Chapter 7

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He Lang thought to himself that if the manual was capable of moving him between worlds, what else could it not do.

Since he was able to speak, He Lang asked for it’s name, although he did not know of spiritual beast had one.

Seeing He Lang talking to him on his own initiative, the rabbit was very happy. “I am a rabbit that eats melon, so master can call me Guatu!”

(TN: Guatu = Melon rabbit)

Originally he thought it was a soft and cute rabbit, but now He Lang feels that his reasoning was being impacted. Did this rabbit like eating melon too much? Where did this kind of taboo rabbit come from and what did its parents think?

His eyes swept on the short, fat body and buck teeth, and when he looked away, he could only say one word, “Stupid.”

Guatu wrongly arched into his arms, humming and retorting: “Host, Guatu is very powerful! I can give you hint for the task, give you a powerful cheat tool, so you have to hug my golden thighs, you know! “

He Lang smiled, and thought although he could not understand what the rabbit was saying, he guessed that he was bragging about his strength.

“Hug your thighs? Is that so?” He took hold of the rabbit’s slender leg and tickled it deliberately to make the rabbit squirm in his arms.

Although he seemed to dislike the rabbit on the surface, In fact he actually liked the feeling of its soft fur and the temperature under his palm.

Since the rabbit is the spirit beast of the manual, He Lang also talked about his task with it and found a companion to talk about it with. After all, in this foreign world, he only had it as an insider.

”Say, how can His Highness win first place at the exam and gain the Emperor’s attention?”

Guatu yawned lazily and did not look worried. “The emperor dotes on him so much. If he was serious, the situation would not be so unreasonable. Of course, he would be biased.”

He Lang thought about this but nevertheless, like the other prince, spent money to find out the topic of the exam  and told Zhan Puyang to take it seriously.

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The atmosphere of the examination was relaxed. Brothers and sisters of all age gathered together, while teachers and scholars stood on one side and waited.

In the past, Zhan Puyang was the last to arrive, but this time He Lang brought him early.

“If your Highness is outstanding and proves his ability, this official will not make his Highness write from memory again in the future.” He Lang had sat down side by side with him, put his hand on the table, and spoke, in a low voice.

In fact, he was hesitant when he said that. He always thought that it was too wrong to educate people like this. Unexpectedly he used this method to encourage his Highness.

But apparently it was the correct inspiration for Zhan Puyang, who nodded lazily with a glimmer of light in his eyes and drank all the tea poured into his cup, placing the cup on the table.

“Just watch as this Highness defeats all of them.”

He Lang raised his eyebrows and a smile spread from the corners of his mouth. Naturally he had expectations, but at the same time he laughed at his (ZPY’s) naivety and arrogance.

This prince really thought that his brothers were as ignorant as he was? But let’s see how he performs.

Because of the early arrival, few princes had arrived.

The fourth prince, Zhen Puqi, was among the first to arrive. As soon as he stepped into the threshold, he caused a small riot, and several people could not help whispering to each other.

“Fourth elder brother will stun everyone again?” Some people guessed.

“What’s the use of literary grace? Can bring stunning catch the emperor’s attention? Being of such low birth, don’t know if he’s a hybrid or not, a child born to an inferior slave.”

He Lang’s eyes narrowed.

Zhan Puqi, the fourth son of the emperor, had just passed the year of his twentieth and had a long pale stature. He did not resemble a prince but more like a noble son with elegant demeanor, and his every move was gentle and lofty like a flow of clouds and water, and his temperament was elegant.

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His mother, however, was of humble origin and could not be compared with the mothers of other princes.

Behind the other concubines mothers of the other princes, there were generals, prime ministers and ministers, and the other influential people.

The mother of Zhan Puqi is just an occasionally spoiled inferior woman. Among these self-proclaimed noble royalty, it could be imagined how Zhan Puqi was excluded and ridiculed.

It was not a quiet remark and no one knew what reaction the other party will have if they heard it.

He Lang looked at him curiously, but Zhan Puqi seemed to have not heard, maintaining a good manner on his face, without any thought of hostility towards them at all, perhaps he really did not heard or he did and was indeed extraordinary.

The princes were of different ages, and most of them were young. As such, the younger brothers did not bother too much about their literary talent and guessed who would perform best.

The last winner was Zhen Puqi, who was older and a scholar. His older brothers and his younger brothers couldn’t be compared with him.

