In a hurry, I returned to the fruit stand where I had just been and found Felix looking around anxiously. If I didn’t know better, I might have said that his face looked a little pale.

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Felix’s face was almost in tears when he saw me. 

S-Sorry, Felix…


“Felix, I’m sorry—”

I had planned to get down on my knees and apologize without offering any justifications, but that didn’t happen. Felix came sprinting up to me right in the middle of my sentence and embraced me tightly.

Hey, hey? Felix-san!! Th-There’s people here! Luckily, we’re not in a store or anything, so we’re not blocking people’ s way, but they’ re watching us like crazy, aren’t they?


“Takumi… I was worried.”


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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Using a mournful tone, Felix stroked his cheek against mine.


Err~ Well, when you put it like that, it’s so embarrassing that I can’t even say I want you to let me go… 

In my confusion, I decided to let Felix do as he pleased as an apology for the stress, I’d caused him. Because of the height difference between me and Felix, his chest was right in front of my eyes. My heart thumped anxiously as I felt Felix’s warmth radiate directly onto me in this way.

Naturally, I was reminded of the affair I had with Felix and Gazelle the other day, but I forced it down to the bottom of my memory. For what felt like an eternity, he held me in this position.

I was gently released from Felix’s grip as he flashed me a princely grin. “So, Takumi. Of course, you’ll tell me everything that happened, won’t you?”

Wah~ Amazing! Felix’s smile, a perfect prince smile that looks so sparkling on the outside, but all I can feel is the chill of absolute zero. 


I unintentionally replied in a respectful, yes.

In response to my answer, Felix said, “Let’s move to a different location so I can ask you about your situation,” to which I, of course, did not disobey, but instead followed him by hand to a nearby plaza.

Felix naturally held my hand, but there was no way I had the authority to refuse him, since I had been missing for so long… Because of this, I drew quite a few stares from the people around me. Embarrassment quickly rose to my cheeks, but of course, there was no way I could say no. 

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Felix’s hand was guiding me and pulling me along. So, Felix led me to a plaza that was only a ten-minute stroll from the commercial district. A small fountain stood in the center of the plaza, and its spray formed a sparkling little rainbow arch that was framed by the surrounding buildings in a circular pattern.

There were several benches set up around the fountain, where lovers, couples, and friends seemed to be sitting and chatting with each other. This must be a place for citizens to relax. Together, Felix and I took up adjacent seats on one of the bare benches. Immediately after sitting on the bench, I bowed my head to Felix.


“Felix, I’m really sorry. But, where are those two people from earlier?”

“They have already returned back to the mansion. After I saw them off, I went to the fruit shop, but I couldn’t find Takumi. I asked the owner about you, and he told me that you had run off somewhere after talking to a man on the street. I had no choice but to stay there for a while, thinking it would be better to wait for a while rather than making a bad move.” 


If you hadn’t returned after five minutes, Felix said, “I would have sent out a search party from the Black-winged knights.” He was serious, and his eyes showed no sign of humor.

T-This, I’m really glad I came back quickly! If I had been blinded by the bounty back then, I don’t know what could have happened right then… That’d be too scary to think of.

“That, I’m really sorry… There was someone who dropped something in front of the fruit stand. I was going to deliver it to him, but I couldn’t catch up with him. I was going to come right back, sorry.” 

“A lost item, huh… That’s kind of Takumi-like, isn’t it?” Felix smiled wryly at my reply.

… Afterward, I learned that the person who dropped the item was actually a habitual pickpocket who had pulled a knife on me; luckily, I was rescued in time, but the person who dropped the item should have been taken away by the knights by now.

Well, I shouldn’t have to tell him this. Since, I don’t think I can explain it well. Above all, it only fuels Felix’s worries.

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“I was worried that something might have happened to you.” 


Felix’s fist, placed next to my own hand, hardened. As I looked up at Felix, he met my gaze directly.

“…Already, please don’t try to make me worry like this.”


“Don’t take matters into your own hands, no matter how trivial they may seem. If you intend to do something dangerous, please consult with me or Commander Gazelle. Perhaps we are not reliable for Takumi, but…”

“That’s not true!” I couldn’t help but raise my voice at Felix’s words. Perhaps because of my sudden outburst, Felix blinked at me with a startled look on his face.

“It’s not like that. I’m so grateful to both of you for being there for me… I’m very supported by everyone’s presence.”


“And, I was careless this time. I was trying to cheer Felix up today, but on the contrary, I did something that made you worry… I knew it wouldn’t work out well for me…”

When I realised how useless I was to Felix, I felt terrible. While resting one hand on my forehead, I felt a light touch on the other. Turning around, I saw Felix’s long fingers entangled in the palm of my hand as it rested on my lap. I glanced at Felix in alarm to find that he was, oddly enough, smiling. He slowly uncrossed his eyes and loosened his grip with his fingers.


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W-What’s wrong? Aren’t you angry? Or are you just a little taken aback by how much of a jerk I’ve been? 

“No, I’m a little happy. I didn’t think Takumi would think of me that way.”


Felix softly re-gripped my fingertips as if he were wrapping them in his own palm. For a moment, Felix remained still and silent. Silence followed by a soft opening of the mouth.

“Can…I ask you a question?” 

“Ah, of course,” I nodded, to which Felix nodded back as a way of saying his thanks. The strength of his fingers wrapping around my hand increased a little bit.

“Do you know how I joined the Black-winged knights?”

“Un, I just heard from Iris the other day. Erm…that’s because you had a falling out with your parents and your father.”

“That’s right. That’s also why I have been disowned by my parents until now… But my father recently pardoned me, saying that I could go back to my family because I was recognized, along with Commander Gazelle, for the development of the potion.” 

“I’m glad to hear that—”

“I refused.”

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