Ch4.2 - Volume 1 – 4 (part 2) *

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My body feels like it’s on edge. But it’s not the kind of heat that gives you chills like when you have a cold. …… It’s more like a tingling in the back of my waist, or a strange heat in my lower body.



However, when I said that, Gazelle and Felix froze as if time had stopped.



Huh, wait, why so quiet

No way, am I going to die These symptoms are a sign of impending death, is that what you mean 

“…… Ah, um, Felix. Does the nectar of the giant flora have an aphrodisiac effect?”


“No, it shouldn’t have such effects.”


“If there is an effect that we are unaware of, the amount of nectar that Takumi was exposed to is very small. And since so much time has passed since then, it’s hard to imagine that he was exposed to the toxicity of giant flora.”


“I see. ……Then one possibility is that ……his body was modified on purpose.”

“Ahh, I see.”

At Felix’s words, Gazelle put his hand on his chin and nodded his head in agreement.


What do you mean by “I see”! 

I really don’t understand what’s going on Commander and Vice Commander don’t just get along and understand each other by yourselves, please include me in the conversation!

” Felix…… I’m going to go out on a limb here and ask if our magic healing team can handle treatment for this kind of aphrodisiac abnormality?

“It’s indeed impossible. If it was a paralysis abnormality then it’s one thing, and well, this kind of symptom is unforeseen.

“Aah, of course.” 

I stared at both of them in confusion.

Gazelle muttered, “Well, it’s a perk for me anyway so it’s fine.” and brought his magnificent face closer to mine.

Huh, what? Why are you coming over here?


A tongue slipped in through the opening between my lips.

That tongue, needless to say, belonged to Gazelle. His tongue entered my mouth and traced the rows of my teeth.  It tangled around my tongue like a snake, occasionally tickled the inner lining of my jaw, the back of my tongue, and other soft areas. Every time he did this, I felt a rush of stimulation in my lower body.

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“-,…… Fh……G, Gazelle, what are you ……” 

“You heard me. Takumi, it seems that your body is now in a temporary state of estrus, for reasons unknown.”

Out of breath, Gazelle finally let me go.

“If, if that’s the case……then what’s the point of this kiss?”


Gazelle grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me down on my back. My body toppled over in a daze and sank into the bed.

I looked up in disarray, and Gazelle was looming over me with a predator-like glint in his golden eyes.

“–I’ll help you out, Takumi.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He then smiled slightly. 

Llr rwlif gfwlcvfv wf bo j ilbc tecalcu vbkc lar qgfs.

“D, ys tfiq, sbe wfjc……”

“P mjc’a pera ifjnf sbe lc atlr rajaf. Tbeg ybvs offir kfjx, gluta? P’ii tfiq sbe. Tbe kbc’a yf jyif ab vb la jibcf jcskjs.”


Qjla, kjla, kjla, kjla!!

Rb, P wfjc, bo mbegrf la’r clmf bo sbe ab mjgf obg wf ilxf atlr jcv ub bea bo sbeg kjs ab tfiq wf!

But isn’t this a line that should not be crossed?

“G-Gazelle! I appreciate the sentiment, but what if we wait until the estrus subsides?” 

“…… I’m sure waiting is possible, but can Takumi stand it? Just from that one kiss, you’re already like this. Look.”‘

Gazelle gave me a nasty smile and gently stroked my private area.



Wha, I made a weird sound! No, I mean I did get an erection from the kiss though. 

The faint stimulation of Gazelle’s fingertips was enough to send a surge of pleasure down my spine.

I was so embarrassed that I held my mouth shut. When I looked up, Gazelle was watching me with surprise.

–but his face immediately twisted into a grimace.

“Hey, Felix.” 

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“……What is it, Commander Gazelle?”

“Stay here and keep me company.”

“–Are you sure? I thought you would want me to leave you alone.”

“Yeah, I was thinking of doing that. But when I heard his voice just now, I changed my mind. If I’m the only one here, I might forget to take it easy and crush him.” 

“Oh, I see. ……. I understand, well then, I’d be happy to oblige.”

I see. ……, not!

The Commander and Vice-Commander are talking amongst themselves again!

I haven’t been able to keep up with the conversation again you know As expected, the number one and number two of the Blackwing Knights are very close. 

……huh, wait? Uh, Felix? Why did Felix also start taking off his jacket and ……, what?

“I’m sorry, Takumi. However, it’s hard for me to restrain myself when I see you like this,……, because I am also a man.”

“Ah, Felix…….”

Felix looked sorry and apologized to me. However, like Gazelle, his eyes glazed over like a predator’s, as if he was a spider watching its prey caught in its web. 

Felix, too, climbed up on the bed and turned his head to face me. Then, he lifted me up, hugging me from behind as he sat on the bed. I was sitting with Felix behind me, and Gazelle between my legs.

The bed creaked hard under the weight of the three of us.



“Gazelle, Felix ……a, are you serious?” 

“We’re already at this point, and you think I’m not serious?”

I mean, you’re right! Rather it’d be pretty funny if they simply left me alone in this situation!


