The Past That Can't Be Thrown Away

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 The final battle against the Demon King.
 Although it may sound like an incredibly large scale battle when I say it like that, ...... the actual battle took place on a very small scale.
 The warriors who gathered at the so-called "Demon King's Castle," the site of the decisive battle, for the purpose of "destroying the world" numbered less than 100, including both demons and humans.
 But the people who have gathered here are all capable of fighting a thousand battles, and you can never be too careful.......
 The reason why this happened is...... well, it's my fault.

 I was wounded by all kinds of attacks, and once I even took an attack that almost killed me, but...... somehow I managed to muster up the energy to get up...... I stood in front of my opponent, the demon king, who would never stand up again.

“My first and biggest mistake would be ...... sending the "Queen of Demon Dream" to you...... I thought that a young man would easily get caught in a honey trap...... In contrast, the power of dreams was taken away from her, ...... and all of our strength was destroyed, ...... and this is the result."
"Haha...... Don't underestimate a pure boy."

 Even though he had already suffered a mortal blow ...... and was fighting to the death, his tone was easygoing, as if he were talking to a longtime friend.
 To him, ...... Amane gently placed the body of the woman who was the secretary and mage of the Demon King, who had just been fighting to the death ...... as her opponent, and she was already drawing her last breath.
 The Demon King quietly embraces the woman's body...... with a satisfied expression.

"...... I'm sorry, hero from another world...... Originally, it had nothing to do with you guys...... but I pushed you with the last troublesome thing......"

 The last troublesome thing ...... I know that it refers to their work, the large-scale magic that will destroy the world. ...... I had a guess as to what he was thinking about doing this.
"It's really, really unfortunate...... There is not a single person in this castle who holds a grudge against you...... on the contrary...... They are even grateful...... including "me"...... If anything ...... I have killed your important ones......"

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 The demon king coughs and spits out reddish-black blood from his mouth.
 Indeed...... I have a grudge about that.
 For whatever reason, Amane and I had our mentor, Lean Bell, killed.
 The Hero of Dream Burial...... That's what they started calling me after I lost my mentor.
 Since then I have destroyed and buried every people's, town's, and country's dream.
 I don't know if it was the right thing to do, and I don't care ...... Based on a completely selfish idea of  "to never lose someone important again" ...... Not killing, but acting quickly and without putting ourselves in harm's way, and the result was ...... here.
 The magic circle, which was supposed to take in all kinds of despair, hatred, and other negative emotions and bring about the collapse of this world, could not even be activated,............ and those who were not convinced at the last minute gathered in this castle.

"In the end, demons and humans are all the same......I thought it would be ironic that the world was destroyed because of your hatred, but..................... I'm going to give it away now, but it's a lie that if you slaughter us and we give our souls, it will trigger it......"
“.............I thought so.”
"What... Did you find out..."

 The giggling demon king, I can't help but let out a sigh.
 I had a vague idea of what to expect when I saw that the people who had gathered at the Demon King's castle wanted to go head-to-head with their friends who had a history with each other, even though it was the final battle.
 For the martial artist father, with his wife who was resurrected as a humanoid golem assassin to protect the family.
 A close friend of a saint who was betrayed by the church and became a priest of darkness after despair.
 A heavy knight is a king who turned into a demon beast to avenge the destruction of his country.
 The Holy Archer's daughter is the Heroic Spirit of her father, the previous head of the tribe, who was killed by a cowardly scheme.
 As a magic swordsman, he is a master and general man who has hammered all of his own techniques into himself.

 All of them had their reasons ...... And they wanted an end to it.

"The truth is, we were all ...... grateful to a strange hero like you. For us half-elves, those who had repeatedly persecuted us so much, ...... the king, the elven chieftain, and even the pope, cried and got down on their knees and apologized to us~~ ...... that was ...... a masterpiece."
"Then...... It would have been better if everyone just laughed like that...... Point it out."

