he still wants to get drunk for him, even looking forward to his arrival, wondering whether he will feel sorry for himself.


He wanted to pretend to be hateful and let go, but only when he (HL) really came, he was full of grievances like a child, and wanted him to give more of his love and tenderness. Just for this, he was tortured.


He Lang stared at Zhen Pu Yang, who seemed to have lost his ambition, and thought slightly sadly, because love is pain.


Even so, they are already unable to retreat, he can only choose to compromise, "What exactly does his Majesty want? This ministers will followed you."


Zhen Pu Yang glanced at him in surprise, he said arrogantly, "Unless you are willing to close with me. Otherwise you just kill me, and don’t have to intervene in my affairs in this lifetime!"


His words were outrageous, but he didn’t expect He Lang to be refreshed and immediately showed a compliant posture to Zhen Pu Yang. He even apologized to him, "This minister understand."


This promise of He Lang pulled Zhen Pu Yang out of the madness for a few days, just like a rescue of a hopeless person who has been trapped in a swamp.


Zhen Pu Yang burst into tears of joy, ignoring the blood and liquor on his body, and plunged into his (HL) arms.


He Lang stroked his long hair, tightened the heat in his arms, his eyes were calm, and there was a secret behind.


However, Zhen Pu Yang who's already satisfied, took his (HL) hand and rubbed it again, He dropped a delicate kiss on the back of his (HL) delicate hand, like a treasure.


He Lang was in a complicated mood, so he only helped him up, and ordered the maidservants to prepare food, clean up the hall, and prepare to take a shower.


Because Zhen Pu Yang had an injury on his hand, he used this as an excuse for the next few days.


He Lang wrapped him up indifferently, picked up the memorial next to him, and handed it to him. Zhen Pu Yang threw it away, put his hand on his lips, tilted his head and said, "I feel so painful, teacher kiss me."


He Lang paused for a moment, and held up his (ZPY) hand cherishedly, touched it with his lips lightly, and asked him if he was better.


Zhen Pu Yang smiled with satisfaction, his heart thumped wildly, and he was very excited. "I have healed!" Not only the hands, but also the heavy wounds on the heart, the opened flesh, all healed a little bit,


But it just a light kiss, and was not enough to fill his gluttonous appetite, and it was more like a deliberate seduce, which shook his heartstrings.


Zhen Pu Yang held his hand instead, leaned in front of him, squeezed his jaw and kissed hard forcefully, a little uneasy but was strong. 


He don’t know when there will be more chances for him to be upright, so it is even more looting to make him unbearable, losing streak and retreating.


He Lang pushed him away in time, frowning and panting, "You don't restrain yourself, how should people look at you?" If there is a habit of breaking sleeves in this articulated eye, and the subject is still facing the center. 


The Emperor with a minister... that consequences would be disastrous.


Who knows that Zhen Pu Yang didn't take this matter to heart, and said lightly, "They wish you to stay with me more."


Since the last incident, the people below are afraid of any quarrel and collision between the two. Make him killed the people below.


After the relationship between the two was reconciled, they looked happy every day, and even if they made a mistake, they did not need to receive punishment. 


The palace people who realized this were very conscious and did not guard the emperor’s rest room for the two of them, and there were many reasons for him returning to the palace. He was unwilling to let the teacher leave the palace for half a step.



But the ones who should come are still coming in the end. Princess Zi Su and her party have not left yet, just to wait for their reply, but Zhen Pu Yang only cares about the wind, the snow and the moon with He Lang every day, and there is no time to ponder this.


The non-committal behavior made the princess, who has always been arrogant and violent, slightly impatient, sent a few special letters to the court, and said without disguise that if the two countries did not marry, then she would have no affection for this country, so she would not need to consider, directly rely on their own strength. 


Zi Su does have some thoughts about Zhen Pu Yang, and more she also wants to win more benefits for her country with unlimited resources. The two countries will help each other, so she made this request. 


If they don’t want to, she only can starting hard. Zhen Pu Yang didn't know, because he didn't go to the court, but the veteran ministers who followed the dynamics of the court had long been panicked.


Before the war of the country, they had to express their views to Zhen Pu Yang, if the emperor could settle the Kernu herders, they can proclaim the emperor. 


As a result, the current situation has come. If Zhen Pu Yang is willing to treat Princess Zi Su well, and there is married, so that the two countries can exchange their needs smoothly, they can solve the internal and external troubles together. 


