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“You refused?” 

“Yes.” Felix nodded with a serious expression.

S-Somehow I’m not sure if this is a funny little joke or not.



“When I was a knight apprentice, the commander of the White-winged knights enthusiastically encouraged me to join his order. My father and brothers also made preparations with that intention, and I myself had that intention until the very last minute.”


“But—as a result, I joined the Black-winged knights. It all started when I was saved by Commander Gazelle one day when I went outside the castle in the royal capital. Commander Gazelle’s sword was very straightforward and powerful, and it was a sword that could encourage someone. I admired the swordsmanship of Commander Gazelle as he fought to protect me and others.”


I knew what Felix was talking about. It was Gazelle who inspired me during my previous battle with Wyvern. Gazelle’s words and sword have the power to encourage and inspire people.

“For the first time in my life, I admired another person. I had already decided to become a member of the Black Winged Knights by the time I returned to the royal capital. I didn’t have the right to decide where I would be assigned, but since I volunteered to join the order and asked for help from influential people and aristocrats, there is no doubt that I chose this path for myself.



“So it is only natural that my father disowned me. It is true that I failed many people back then. And no matter what I accomplish now, it will not erase the selfish choices I had made back then. And, moreover, the development of the potion is not really my own achievement.”

“So… Are you saying that you refused your father’s words that you would forgive me for disowning you?”

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The face of Felix, who nodded his head, was so pure. 

It’s too dazzling! Felix is so noble that he even seems to be shining… What an upright man, Felix! But personally, I don’t think it’s wrong if he acts a little selfish!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“So, have you been acting strange lately?”

“…No. That’s the thing…”

When I asked, Felix’s face clouded a little. 

“What’s wrong?”

“The other day… I received a call from my brother saying that our father had collapsed.”


“What’s wrong with your father?” 

“He said that his chronic illness had worsened. My father is now recovering his strength with potions to keep him alive, but he can no longer walk…”

Hmm? What do you mean, “he can no longer walk”? Why do you speak like such hearsay, Felix? Eh, is it possible?


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“Felix. Perhaps you still haven’t gone home to your parents?”


Eh., are you serious? How straight you are, Felix!

“Felix, but why? If your brother contacted you that way, doesn’t that mean your family wants you to come home?”

“That’s…” Felix’s eyes wandered hesitantly, then he turned away from me. “I was disowned by my father … And the other day, I was the one who jumped out of the way of his forgiveness. Is it right for me to go to see my father just because he is ill? Wouldn’t that be a selfish act that would betray even my own resolve?”


The strength of Felix’s fingers gripping my hand became even stronger. For a moment, a silence fell between us. But it was short-lived.

“Why don’t you go back?”


When I said this, Felix rounded his eyes. I finally came to a point with the way those two looked at each other just now. Of course, if the father was in such a state and isolated from his son, the servants would be crying to Felix, whom they met by chance, to come home as soon as possible. 

But Felix’s father and Felix must be very well respected to have a servant say such a thing to him. From what Felix just told me, his father must be a man of character since he paid him that much respect.

Well, isn’t it obvious? After all, he is Felix’s father.

I nodded my head and stood up from the bench, holding Felix’s hand. Then, with a sly grin, I pulled Felix’s hand. For some reason, he looked up at me with a blank expression on his face, as if he were dumbfounded.

“What’s wrong? Let’s get out of here, Felix.” 

“Eh??? Oh, um, when you say you’re going, do you mean to my parents’ house?”

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“Where else would it be?”

“Right now?”

“Naturally. In such a situation, you should go see him as soon as possible. Besides, isn’t that why Felix is so worried about your father that you keep worrying about him?” 

“Well, of course that’s true… but Takumi, you’ve heard what I’ve been saying up until now, haven’t you? I’m not qualified to show my face to the count’s family after all this time…”

In a rare moment, Felix shows his indecisiveness. He sat down on the bench, his beautiful face clouded over, and refused to look up.


I squeezed Felix’s hand and said calmly, “It’s okay, Felix.”

“But I…” 

“Your family is telling you to come home. A child needs no other reason to go home, right?”


Felix raised his head and stared at me. He squinted his purple crystal eyes as if he were looking at something dazzling.

“And if you’re going to… see him, you’d better see him before you regret it. As for me… no matter how much I wish, I can’t meet them already.” 


Well, in my case, it doesn’t matter if we meet or not, the three of us will be doing fine as a family!

“Sorry, Takumi…. I’m—I didn’t think of your circumstances.”

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“Un? Oh, it’s nothing.” 

Hmm? Why did he just apologize?

Felix looked at me with a pained expression on his face.

Eh, why?

“I’m sure it’s … When Takumi disappeared a while ago… I regretted so much why I took my eyes off you. 

Argh! I’m really sorry about that theory, Felix!

“I don’t want to hear those kinds of thoughts anymore. Even if someone says it’s selfish, I still think you should go see your father again. You can say, ‘I want to see you,’ at a time like this.”

“Fufu, is that so? I guess I do want to meet my father.” Felix, perhaps feeling a little better about his situation, slowly got up from the bench with a determined expression on his face. “I’m so grateful for your kindness, Takumi. Your kindness always pushes me forward.”

“That’s what one does for each other.” I shrugged my shoulders, to which Felix smiled softly again. 

Then, with his hand still in mine, he set off toward a waiting carriage on the square’s far side. Most likely, he was planning on catching a ride in a horse-drawn carriage to the count’s mansion. After Felix’s decision to visit his parents at their house, I felt a great sense of relief. Still, I had missed my window of opportunity to release Felix’s hand.

I’m not saying I don’t like holding hands, but it’s a little embarrassing. I’m sure you’ll let go when we get to the count’s house. …Right?


Translator’s Notes

Lwww… Lbk vbfr la offi ab wffa sbeg yo’r qjgfcar obg atf olgra alwf, Kjxewl?  

q/r: Po sbe ilxf atlr mtjqafg jcv kjca ab gfjv jtfjv, mbcrlvfg reqqbgalcu wf bc Bb-ol! Cvnjcmfv mtjqafgr obg VYCK lr eq ab mtjqafg 29 Ujga 2!

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