-crap. Not good. I was feeling so embarrassed that I performed a one man comedy routine to distract myself…… but it seems that my body can no longer afford to do so, and was approaching its limit. 

The heat that was building up in my lower body was getting higher and higher. I felt a rush of pleasure from the touch of Felix’s fingers and arms as he hugged me from behind.

Uwa……not good.

Really, this… I think I’m going to lose it.

“Takumi…… Don’t worry, don’t be afraid. Let me and Commander Gazelle handle it.” 

” Right, right. I’m not going to hurt you, okay?”

As soon as he said this, Felix reached for the buttons on my shirt and Gazelle reached for my pants. Then they both undressed me in a fluid motion.


Despite not being able to afford it anymore, it was still uncomfortable to be naked in front of these two people. With tears in my eyes, I grabbed both of Gazelle’s arms in front of me. But I couldn’t muster the strength in my body, so my grip was quite weak. 

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“-, d, don’t look at me too much………”

When I somehow managed to verbalize my thoughts, Gazelle widened his eyes and squeezed my hand that was holding his arm.


“Commander Gazelle. I know what you’re thinking, but please try to rein it in.” 

“Tsk……I know, I know. Ahhh, I really am glad I had you stay.”

“Yes, I think so too…… Takumi, please don’t provoke Commander Gazelle too much, okay?”



Felix gently caressed my cheek from behind. 

P, provoke……?

I couldn’t really understand what Felix was saying because of the smoldering heat and embarrassment. When I looked back at him, teary-eyed, for an explanation, my gaze met his violet, amethyst-like eyes.

“-, Takumi……like I just said, don’t go around provoking people too much.”


Felix leaned his body to the right and planted his mouth on mine.

The tongue that parted my lips was different from Gazelle’s invasive kiss, rather, it felt like it melted you. His tongue began to crawl inside my mouth, as if he was tasting me carefully. I unconsciously withdrew my tongue, but Felix soon chased after my tongue and entangled it again.

“-, Fh……

“Takumi. Don’t just play with Felix, you have to pay attention to me too, alright?” 

Suddenly, I felt a stimulating heat in my midsection, causing my body to flinch in surprise.

When I faced forward in panic, I saw Gazelle smirking, grasping my penis with one hand and rubbing the tip with the other.

“-ah, Gazell, ……don’t, don’t do th……hya!”

“It’s already pretty sensitive here after all. Doesn’t it feel good when I touch you like this?” 

“Ah, no, not there, so much……Nn, uAh!”

In spite of my protests, Gazelle stroked my tip with his fingers. Each time, my thighs twitched like a fish on a boat. The pleasure was so intense that I even had the illusion of sparks flashing in my head.

But even as I was nearing my limit, I was subjected to further stimulation.


“Aah Fe, Felix, not that part, don’t touch……!”

“But Takumi, look at how pointed it is.”


“A, hih! No, Felix……!”

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From who knows when, Felix’s arms stretched out from his sides and pinched my nipples with his fingers. 

A guy like me shouldn’t be able to feel anything from this.

But every time Felix pinched my nipples, I involuntarily cried out.

“Look at how red it has become, and how it’s quivering. …… doesn’t it feel good when I rub my fingers like this?

“Hi, aAh!” 


The moment Felix flicked my nipple with his fingertips, an unbelievably high pitched voice broke out.

Th, that was illegal! They were already becoming quite sensitive……!

I was so embarrassed that I felt my face turn bright red. 

“Pft……Takumi, I see you can make faces like that too.”

“U, ah………Nn-”

Because I didn’t want them to see my face, which was probably red, and because I couldn’t face the two of them, I involuntarily bent down. However, in front of me, Gazelle grabbed me by the chin and made me look up. He kissed the corner of my tear-stained eyes with a gentle peck.

“Takumi. You don’t have to hold back, just come once.” 

“A, n-no, Gazell, if you keep doing that to me, I’ll …… u, ah!”

Gazelle pulled his face away from mine and put his hand on my erect, dripping penis and began to rub it up and down. The other hand was stroking the tip with the palm of his hand like before. Gazelle’s hand had become slick with overflowing discharge.

“Then, me too. It seems that Takumi likes to have this spot flicked with my fingertips.”

“Hi, a, ah! Fe, Felix, don’t do that……! 

Felix caressed my nipples from behind and Gazelle caressed my penis from the front.

“ah……Hah, aah……h, Aah!”



Fireworks erupted in my brain, and the pleasure that swept through my body quickly overwhelmed me. 

I could feel thick white fluid gushing from the tip and spreading over my stomach.

“Hah……h, nn, Haa……h.”

As I was feeling apologetic, I leaned languidly against Felix behind me and looked at Gazelle in front of me with ragged breaths.

It, it’s over, right? 

I came and all, so it’s resolved like this, right? No, to say if the fever in my body has subsided, it hasn’t at all. But thanks to them, I feel a little better.

Besides, I’m sure they don’t want to see a guy like me panting any more.

I stared at Gazelle with such expectations in my mind.

For some reason, the moment his gaze met mine, he gulped down his saliva, narrowed his golden eyes, and muttered, “I really can’t get enough of this…….” 

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