HomeSoen na OsananajimiSoen na Osananajimi Chapter 60

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Soen na Osananajimi Chapter 60

Soen na Osananajimi to Isekai de wa Kekkon Shite Iru Yumewomita ga, Sorekara Osananajimi no Yousu ga Okashii ndaga?


Author: Kataribe Masayuki


Translated by MTL and Dobelyu Wai
Source: Syosetu



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Quiet Story: Younger Sister is a Worrywart (Yumeka Side)


 I have two older brothers.

 The eldest son moved to Tokyo for college and is now enjoying campus life and has a girlfriend, so there is nothing to worry about. ...... The problem is with the second son.

 Amachi Yumeji, 2nd year high school ...... What's wrong with my brother here ...... I'm sure he's a good guy.

 He does even troublesome housework if I ask him to, and he is willing to accept my unreasonable requests even though he doesn't want to do it. ...... I can say that he is a very problem-free young man from a human point of view.

 So what's the problem is that ...... he is a nice guy, but not a good man.

 It is often said that nice guys = good people = people who don't matter.

 He is a brother who seems to fall beautifully into such a typical category, but even such a man has someone he has feelings for.

 I don't know if he thinks people don't know, or if he just doesn't realize it, but ...... there is no mistake about it.

 Because our houses are next door to each other, we sometimes run into each other, but every time we do, the same woman was in my brother's line of sight, Kanzaki Amane.

 My mother told me that they used to be very close childhood friends, but to be honest, I couldn't believe it.

 She's beautiful, stylish, and friendly ...... Amane-san, who fits the word "Unattainable Flower" so well that even I, a junior high school student, started to hear rumors about her at school, and my brother......


 I thought my brother, who was not aggressive and a wimp, would one day be outsmarted by someone else ...... Sure enough, one day a rumor came through the middle school that Amane had started dating a guy from the same school.


[I told you so......]


 I was so concerned about the situation that I decided to at least give my brother a little pushback, and on Sunday morning, I boldly asked him about it.

 But my brother, "holding the pillow in his arms," didn't even get out from under the blankets, and said something like, "It's just an unconfirmed rumor, right?"

 What a lunkhead ...... There's a limit to frustration.


[Ah~ mou~ I don't care! That wimp!!]


 I don't care about that wimp guy anymore! I decided to give up.

 However, when I went to school at the beginning of the week and my friend happily told me, "I got a photo of Amane's boyfriend," ...... I didn't want to see it honestly.

 At that moment, my brother's heartbreak would be decisive...

 Even if he's a wimp, he's definitely a good guy, so thinking he would be hurt is......

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 But ...... When I started thinking about how to comfort my brother, I even thought up some lines, and then, reluctantly, I looked at the screen of the smartphone that my friend showed me ...... I held my breath.



"Hey, isn't this amazing! That Kanzaki-senpai is so lovey-dovey!"

"Hey~~ who's this partner of hers?"


 None of my friends knew about Amane-san's partner in the photo.

 About the man who is hugging Amane-san from behind as they sit on the bench......

 And I knew ...... the man very well.

 More than anyone else here ......


"This is ............ my brother?"



ZAWA! !!? My friends, who had been excitedly talking about the event, instantly fell silent and turned their sharp gazes on me.


「「 「「 「「 「KWSK* !!!!!」 」」 」」 」

(TLN: 詳しく(Kuwashiku) = In detail)


 Then I was bombarded with questions all day long until after school.

 But even if they asked me, I don't know a single detail ...... and the only thing I know about them is their relationship .......

 Our houses are next to each other and they have known each other since childhood ...... That's about all I can say.

 However, my friends were just saying with that information, "Amazing! It's like a drama!" and were very excited about it. ......

 It's weird ......I had heard rumors that Amane-san's boyfriend was a more flirtatious guy ...... When and where did my brother intercept?


 I don't know ...... I have to fact check here tonight at all costs. ......