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 This guy, who has become the Demon King, was originally a half-elf, born between a human and an elf.
 Because of that, they were rejected and hated by both sides as an abominable bloodline that was neither human nor elf, and were persecuted around the world as a cursed bloodline.
 With such prejudice,...... he still lost his parents and his people, as well as the whole village in which he was living in poor,...... and in his disappointment, he came to hate the world itself,...... and became a Demon King.

 All I did was show all those people one specific dream.
 A dream where they just spend their daily life growing up in a normal ...... loving and nurturing environment for about a few decades ...... and instill the "general Japanese ethic"......
 That was enough to make those who had never dared to call themselves righteous, groan with the desire for redemption.
 Well, it's not surprising if you think about it. ...... There is no rationale to affirm "murder" in the general idea of the Japanese people. ......

"To be honest...... before the battle...... when you told me that you didn't mind if I ran away with this woman...... and lived quietly in the mountains...... I was really confused."

 He hugged the body of the mage, who had already passed away, tightly, and now he was saying such a thing.
 Both Amane and I knew what these guys were doing.
 That's why I said so......

"If that's the case......wouldn't it be better if you did that...... instead of being so stubborn..."
"Hahaha....that's right. Neither I nor this woman could ...... eventually let go of the past until the end ............ and that didn't stop us ...... from thinking it was just taking it out on you......."
"Taking it out?"
"Aa... why didn't ...... hero come to us earlier ...... before we started to hate the world......"
"............ Don't be so unreasonable."

 The man who used to be the Demon King starts to laugh even more amusingly at my words.

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 They can't control the past that has happened, and they know that, is what he means.......
 It was an outburst of anger that should not have been directed at us, the people of the other world, who had nothing to do with it.
 But ............ even if I had known that, I would have played along with this guy's outbursts.......
 As we talk, the demon king gradually loses vitality from his whole body.......

"This woman....... she was quite jealous of your woman....... I'm so jealous that you got a week... even though it was only one day for me....... she said......."
"....... I don't know. She should have told me earlier....... You too......."

 Amane casually sent such words to her rival who had fought to the death the most.
 Finally, the mage is embraced by the person she has feelings for and has a satisfied look on her face.......

"You're right ............ I should have held her earlier ............ Then we could have ...... forsaken the past.................."

 At the last ...... moment of the Demon King, neither a battle cry of victory nor emotion arose, and the moment was simply and quietly over.
 The world was on the verge of collapse, and most of the world was unaware of the fact that such a decisive battle was taking place, even though it was of such importance. ......
 The world was saved ............ without even the names of the Hero and the Demon King left behind.


"Somehow ...... last night's dream was strangely hard ...... "

 I've been enjoying lucid dreaming as a game recently, but yesterday's dream was like looking at a strange hard past record, or rather.......
 I vaguely understand that it happened after the "One Week of Newlywed Life" that I had seen before.

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 With a yawn, I went down to the first floor and found the rest of my family ......, my parents and sister, already at the table.
 Come to think of it, it's been a long time since my brother moved to Tokyo and stopped sitting at the dinner table. ......
 As I was feeling a bit nostalgic, thinking that I must be getting used to the larger dining table, Yumeka suddenly said.

"Good morning~ Onii-chan. If you don't eat quickly, you'll be late, okay?"

 I don't know what she was talking about, and I ask her back, but for some reason my mother agrees with Yumeka's opinion.

"She's right, I'm not really impressed with making a girl wait!"

 The women were rushing me to eat quickly, though I couldn't understand what they were saying.
 But I thought I was the only one who didn't understand the reason, and my father, who was reading the newspaper, also looked puzzled.
"Oi oi, don't rush him too much ...... Eating too fast is bad for the body ........"
"Dad, shut up! This is for onii-chan's sake!"
"Right! We're on the verge of realizing our long-cherished dream!!"
"Ah, yes...... I'm sorry...... "

 The momentum of the ladies instantly raised Dad's white flag.
 No, okay...... You don't have to make a face like "I'm sorry I can't help you".
 At a time like this, you shouldn't go against a woman...... I felt a little sad about the lesson my father taught me.

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