Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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"A key that can open instant dungeons..." I heard Jin-Woo say to my left as I watched him clutch the green key in his hand. 

I looked at it to examine it once more. 

-[Item: Dungeon Key] 

Item Rarity: E 

Type: Key 

A key that transfers you to an instant dungeon. Can be used at the 3rd exit of Hapjung subway Station. 

'Yup, that's the one.' I thought. 

"Make sure to use that sword of yours." I said to Jin-Woo as he pulled his hand up to the air. 

"Meet ya on the other side." Said Jin-Woo, turning the key with a nervous sweat. 


"Okay... this is unexpected..." I said, observing my surroundings. 

[You Have entered the Instant dungeon.] 

"Where... the hell... is Jin-Woo?" I murmured, watching as a brown haired woman walked past me, straight through the transparent wall behind me. 

'He should be right here. Right?' I thought, turning around and swinging my hand around in the air. 

"Tch, I guess it is an instant dungeon. A whole different dimension, it's not so surprising If I think about it." I said, steeling my resolve. 

'Looks like I'll have to solo it... Well, I might as well get used to it, I can't just lean on Jin-Woo's shoulder since I know he's gonna get stronger." 


I turned around, and started heading down the stairs. 



Walking through the rundown subway stations gave me chills. 

"It's pretty creepy down here." I said, tightening my grip on the sword in my hands. 

I had bought a sword with a good amount of my money, albeit a weak one. 

"I'm pretty confident I can get through this with this sword." 

I looked down at the normal looking sword in my hands and chuckled. 

'It may look bad, but I know it's true value.' 

-[Item: Steel Sword] 

Type: Sword 

+10 Attack 

'This sword that was sold by some random guy at a low price of only a few hundred thousand won, is on par with Kim Sang-Shik's sword...' I thought, bringing the sword up to my face and turning it a few times. 

'Kim's sword should have been at least 3 million won... the price of this sword doesn't even come near. Ha, I guess this could be my plot armor.' I thought, walking forward. 

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I looked towards the shadows to my left and prepared for battle. 

[Steel Fanged Lycan] 

A red wolf emerged from the shadows, making me step back a little. 

'It's name is only white... well it makes sense since im stronger than Jin-Woo is. 

Name: Sky Tenki | Level: 2 

Class: None | Title: None 

Hp: 272 | Mp: 34 

Fatigue: 0 


Strength: 11 

Stamina: 14 

Agility: 17 

Intelligence: 10 

Perception: 14 


Passive Skills: 

-Quick Feet Lv. 1 

-Speed Regeneration Lv. Max 

Active Skills: 

-Dash Lv. 2 

'With my speed and stamina I could just play for the long run... but that's not how I do things!' I thought, dashing towards the approaching wolf. 


The wolf opened its mouth and roared at me. 

"Easy!" I said, swinging the sword at my side upwards. 


The wind parted at the sheer speed of the blade. 


The sword cut through the right side of the Lycan's face, making it's jaw sag as it stumbled around. 

"Maybe I should've put a little more in my strength stat." I said, putting much more force into the sword. 


The sword went through the wolf's head, leaving it to fall off its own shoulders. 

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[You have killed a Steel Fanged Lycan.] 

[Level up!] 

A sound rang in my head, putting a smile on my face. 

*Growl* *Growl~* 

I turned around, expecting to see 2 more Lycan's. 



A group of dozens of wolves were seen in front of me, taking me by surprise. 

'I guess-' 


"I'm not as lucky as Jin-Woo!" I yelled, reflecting the fangs of the magic beast in front of me, slicing through its head like I did with the first wolf, but cleanly this time. 

[You have a Steel Fanged Lycan.] 


The same sound rang in my head once again. 

'This is gonna be tough.' I thought, dashing forward. 

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash* 

I showed no mercy, cutting down every wolf I could see. 

[Level up!] 

Some took one cut, while others took two. 

[Level up!] 

I was... 

[Level up!] 





*Gasp* *Gasp* 

"Hahhh, I can't catch a break. 

[Razor Claw Briga] 

[Razor Claw Briga] 

[Razor Claw Briga] 

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[Black Shadow Razan] 

[Steel Fanged Lycan] 

The beasts before me were the last I could find on the floor, even though most of them had respawned, it seemed that over time the respawn rate lessened. 

"I've been in here much longer than I've needed to, so let's get this over with." I said, with a deep breath. 


My speed immediately increased by 50%. 

*Slash* *Cut* *Slice* 

Within seconds, each beast was on the ground, their heads not attached. 

[You have killed...] 

[You have killed...] 

[You have killed...] 

[You have killed...] 

[You have killed...] 

[Level up!] 

"Hahhhh." I let out a deep breath as I opened my system. 

Name: Sky Tenki | Level: 22 


Class: None | Title: Beast Slayer 


Hp: 2670 | Mp: 397 

Fatigue: 69 



Strength: 33 

Stamina: 36 

Agility: 39 

Intelligence: 32 

Perception: 36 

-[Title: Beast Slayer] 

A title given to a hunter skilled in slaying beast type monsters. When facing animal type monsters, all of your stats will increase by 50%. 

"Sh*t! I've been here way too long. I don't think Jin-Woo even hit level fifteen when he was fighting the beasts alone. He shot up a bit after killing the boss, but I'm already way stronger than he was." I yelled, running towards the stairs on my right. 

'My growth really is insane. I would return with the [Hearthstone] but I really need a better weapon!' I looked at the sword in my hands. 

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'Cracked.' I said in my mind. 

The sword was on the verge of breaking, I doubt it could even take on any more hits. 

'I have more daggers in my [Inventory] but they'll barely do anything to that snake.' 

I thought as I reached the bottom of the stairs, masses of purple smoke gliding in the air. 


I heard a loud hiss coming from the shadows in front of me. 

[The Ruler of the Swamp, Poison-Fanged Blue Rasaka] 

Seeing the white name of the snake above me made me smile. 

'I've even grown too strong for this guy.' 

I could see the hesitation in the snake's eyes. 

'It clearly has intelligence.' I thought. 

'Oh well.' 


I utilized my speed to the max as my body disappeared from my previous position. 


I used every bit of my strength to stab the snake right in its eye. 


The snake yelled as I pulled the sword from its eye, blood spurting all over my body. 

"Not dead?" 

*Slash* *Crash* 

I swung as hard as I could, making the snakes cut even bigger while breaking my sword in the process. 

Seeing my sword break frightened me for a second before I swiftly opened my inventory. 

[Item: Rusty Dagger] 

I had six of these daggers, so I knew that losing a few wouldn't do anything. 

I pulled out the dagger, a small blue portal appearing around my hands as I tossed the now broken sword back into my inventory. 

"Die!" I yelled, shoving the rusty dagger straight into the snake's eye, and pulling. 

The dagger traveled from the snake's eye, all the way to its mouth, cutting through its jaw. 

The blade went all the way down its throat before it finally got stuck, breaking at the very end. 


[You have killed the Ruler of the Swamp, Poison-Fanged Blue Rasaka] 

[Level up!] 

[Level up!] 

"Haha, as expected of a boss!" 

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