“Damn it, you’re underestimating me!” He yelled and pulled out a knife from the lining of his jacket and pointed the tip at me. 

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W-What?! What’s wrong with you? Ah, could it be because I’m not using the proper honorifics? Sorry, but I’ve run out of energy due to all the chasing and I haven’t had the time to use honorifics… Sorry for my bad excuse! B-But, I don’t think you need to use a knife!





The man charged me with a knife in his hand. I quickly twisted my body to the side and staggered a few steps to get out of the way of his charge. Unfortunately, I was unable to completely sidestep him at this time, and I accidentally kicked him in the leg. The man lost his footing after I kicked his shin with my foot, and he screamed as he hit the floor. 

The man had also, tragically, crashed onto a stack of empty alcohol barrels at the street’s end. It was also a narrow alley, and he plunged headfirst into a pile of barrels along the wall.


“Arghhh!” He slammed his head into the barrels with a resounding crash and then lay there motionless.


Eh? Wait, oji-san?


Afraid, I made my way cautiously toward him. The force of his fall had dispersed the barrels around him, sending them rolling in all directions. The man twitched and moaned after being observed for some time.

Thank goodness! He’s not dead!

As I let out a sigh of relief, I spotted a silvery object on the floor. That knife in his hand was the one the old man had just been using. I picked up the knife and looked at it carefully.


Let’s see… Oh, this is a folding knife. But how do you fold this thing? 

The folding knife here was different from the ones back in the original world.

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If I fiddle with this one, I can put the knife here, and the blade will come right out, won’t it? Ah, I get it! After putting this away, should I hook this clasp to the front? But what should I do with this knife?

Since it belongs to oji-san, I should probably give it back to him. But, would it be alright to give back the knife to such a funky uncle that went on around with, ‘KILL young people who can’t use honorifics properly!’

With the knife in my hand, I contemplated what to do next. 

Right then, I heard, “This… is this your doing?” A shocked male voice rang in my ear.

Afterward, I turned my head toward the source of the voice. At the entrance to the alleyway, there was the silver-haired man from earlier, staring at us with wide-open eyes in surprise.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

W-Wait, calm down! Let’s calm down and look at the current situation objectively! 

There’s an oji-san that passed out after crashing into the barrels I’m standing by his side. With a questionable murder weapon (folding knife) in my hand.

The end…


I’m 100% percent guilty no matter you look at it, thank you very much! No, no, I may have been partly responsible for the fact that the man plunged into the barrel!


But, you’ve got it wrong!

Although based on current circumstances, it may look like; a guy dragged a man into some back alley, knocking him unconscious, and is about to commit a murder with a knife—but, this is not the case, I’m telling you! 

Feeling disoriented, I opened my mouth to prove my innocence somehow. But before I could, a man with silver hair walked toward me, his shoes clacking against each other. After that, he got down on his knees next to the man and started digging around in his coat.

Hmmm? What’s this guy doing right now?

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“There it is… Haha, even though I was caught off guard, you’re quite skilled at stealing things from me,” The silver-haired man spoke before pulling something out from the old man’s jacket.

The item was a small leather purse similar to the one I had. However, the purse looked much heavier than mine. 

Ehh? What is this man doing removing a purse from oji-san’s pocket?

I stared at the man with my mouth hanging open. The man stood up with a graceful gesture, tucked away the purse in his coat, then turned to me.

If I look closely, he’s really a good-looking man…

He wore crisp white and navy blue garments with silver embroidery on the collar of his shirt and the cuffs of his jacket, which complemented his icy good looks. Just by looking at him, I could tell he was clad in the highest quality materials and workmanship. 

If Felix is a prince on a white horse type, then this man is an evil chief of staff or executive type of beauty.

When I was honestly admiring the beauty of the man, I suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.

Hmmm? He… looks very familiar…

“Thanks. But still, your observational skills are quite impressive. It’s a shame I didn’t realize my purse had been snatched until you came running after this guy.” 


“I’m sure this pickpocket had committed many other crimes. If it’s all right with you, I’ll take him back to the order.”

“Oh… I don’t mind,” I answered the man’s question after managing to squeeze out a few words.

A pickpocket, he said… You mean this old man is a pickpocket? 

