Chapter 6

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He Lang practiced a relaxed education for Zhen Pu Yang. He thought he had ample time in the future and he was not in a hurry to seek success, but he did not expect that he would receive news of the Imperial Prince’s exam in a blink of an eye.

This so called exam is the imperial examination held in the imperial prince study room. Once a year, the level of the princes is examined.

At that time, the emperor will also come to evaluate the literary articles and calligraphy of the princes. The winner will receive the emperor’s award. It is said that this prize is the tribute paid from the king from the Western Regions King, a total of a thousand horses.

The examinable topics was not the same every time, but it was nothing more than calligraphy, painting, literary works, poetry composition, and reciting.

He Lang naturally hopes that Zhen Pu Yang will win the top spot. However, when he inquired a little about this matter, he found that in the past, Zhen Pu Yang was bottom place. He was silent for a while, feeling powerless, and let go of his expectations.

What made him feel inexplicable was because he felt that Zhen Pu Yang’s natural aptitude was not low, but also because of his expectations. This was because written exams were child play to him. If he asked him to draw peonies, then he drew a lotus, if he asked him to write from memory, he simply did not write.

In the end, he said lazily, “This Highness is unable to.” How could anyone be able to deal with him? He Lang only wished to correct his attitude and for him to respect his learning, although his wishes are still somewhat out of reach.

He decided to invite him to his room to review lessons so to not be at the bottom of the examination.

Zhen Puyang was still carefree. When facing the request of He Lang, he crooked his head and suddenly showed a casual gesture with a slightly crinkle in the corners of his eyes and an improper appearance. He blew a breath out of him, opened his mouth deliberately, and squeezed out an illicit smile.”Oh, go to Teacher’s lady’s chamber?”

(TN: he used the female version of a room)

He Lang turned back to his house with a wooden expression.

He really wanted to knock on This Highness’s head to see what was he was thinking and why he spoke so disrespectfully. A teenager in his early teens, who was hadn’t learned to differentiate, he clearly had a proper man’s room, but he called it a woman’s chamber.

Behind him came the crisp laughter of Zhen Puyang, and He Lang was annoyed. Was he being laughed at by this prince?

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But it’s rare to hear this Highness laugh.

Obviously, he did not want to take over the state affairs. He clearly was only interested in living a carefree life and playing. However His Highness was unexpectedly seldomly happy. Especially when he was alone, a melancholic and vacant look would gradually emerge on his face. He Lang guessed that this was a side-effect of his youth.

Because he did not compete for the position that his brothers were coveting, he lacked a goal that he could strive for. At this time, the real meaning of his existence  had not been dug out, so his satisfaction became less and less.

If his predicament could make this prince happy, then he will just have to accept it.

He Lang’s eyebrows rose and Zhen Puyang slowly followed.

He gazed at He Lang’s figure in front of him and followed him step by step. But he did not see He Lang stop to wait for him, to walk side by side with him, which made him feel unreasonably angry towards this man’s irreverence.

When He Lang slowed down a little and looked around to see if he had followed, his anger dissipated and he began to follow suit accordingly. 

Zhen Puyang always took it for granted that people would follow him, but this person did not. He felt that if this person was willing to follow him and show a little tenderness beyond his expectation, due to its rarity, its effectiveness would be magnified and bring him joy….

This was the second time that Zhen Puyang came to Imperial Tutor Palace. Compared to the quiet literary room last time, this one had more vitality.

There were many plants. One row of small and delicate plants could be seen on the broad windowsill, and there was even some flowers and vines hanging from the roof.

“Your aesthetics is unexpectedly not bad.” Zhen Puyang praised.

It was not just the person that was different but also his attention to details.

A sudden sensation overgrew in Zhen Puyang’s heart: “Teacher, you seem to have changed and become quite strange -“

“Change in what way?” He Lang answered quickly. In order to hide his nervousness, he squeezed the page tightly and drooped his eyes slightly.

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Zhen Puyang raised his eyebrows. He did not believe that there was such a strange thing in this world as changing souls. He wondered whether he had experienced this and a change in nature. But Imperial Tutor’s life was as boring as an old man’s. Every day, besides coming to the palace, he studied his useless knowledge in his residence.

It’s hard to explain why he changed.

However, Zhen Puyang did not think too deeply on this since he did not mind the changes.

If Imperial Tutor was still such an annoying person, sooner or later he would have asked his father to change his teacher.

Zhen Puyang nodded and muttered, “The change is… It’s a little better.”

Before He Lang could smile, he spoke frankly and said, “This Highness used to hate your stubborn and rigid nature very much. Obviously, you’re still young, but stiff and old fashioned. Every day, you would nag in my ear. If This Highness did not want to read those literary scriptures, you would complain to my emperor father about my departure from the classics.”

He Lang did not expect that he would be so frank, and say so much, like a long-accumulated complaint. He did not feel as if Zhen Pu Yang was complaining about himself, but rather it was like listening to him complain about another person. It was so interesting.