But He Lang knew that even before the event, Zhen Pu Yang's persistence in his heart would never be obliterated, so he had to consider the words, not dare to say let him marry Zi Su, let's just pretending to be difficult, let Zhen Pu Yang accompanies the princess for a meal, and takes her to visit the palace. Seeing that Zhen Pu Yang's bright complexion immediately sinks, He Lang said quickly, "For peace between the two countries, this is what you, as a monarch, should do." 


"Don't you care about me?" Zhen Pu Yang lowered his eyes and turned away. Looking at him, his heart is already extremely disappointed.



If this is the case, he (HL) still pushes himself to others? He knows that he cant be a good a ruler, He is selfish, and has no responsibility.. but he is not willing to sacrifice his love again and again for the throne and for the country.


Although the royal education said that the Emperor had three thousand beauties, but he felt that he only wanted to take a scoop of three thousand running water. Why does this person always do not understand, and always put everything before him?


Was his promise that day just such a request for perfection?




He Lang felt the faintly fluctuating anger, and of course he was startled. He immediately hugged him who was taller than himself, lowered his eyes slightly, kissed his cheek, and said softly:


"How chen could not care? only this minister to worry too much there is the deterioration of relations between the two countries, had to compromise you. This minister believed that the Emperor, even if accompanied by other women, your majesty's have naturally worried about this minister, is not? "


Hear He Lang said so, Zhen Pu Yang was not angry, but the phrase "yes" could not be said. He knew that this was deliberately done by He Lang. As long as he answered yes, he promised to accompany the barbarian princess.

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He was reluctant in his heart, and finally his attitude was vague, and he took He Lang's body disapprovingly.


"My love, don't say anything, go to dinner with me. I instructed the imperial dining room to prepare your favorite meals."


But the reality is not what he thinks, he can let him do whatever he wants, Kernu country is brave and good at fighting. Seeing that they are getting less and less cooperative, the princess has the power of life and death, and directly began to raise military posture and train the army, trying to flatten their town from the border.


When he got the news, He Lang was shocked by the rapid development of the matter.


Seeing that the host is anxious, Guatu finally remembers to play his role, reminding him that the manual can provide some special help in order to make the host better.


He Lang was upset and pondered for a long time, and asked Guatu to prepare somekind of pill for him.




That night, there was a major event in the palace, saying that the Emperor had lost his memory. The Empress dowager came to visit with impatience, but was pleasantly surprised to find that he still remembered his biological mother. The only one who he had forgotten was Imperial tutor He, who had assisted the emperor for many years..


This matter was too strange, but it was a good thing for them and for the country, so the Empress Dowager immediately ordered that the royal palace would have never mention that imperial tutor again, lest the emperor might recall him.


In addition, she also sent many people to station at the imperial tutor mansion to prevent him from appearing in front of Zhen Pu Yang.


Zhen Pu Yang knows nothing about all of this. Since waking up, he feels like he has been sick, but he is now healthy and he must be healed. 


However, his heart seems to have lost the pain and joy. It felt that the palace people who should have been familiar with him, the Empress Dowager, and the uncle, all made him feel strange.


What's strange is that there is always a wooden carved doll on the side of his bed. It seems to be a rare thing. Staring at that's brows and eyes, there is a sense of a world going away, so he dare not see. 


He think carefully about it, then he found that his mind was empty and there was nothing left for him to remember. So he didn't think much anymore, just listening to his country's danger at this time. As the new emperor, he naturally wanted to go all out. 


Although he still wanted to come by temperament, under the arrangement of the minister and the queen, he had to meet a beautiful and pungent foreign woman. Her identity was indeed noble, and she had no scruples in front of her.Lively and savage. 


No matter how sluggish he is, it is not difficult for him to find that Zi Su is interested in him. Zhen Pu Yang couldn't tell what it was like. There was no sadness nor joy. He had never experienced love, but at this time, his heart was so exhausted that he never wanted to fall in love with someone. 


But a gentle lady are so beautiful, no matter whether it is for the country or an individual, he has no reason to reject her. And Zi Su also kept her promise. After the wedding date was set, she announced that all the Kernu herders would submit to him and that the two countries would cooperate on an equal footing. The worries have been resolved, and the court, also everyone was relieved, relaxed physically and mentally, and happily greeted the wedding of the two.