 I went home with these thoughts in mind, but as I passed by the living room ...... I saw my mother looking at the screen of her smartphone, which she had not yet fully mastered, with some kind of grin on her face.


"What are you doing?"

"Ah, welcome back, Yumeka. Hey, hey, let me show you something interesting?"

"What is it ...... something interesting ...... Buh !?"


 And then my mom showed me a picture that she was slightly proud of ...... It made me spew out reflexively.

 It was ...... a photo of my brother and Amane-san taken at a completely different location, though similar to a photo shown to me by a friend at school.

 I'm pretty sure this box seat is ...... in the neighborhood of "Sword Mountain"?


"M-Mom ...... T-This is ...... "

"I met Mrs. Mikami at the supermarket a while ago. She said she took this picture unintentionally when she went to the coffee shop yesterday morning ...... Ufufufu"


 It was at a box table, but they were sitting next to each other instead of facing each other, and they were sleeping together ...... Only Amane-san (blissfully?) is putting her head on my brother's shoulder ......!?


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"Yesterday !? Did you just say yesterday!?"

"Yeah ~ yesterday Sunday. Ufufu ...... I thought he was a bit timid, but he's doing fine."


 No way ...... It's impossible.

 Yesterday morning, which means right after I talked to my brother, who was wrapped in the futon.

 Considering the reaction I was getting when I was talking about Amane-san, it makes sense .............

 No, wrong ......... If ...... If they are in the kind of relationship that this photo shows ....... My brother's answer yesterday was not that he was being opportunistic, but that he was .......


 Gulp...... I take a breath to calm myself down.


 That's right ...... Don't rush to conclusions ...... that wimp brother ...... It is very hard to believe that he could behave in such a way.

 I temporarily sealed the hypothesis that had sprung up in my mind, and now I had to do what I had to do as soon as possible.


"Mom ...... Give me that photo, too. I'll show you something interesting in return."


 Mom was even more excited by another photo of the two of them that I had obtained at school.

 Then she went on a big rush and stormed into the neighbor's house ...... I decided not to see it.


 And a few dozen minutes after I was the only one in the house, ...... I was on a serious mission.

 The conversation between my mom and the lady next door, Kanzaki's aunt, that I can hear from a distance, is super lively, and I can predict that she probably won't be back for at least an hour.

 Then ...... the only chance is this moment ......

 This once in a thousand chance to break into my brother's room ............ I can't afford to fail!

 I need to bring back some, confirming evidence ...... before the target (my brother) gets home!!


 ............When I once discovered my brother's treasured erotic books, I was subsequently sanctioned (much leniently), and since then I have avoided invading this room without permission as much as possible .......

 As I cautiously entered my brother's room, I looked around the room, which was somewhat untidy as usual, and ...... felt something out of place.

 I wondered what it was and thought of the scene in this room yesterday ............


"Ah, that's right ......... the futon isn't swelling."


 He made a pillow out of the extra futon ...... and the futon he was wrapped up in is now just an ordinary futon with nothing special about it.

 ...... Did he put it under the bed or something? Thinking so, I somehow peeked in there...... I found something unexpected and stopped breathing.


"Eh? Eh? ...... What's this ...... "


 With trembling hands, I pulled something made of cloth out from under the bed ......

 It takes a while to realize that it is a skirt, a garment that only applies to women's clothing ......

 My brother has a taste for cross-dressing ...... it is not impossible to speculate about it, but at least as far as I know, he is a normal guy who loves the beautiful legs of a woman.

 And ............ I had seen this skirt before.

 I have a vague ...... memory of what that person usually wore.

 I don't know if I should admit it, ...... just a huge amount of sweat is running down.......


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"A-A-A ...... Amane-san's ...... skirt?"



 I decided that I had no choice but to ask him directly.

 I have always believed in my brother.

 I can say with pride that he is a good guy, no matter if he is a wimp or not......

 But, but ...... I don't have the confidence to say ...... that he is not guilty ...... unconditionally, now that I have found physical evidence of a woman's, and our neighbor's, his childhood friend's skirt.