This made it difficult for him not to be talked about by his brothers, and also attracted jealousy amd scorn.

The harsh words was not low on volume and could definitely be heard by people.

He Lang can’t help looking at the gloom of Zhan Puqi’s eyes.

In a twinkling of an eye, he was smiling with a broad smile, faster than turning a book, indicating that his control of his emotions had become exceptional.

Zhan Puyang interrupted He Lang’s gaze at Zhan Puqi at the time. “What’s wrong? Teacher also places great expectations on the fourth prince?”

It was said that the Brothers have prepared in advance for the examination for several months, which means they were ready to compete. On the contrary, it was only him who suddenly started cramming last minute. Others lee this and was laughing secretly at him but towards his face, they would wish him well.

Zhan Puyang lay on the back of his chair, grabbed the cup and knocked it on the table. He was unhappy and forgot all the rituals.

Holding his hand in the cup, He Lang smiled and said, “Your Highness can still have hope.”

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“Huh.” Zhan Puyang made a short mocking noise. Who would expect anything of him? They all expect the other princes to be first. Who would put their expectations on him?

But when his Imperial Tutor looked at him, a steady stream of hope and strength poured into his body.

It was not until the emperor arrived that the examination officially began.

The topic was indeed taught by He Lang, but apparently the other princes were not surprised about it at all, because everyone got more or less information about it from their sources.

He Lang was worried, but soon, Zhen Puyang proved that his worries were superfluous with his success.

The emperor did not seem to have thought that his youngest son would perform so well, and his calm eyes flashed a glimmer of surprise and praise.

With the eyes of the people on him, Zhan Puyang stepped back calmly and sat down. Only then did he look at He Lang and raised his eyebrows, showing a triumphant look, seeming to be expecting his praise.

He Lang poured him a cup of tea and looked at him with indulgence.

Only then did he suddenly feel his neck tingling and gazed around for the source of the eyes, only to see that Zhan Puqi had a dark shadow under his eyes, like a hunter.

He Lang thought he was imagining it, and when he looked at him again, Zhan Puqi’s eyes were as mild as before, and he nodded with a smile.

This mildness dissipated completely when the emperor declared that the winner was Zhen Puyang.

There was a shriek and surprise, and one after another, numerous eyes landed on them.

Although there may be some bias elements, it seems that people are accustomed to the unfairness of this spoiling, and there was no objection that could be stated when they looked at the eyes of the emperor.

He Lang also understood that Zhan Puyang, who has never perdued knowledge, will be rewarded countless times for the same favor as others if he makes some progress.

The fourth prince who had performed well was disappointed.

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However, Zhen Puqi reacted quickly enough, even if he failed, he managed to tidy up his mood in an instant with surprise and joy. Only after the people had dispersed, did he cup his hands to congratulate him.

Zhan Puyang thanked him politely and did not show an impudent face.

Zhan Puqi bent his lips and talked to him for a while. He felt that the recent change in his brother was the credit of He Lang and could not help talking to him.

“If Imperial Tutor really managed to teach, his temperament must be extraordinary.”

He Lang was suddenly praised, somewhat inappropriately raised his eyebrows, and without much thought, he opened his mouth and returned the compliment.

“The fourth prince is the one who’s exceptional, graceful as jade and talented, to be able to write a poem with profound thoughts, handwriting also gentle like flowing clouds and trickling streams.”

Zhan Puqi was gentle and modest, and smiled bitterly, feeling inferior to his own younger brother.

Quickly aware of his emotional inappropriateness, Zhan Puqi waved his hand immediately to dismiss the praise. He then turned around and left, just as graceful and cheerful as he arrived.

He Lang watched him leave, and Zhan Puyang took the key to the key to the barn for the reward and left whoel saying, ironically:

“Teacher is really good at complimenting others. Fourth elder brother is also good. Gentle as jade. His talent is overflowing…………………………………. “

“Does this official not often compliment His Highness, too?” He Lang laughed.

Zhen Puyang said, “It is as it should be for teacher to compliment this Highness.”

Anyway, when he heard his teacher, who usually rarely praises other, do so to the fourth prince, hefelt discontent and his mood soured making him feel impatient, and in a bad mood.

He did not wait for He Lang, but left first.

His teacher didn’t know why, so he hurried up to chase after him, calling out, which made him feel better.

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