This wedding was particularly grand, it can be said to be a national celebration. The wedding candy and fruit in the palace were sent from Sanli outside the palace. The streets and alleys were full of joy, and the red lanterns were hung up in every household, the decorations in the palace were even better. It is prosperous and solemn, with layer after layer of curtains and beads, which is full of luxury.


The red makeup has been shopped for ten miles, the fireworks are flourishing, and the entire capital is dyed with a festive red.


That night, when Zhen Pu Yang changed into a solemn wedding dress, he felt strange and went out to welcome guests with a heart full of thoughts.


Zi Su used the highest courtesy to show that the Emperor is getting married. The invited guests are civiliant and military officials, they are ready to celebrate together. 


Among them, Zhen Pu Yang see someone is especially familiar, and that person seems to have a lot of words to tell him, even walking towards him with a reproachful sullen color between his brows and eyes.


"Is his Majesty is so worthy for Brother He?" Jiang Qiu Bai was straight to the point, pointing straight at him.


Zhen Pu Yang frowned. He remembered that this was one of the Ministry Industry of the Central Government, but he was demoted to the wasteland last month. 


Why? When he thinks of the reason, his temples aches and he feels irritable, not to mention that this person, just a small minister, its so disrespectful to him, and his words make him confused.


If, as usual, someone said something uninteresting, he could be punished, but today is different. Although he felt that he (JQB) was talking nonsense, in his heart, he cared very much for some reason.


Especially the person mentioned in his mouth, although he has no impression at all, as long as he thinks of such a person, he will feel uneasy in his heart, and even have difficulty breathing.


It's just that today is really his big day, marrying his sweet wife, and the world is unified, and the power is in control. He didn't want to break his mood for such a strange person. He just calmed his strange mood and waved his hand to let him go.


Jiang Qiu Bai was shocked, "Your Majesty, did you really forget him?" He originally thought that the emperor would not lose his memory for no reason, and so coincidental that he only forgot Brother He, thinking that he was betraying his faith and had lost him.


Forget? What did you forget? Zhen Pu Yang wanted to refute that he did not have amnesia, but in the end he chose silence.



He knew that his heart had been invading unexpectedly, but he couldn't get rid of it. He was thinking, can the empty heart be filled again by recalling his lost memory?


"The minister can give you the truth." Jiang Qiu Bai said.



He (JQB) didn't know what happened between Brother He and him, but he must not let those love be blinded, till he abandoned Brother He like this.


Some time ago, he wandered around, and even in the wild, he insisted on studying medicine, so he might be able to help with kind of memory.


Zhen Pu Yang was stiff. Although he felt that this person was not credible, he felt that if he just turned around and held another person who wore a happy suit with him, he would regret it for a lifetime.


However, going forward is a glorious life, and the name will last forever.



Why do you turn your head?


His heart told him that for that small possibility, even if he was crushed to pieces, he would never hesitate to do so.


At this time, the quiet and dark Imperial tutor mansion was in stark contrast with the noisy gongs and drums, and the lantern-filled in the imperial palace.


In this past few days, all the servants who had been serving him for a long time were sent home by him, and they were rewarded with generous rewards. It was a thank you to them for their company over the past few years.


Because the manual finally gave him a reminder that after the marriage date of the two was set, the world was certain and his mission was counted. However, he chose to stay for two more days, not only to manage the things behind him, but also to save a little bit. 


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He think carefully, and want to wait for the Emperor to get married before he leaves.


After all, every day and night between him and that person, bit by bit, everything happened in real life.


Even if it is ruthless, it cannot be said to be unintentional. He is quite touched in his heart to witness that he ( ZPY) has grown from a naughty and unruly boy to a man who is willing to listen to his preaching, willing to be patient, and able to be alone.


It was also at this time that he felt that the magic power of the manual was not just to travel through time and space.


When the hour was approaching, He Lang waited for the bell to ring, but it was not the bell that made the loud sound, but the wooden door open by a kick.


The bridegroom who was supposed to appear at the wedding of the prosperity, broke in at this time, because the housekeeper and the servants were not there, no one was notified, and he broke in directly without any hindrance.


Seeing He Lang’s in first glance, Zhen Pu Yang’s eyes did not blink for a moment, and he rushed to regain that treasure, shackling him in his arms, by the way, pulling off the strength of his body, and immediately holding his cheeks. The tone was excited.


"I'm sorry-- this is all my mistakes , even if I forget something, I shouldn't forget you." He Lang was stiff for a long time, facing Zhen Pu Yang, his calm mood rippled slightly.