“This Highness is eight years younger than this official. How can you say that this official is still young? Isn’t Your Highness much younger?

Zhen Puyang did not like to be told that he was still young, so he immediately put on a straight face.

He Lang stopped teasing him and took out books and paper.

He did not intend to teach the devil to be a saint, but he did not want him to become a mere reader of travel notes and a mere rich man’s son, so he took out three well-bound books, ‘Political Capital Catalogue’ ‘Logic and Reasoning’’ and ‘100-character Annotations’.

“This Highness knew it.” Zhen Puyang twists his lips, rather reluctantly, but took over the book on his own initiative. He knew it, how could he have it so easy as to read that miscellaneous book every day?

He Lang wanted to guide Zhan Puyang patiently and let him know that reading is not difficult, and then let him gradually read it and accept the knowledge himself. It would be best to read a bit of the orthodox books. He had not come across an orthodox book with its own meaningful content. All of them have no justification.

His Highness was unhappy, but he accepted the book; this could be considered as him accepting his guidance. He Lang curved his mouth and patted him on the top of his head for encouragement. His tone was soft. “Your Highness should read it quickly.”

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This sudden intimacy surprised Zhen Puyang so he subconsciously knocked off his hand.

Even his emperor father did not touch him so intimately. Does this man want to be punished?

He was no longer a child and did not need to be coaxed so gently.

Enraged, Zhen Puyang turned rather stiff and said: “From now on, you must not touch This Highness again.”

He Lang took hold of his numb hand and gave a slight pause. He looked at his awkward look, knowing that the child had said this but did not mean it, and he did not make any effort to refute and merely nodded obediently.

Unexpectedly, the mood of the devil remained elusive. His face not only did not relax, but even his eyebrows were tense, as if someone had disobeyed his orders. Even the months of June were not as unpredictable.

(TN: June- I guess the time of spring. Idk since I live in a tropical region so it’s always spring and predictable)

Zhen Puyang did not look at him and turned away with the book in his arms. Although Imperial Tutor promised not to touch him again, Zhen Puyang was still unhappy. He didn’t know why he was angry. He just wanted to curse out loud. Imperial Tutor was too slow witted.

Originally he came to the room to review his lessons, but after he ran out, his mood changed. Looking at the beautiful landscape, he tried to relax.

Unexpectedly, on the grass was a white rabbit.

Zhen Puyang’s playfulness was aroused, and he picked up the rabbit in one hand, not realizing that it was different from other kinds of rabbits. Its eyes were amber and penetrating. When he looked at it, it frowned and squeezed its eyes as if it were sentient and could convey his emotions to human beings.

The funny rabbit caught his attention, but after a little teasing, someone came to persuade him to come back.

That man was no one else but his teacher.

Zhen Puyang’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise, and was about to rip into him when he saw Imperial Tutor’s poor complexion. Afraid of hurting his feelings, he admitted he was wrong to leave without saying goodbye and remained calm.

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Moreover, Teacher had already seen him holding the bunny. He was afraid that he (HL) would scold him and spoke first. “Don’t try to use annoying reason to persuade This Highness!”

The rabbit in his arms jumped down and landed on the grass.

He Lang looked at the white bunny on the grass, squinted slightly, and said as if nothing had happened: “This official is fond of rabbits.”

He picked up the rabbit, and the rabbit put out two forepaws and pulled on his robe. The man and the rabbit looked at each other slightly, which made He Lang laugh.

He shook his head helplessly and opened his mouth to Zhen Puyang, who was still stunned by the smile on He Lang’s face that had never been dispelled: “Your Highness should go back to the room quickly. When you finished studying, you should stay for dinner. The servants will prepare your favorite food.”

As a matter of fact, every time Teacher talks to Zhen PuYang with a smile on his face, he remains silent. He finds that he can’t speak at all and can only follow him reluctantly.

Unexpectedly, the rabbit, who had no connection to He Lang, behaved as if they were close, so much that he would not leave after he was entangled with him.

He Lang had no choice but to take the rabbit, tightly wrapping it around his embrace, back to his house.

Next, Zhen Puyang’s mood changed positively and listened to him sincerely for an hour. In order to reward This Highness for his obedience, He Lang was also kind to him at the dinner table, frequently placing the vegetables dishes in front of him. In the end, Zhen Puyang curved his mouth and returned to the palace.

When the prince was sent away, He Lang was squeezed by the fat dumpling in his arms, blinking its eyes and opening its lips as if to speak.

It never occurred to him that the rabbit would open its mouth, but also surprised He Lang when he opened he spoke.

“Host, I am *** manual spirit animal.”

(TN: in case you didn’t realize, the manual’s name was never told to He Lang)

Even though he didn’t hear which manual, he guessed that it had something to do with the manual he met. He Lang looked at the rabbit in his arms somewhat unfathomable, his mood complex.


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