 I made up my mind to question my brother, and after confirming that he had returned home, I vigorously opened the door to his room.


"Onii-cha~n, there is something I want to ask you ...... and also, dinner ......."


 I was going to ask him about it while visiting for the reason of dinner, but ...... I saw my brother sitting in the corner of the room and immediately withdrew the feelings of suspicion and curiosity that had overflowed earlier.

 Even though my brother is usually a carefree person, I don't know the reason, but I knew the moment I saw him that he was depressed.


"...... What's wrong? You don't even turn on the lights ...... Are you feeling unwell?"

"...... No, nothing ......... More than that, what do you want to ask? ...... "


 Still, he just says "nothing" ...

 My brother has this attitude when things are really hard ............ It's like not letting people worry about him because of him, so when he gets depressed, he tries to be alone ......


"Hm~mm, not now ....... I mean, are you really feeling sick? You don't look well ....... Can you eat?"

"Sorry ...... I don't think I can eat anything right now ....... I'll come down when I'm rested and feeling better ......"

"Got it. I'll tell Mom, so don't lie down properly."


 At times like this, I should leave him alone ...... That's an unspoken rule in my family.

 I quietly closed the door and went down to the living room.



 After a while ...... I went to my brother's room again and tried to knock on his door to ask him if he could at least eat porridge, even though it was unlikely that he could eat it, but ............ I stopped my hand in surprise at the "woman's voice" coming from inside.

 The voice that leaks out is ...... definitely a conversation between a boy and a girl ......

 I feel a certain premonition and gently open the door slightly so as not to make a sound.

 And what I found there was ...... a person I expected but didn't believe ...... Amane-san.


 Amane-san is in my brother's room without even going through the front door!?

 Could it be ...... that she came in through the window via the roof!?

 But before I have time to think ...... an extraordinary situation unfolds before my eyes ......


"Then ...... Close your eyes ........."

"O-Oh ...... Come with DON......"

[Wa, Wah!? Wa~wa~wa~!!!]


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 After saying that, the two of them took actions ...... that could never be called friends, or just childhood friends .......

 It's cliché but I pinched my cheeks ...... to see if the reality I had witnessed was not a dream.


[It's a lie, right!? No way ...... I never thought they had that kind of relationship ......]


 I shudder in shock at the sight before me ...... my blood boils with anger ...... and I gnash my teeth at the fact that I didn't know


[I can't believe it ...... Onii-chan is ......... My brother is ...... a man like this......]


 I am so frustrated that I am about to cry.

 That older brother, who was always a wimp and always thought he wouldn't do anything............






[I never thought ............ he was such a "Man Among Men" ......!!]





 I tapped the record button on my phone ...... at the behest of my boiling blood.

 I tremble with rage ...... at myself for underestimating my brother !!

 Meeting a beautiful childhood friend through the roof............ early morning date at a familiar neighborhood coffee shop ...... I thought he was a wimp who couldn't take advantage of the privilege of being a childhood friend ...... It was a tremendous miscalculation!!


[I never thought ...... I never thought that there were these fierce people doing such cliché dramas and shoujo manga-like things in such a nearby place ...... What a lifetime of blunders!!]


 I find myself smiling spontaneously.

 I was ahead of the information from a certain high school basketball team.

 I also surpassed the neighborhood network in terms of information from coffee shops.

 But ...... I'm the only one holding this information right now ...... and the feeling that I'm the only one who has access to the latest information on a person that everyone else is interested in is getting me all excited!!


 And this is not just about being on the cutting edge of information.

 The news of Amane's boyfriend's discovery dramatically increased the chances of my ambitions, which I had once almost given up on, becoming a reality.


[Isn't this a chance to call ...... Amane-san "Onee-chan"!?]






 Amachi Yumeka ...... was a curious, adolescent, and in the throes of puberty...... she was a middle school girl with a strong desire for approval.

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