Does that mean when this oji-san bumped into the silver-haired man, the latter was being pickpocketed by oji-san? And he followed us to this back alley after noticing it, is this what it is??

Ah, is that why this oji-san suddenly pointed a knife at me? You mean he thought I was coming to get him, and that’s why he went wild just now?!


I see… This, is a really funny thing.

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Seeing that an ordinary civilian would point a knife just because of trivial reasons like not using honorifics with an older people. Therefore, I couldn’t help but think, ‘Is there nothing but battle junkies in this world? Even ordinary people have such battle-junkies mindset!’ But fortunately, this was not the case. 

What? That’s how it is… Fuuh… Even in another world, there’s no way such battle maniacs can be found anywhere.

Phew… Seems like my thoughts have been poisoned by the Black-winged knights’ attitude before I knew it. Good grief…

“’But… why did you go to such lengths for me, a total stranger? You could have been hurt if you had done poorly. You should refrain from doing this kind of thing.” The silver-haired man looked at me with concern.

Ah, right. After all, in this world, the mindset of people is that of a battle maniac. You know what, if I knew he’s a pickpocket, I would have asked Felix for help first! I was just chasing after him to deliver his lost item! 

“I didn’t mean to go after pickpockets, it was just a coincidence.”

“A coincidence…?”

The silver-haired man looked puzzled at my words.

Well, he probably wouldn’t understand. In fact, I don’t understand either. 

I was just trying to deliver a lost item when this person suddenly pulled out a knife and lunged at me before accidentally knocked unconscious. And… he ended up being a habitual pickpocket as well… This was beyond my comprehension.

Being the person in the middle of this mess, I could sympathize with the silver-haired man’s bewilderment at my words. After that, I gave him a folding knife and a coin I would be holding onto. He took them with a bewildered expression on his face.

“What is this…?”

“This belongs to that unconscious man over there. You can give it back to him.” 

“I’ll confiscate the knife, but as for the coin?”

“That’s his, too.”

“…That pickpocket is probably guilty of other crimes. This coin may have been stolen. But you’re still going to give it back to him?”

“If he did steal it, you can confiscate it. However, this coin probably belongs to him. Then perhaps it should be returned to him.” 

“…You’re such a disciplined man, aren’t you?” The man muttered as he tightened his grip on the coin in his palm.

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The man’s icy blue eyes looked at me with a mix of surprise and confusion. I gave him a dismissive shrug and walked out of the alley. Before I could walk past the man, he grabbed me by the arm and held me back.


“…What? I don’t have anything on me anymore,” I asked, looking at him while tilting my head slightly.

The man continued looking at me with a puzzled look, as his hand that was gripping my arm tightened. 

“It’s not like that… But where are you going? I’m bringing the pickpocket to the order. If you come along, you’ll get a reward too.”

“That sounds tempting, but unfortunately, I have my companion who’s waiting for me.”

I’d be very grateful for the reward, but right now I’m more concerned about Felix, who I had kept him waiting. Besides, I really didn’t do much… The old man charged at me, fell down, and ran into a barrel himself… So it was sort of self-destruction, on his part.

Later, if he did testify to the order, the order probably would say, “What, so you didn’t do anything after all. No reward for you then!” something along these lines. 

Therefore, before this happens to me, I’m declining right away!

I shook my head and lightly pulled my arm from his grasp. However, he looked somewhat desperate and still grabbing my arm with no intention of letting me go.

“Are you in a hurry? Then tell me where you live and I will deliver the reward money to you later.”

“I appreciate your concern. But, I don’t deserve it.” 

“But, you…”

No, I really didn’t do anything. I’m sure you’ll understand as soon as you hear about it after that oji-san wakes up. I didn’t work hard enough to get a reward or anything.

“So… can you at least tell me your name…?”


I gently untangled his fingers and began walking out of the alleyway, with an ice-blue gaze staring at me. On my way, I heard him calling my name from behind me, “Takumi ……,” but I did not look back.

I’m sorry. Because I’ve kept Felix waiting for me for so long! This is bad. I thought it would only take about 10 minutes, but it’s been quite a while. While it hasn’t been an hour, but I think it’s been about 30 minutes already…

Uwa! Felix, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I’ll dash back! I’m going to run the fastest I’ve ever run in my life! And when I get back, I’m going to get down on my knees! No, please let me!

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