Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Sky Tenki, that's my name. 


I was never one who was scared of death. I mean, everybody's gonna die one day, and mine just so happened to be today. 

I can understand why people would be afraid of death, who wants to experience grueling pain like that. But death itself is pretty peaceful... 

I always thought death would be relieving, and right I was. 

If It wasn't for the fact that I was struck by lighting... Twice! I would be perfectly fine right now, 


I'm currently floating in the void, or "Limbo" as some people would call it. 

I've been here for what felt like a few days, just recalling my life. 

Sometimes dancing, or singing... 

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But that's not the point. 

I'm waiting for my R.O.B! 


'Floating in a black void is a clear sign that some random omnipotent being is going to show up sooner or later.' Is what I was thinking when I heard a voice. 

"3 wishes. You can freely choose your appearance, what world you're going to, timeline, age and all that. Oh yeah, you don't need a wish to keep your memories." 

I spun around and saw a kid sitting on a throne, looking at me arrogantly. 

"Tch, can I at least get a hello." I murmured before turning around fully. 

"Well... I'll need some time to think." 

"Oh wait, I had weeks." I said sarcastically before I started to explain all that I wanted. 

"I want to be put into the solo leveling world. I'll be the exact same age as Sung Jin-Woo, and I'm a part of the crew when he went to the Double Dungeon...." I went on to explain my entire life and backgrounds to the God, making him pretty annoyed but I didn't care. 

This is what it summed up to; 

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I'll be the second weakest E-Rank, only having a stupidly high regeneration rate. Like a fatal injury takes only a day if not a few hours to heal. 


Me and Sung are pretty good friends since we're both extremely weak and we've been to a lot of dungeons together. 

Both my parents were A Ranks who died in a dungeon while I'm an only child. 

And finally, I wanted to wake up in the hospital room next to Sung, since me and him were heavily injured and used as a sacrifice. 


But after all that, I made my body. 


I looked at the perfectly sculpted body in front of me in amazement. I couldn't make myself super buff and muscular or something since that would give me some strength and would take up a wish, but I was satisfied with the skinny build in front of me. 

There was a man standing at around 5'11, he had light cyan hair, and dark cyan eyes. 

His cute and child-like face would make girl flock to him. 

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'I was tall in my previous life, and I can tell ya, it's a pain..' I thought to myself as I looked at my ideal body type. 


"You just said a lot..." The god said, looking at me with disdain. 

"Alright, you can have all that. Now for your wishes." 

'Hehe, yeah bwoi' I thought, rubbing my hands together. 


"For my first wish. I want to have a system that I'm in control of, but it comes from the Sky Monarch. A Brand new Monarch who was me in a past life. He was the Monarch of the skies, the King of weather and all that stuff. 




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"For my second wish. I want to be shielded from the sights of the monarchs Rulers and all those higher beings, while still being able to accompany Sung at times." 


"And for my last wish, I want to have an incredible growth rate. I can grow multiple times faster than Sung, so when he's level 100 I would already be 200 or something. And it doesn't apply to just levels, it works on skills and battle experience too, stuff like that." I finished, taking in a deep breath. 


"...Whatever" The R.O.B. said, whisking me away with the swipe of his hands. 




I could hear the silence, one usually found in hospitals. 


I could even hear the gasps of someone to my left as someone else walked into the room. 

'Haha, I made it...' Is all I could think. 

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