Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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I sat up relatively straight and opened my eyes. 

"It seems you're awake now, Mr. Sky Tenki. Oh, you to Mr. Sung Jin-Woo." I heard the lazy voice as I aimed my vision towards the door. 


"Inspectors, right?" I said, with a deadpan expression. 

'Now that I think about it, maybe acting like this would be pretty hard.' I thought as I questioned the inspectors. 


I had programmed myself to be someone relatively quiet, calm and collected, thinking it would be cool. 

'But it seems it'll take a little too much effort.' 

"Ah, I see you know your stuff." They responded 

"You wouldn't mind if I saw a business card would you? I don't know your exact name." I said, looking at the two men in suits. 

"Sure." He said, putting his hand into his chest pocket and pulling out a small card. 

I held out my hand as he walked up to me and handed me the card. 

'Ah, I remember now. Woo Jin-Cheol, he's the section chief of the monitoring division.' I thought, examining the card. 

'Damn, It's always been hard for me to remember foreign names. My memories only help a little bit.' I said to myself, setting the card down in my lap. 

"Now why would the hunters guild inspectors want to see me?" 

They sat down next to some chairs on my right and started to explain what happened in the double dungeon. 

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When they were finished up, and said I was asleep for 3 days, I heard a scoff on the other side of the room. 

"Three days?! What happened to Miss Ju-Hee and Mr. Song Chi-Yul? Are they safe?" 

It was Sung. 

I saw him sitting straight up, looking over at us with a frightened face. 

"Yes, they are safe Hunter Sung Jin-Woo, but..." The inspector flinched as he looked past me straight into Sung's eyes. 

"Hunter Song Chi-Yul's missing arm will most likely impede his work for the rest of his life. He might even retire, if he so chooses." 

Hearing this, Jin-woo's head drooped a little, staring down at his lap. 

"Hunter Lee Ju-Hee is still getting treated due to her experiencing extreme Trauma.... It's uncertain if they will even stay as hunters." Woo Jin-Cheol stated, cutting straight to the point. 

"Other hunters like Mr. Kim Sang-Shik-" The other Inspector cut off Woo Jin-Cheol to be quickly cut off by Jin-Woo. 

"No... That's enough for me." Jin-Woo said, turning towards the Inspector. 

I could see the sad and betrayed look in his eyes and honestly, I felt bad for him. 

He looked genuinely sad, like he was angered at the fact that he was left, but also mad that he couldn't do anything else about the situation. 

"The number of people that survived the double dungeon was numbered at seven..." 

"Even though hunters are always in danger, it's rare to see a massacre like this... When the inspectors and the White Tiger Guild arrived on the scene... They were all gone." Woo Jin-Cheol said, awkwardly. 


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After talking to the inspectors, and seeing Jin-Woo swat the air as his little sister came, it was just me and Jin-Woo in the hospital room. 

Jin-Woo was currently staring off into space, every once and a while he would tap the air, making sure I couldn't see him. 

*Murmur* *Murmur* 

Seeing Jin-Woo murmur to himself, I decided this is where I would step in. 

"I can see it." I said, looking at the blue panel above Jin-Woo's head. 

I really could see it after all. 

I made it clear that I would be able to see his system when I was talking to the R.O.B previously. 


Jin-Woo slowly turned towards me, and pointed towards the air. 


"That game-like screen? Yeah. And I also heard you whispering to yourself, you can't whisper very well." I said, as I turned to get out of the bed. 

"I have one too." I said, looking to my left, seeing the light cyan screen. 

[Daily Quest: Increasing your Strength!] 

Push-up, 125 times: Incomplete (0/125) 

Sit-up, 125 times: Incomplete (0/125) 

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Squat, 125 times: Incomplete (0/125) 

Running, 15 km: Incomplete (0/15) 

※Warning: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment. 

"Although, mine is a little different." I said, looking at his screen. 

-[Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong] is now available. (Unread) 

"Then, you're a player too? And why can't I see yours if you really have one?" Jin-Woo asked, politely. 

"I don't know the answer to that. But I can see that yours says something about preparing to get strong." I said, putting my fingers on his screen. 

"Just say check and it will tell you to do some exercise." I said, looking back at him. 


I could tell that Jin-Woo was still shocked to see the screen in front of him was real. 

"Check." He said, nervously. 

We both watched as his screen changed, showing an exercise list. 

Although the 125 was swapped with 100, while the 15 was changed to 10. 

"And I have a terrible feeling about that "Penalty Quest" I really wouldn't recommend skipping out on it." 

I said this, going to the other side of the room and getting down on the ground. 

"Eh?! This is a joke right?" Jin-Woo said with a blank face. 

"Maybe to you." I said, getting into a push-up position. 

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"1, 2, 3, 4, 5...." I trailed off, keeping my ears open for any sound Jin-Woo would make. 

"I'll just check what it is..." Jin-Woo said, lifting up his hand. 

"After I sleep." He finished, falling onto his bed. 

'Well, this will let him know to not skip his quests anymore.' I thought with a smile. 




It's been four days since I arrived in this world. 

I was currently outside sitting on a bench with the one and only, Sung Jin-Woo. 

"So... That key, you plannin' to use it today?" I turned to the sweaty Sung who had just redeemed a status recovery, all his sweat magically disappearing. 

'I always wondered how he would just do weird things out in the open and no one noticed....' I thought. 

"Yup." he said, as we both got up and headed for the hospital's front desk. 

"But I still can't believe we both received a double awakening, and we both got the same power. We're even able to increase our power over time on top of that!" Jin-Woo said happily, with a hint of determination. 

"You are right, but I'm just thankful to have this power, I haven't thought much about why I got it." 


We trailed off talking before we quickly reached the front desk and asked for a leave 

After the desk lady agreed, we quickly left the hospital, heading for Hapjung Station. 

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