He has done his best to give him (ZPY) a deceived and happy future, but he did not expect that he will still recover his memory, but the matter is here, the boat is done, and he will leave completely in less than a quarter of an hour.


He didn't want Zhen Pu Yang to carry this mistake on himself forever, so before leaving, he decided to confess: "These are all planned by this minister, and his Majesty does not need to blame himself." 


This answer made Zhen Pu Yang's limbs stiff, staring at him incredulously, but desperately found that there was no joy or sorrow on his face, no half of his appearance was reflected in his eyes, and no reflection of the world could be reflected. 


"Did always know...know that I have long admired you? From the the have thought about it..." Zhen Pu Yang couldn't say the whole thing, and asked him with his head up, face full of tears. 


One side dripped from the wide and bloodshot eyes and fell into his temples. Because of this, he can treat him as a child who doesn't know what to do, using his love to control him in his hands, knowing everything but ignorant of everything, not repelling his intimacy, but he has already made plans...


He should have known that he is not a credible person, but he always goes round and round, preferring to make mistakes over and over again, but also with the last glimmer of hope, maybe this time is true? 


Maybe that person really has a good opinion of him, and is willing to befriend with him? 


He Lang was speechless and did not answer, but this silence already represented the answer.


 "Teacher is really cruel..." Zhen Pu Yang was cold all over, fell to the ground in embarrassment, together with the puppet doll that rolled out of his arms.


Even though his body was shaking horribly, he still roared in pain, "I always worshipped you! I am yours! It is yours! Don't you ever care about it? Everything is only my imagination? "


His eyes were red, water glowing in his eyes, and blue veins bulging on his forehead, his appearance distorted.


He Lang looked away and didn't want to look at him like that, and responded, "This minister only hopes that his Majesty can rule the world, and now that his Majesty is successful, this minister will leave and no longer interfere with everything about his Majesty."


"Leave? Haha-hahaha, OK, leave, where are you going to leave? Do you still want to leave me in this life?"


Zhen Pu Yang suffered from the pain of the heart, He angrily smirked, accompanied by tears, seemingly mentally disordered, suddenly he feel that the heaven and the earth are eclipsed, and the sun and the moon are dull.


Without the strength to persevere, now there's nothing to do with him, no matter the throne, the court, society, even the state.


He (ZPY) smiled and thought madly, maybe it's not bad to destroy together like this?


He Lang was startled by his eyes and wanted to stop it, but it was too late. 


Zhen Pu Yang suddenly locked all the exits in the house, and knocked the only row of fire candles in the house on the curtain, and then Pounced and shackled him (HL) completely in his arms.


"Then, I want to tell you, whether it is this life or the next life, we will be entangled in endlessly!!!"


Under the firelight, Zhen Pu Yang's face was like an evil ghost.


In the distance, Zi Si's ringing bell was long and heavy, like a whine.


Their last kiss was bloody, desperate, crazy and passionate, and this love was also memorialized by the fire.


Everything disappeared completely, the Imperial tutor mansion burned for a day and night, and even the last piece of debris was also burned out, the dust finally settled.


Overnight, the red was changed to a white mantle, and the national celebration turned into a national mourning. The country that had just stabilized began to turmoil again. Among them, the sentimental person must be Zhen Pu Yang's biological mother.


Concubine Lin was favored by the emperor when she was young, and she had her son as a backing when she was old and declining.


She tried to control everything, including her own emperor’s partner, but after losing both, she lost her grace overnight and could only enjoyed the prosperity and wealth of her life. She can’t be said to be totally willing, but it’s enough..


In the end, she chose to accompany the ancient Buddha with the blue lantern.


And the last order she gave was to let the Imperial tutor and the emperor be buried together and enter the tomb.


Without waiting for others to ask, she stepped into the empty door and left a sentence, "This must be what Yang'er want and thought." You can't have the same quilt, but you must die in the same hole.







The author has something to say: A little sad...orz I can only say that there will be a sweet ending in the end.


The next world is modern, and He Lang will become the younger one...and then be cultivated (?) I don't know whether to write it or not. Then there will be high-powered imprisoned by stalks in the new world...Ah...It's good to have darken ! please subscribe for encouragement and support for the original version~ 



Translator have something to say, the end of world 1!!! 


What is your thought? Let's meet again at the second world later!!

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