Ch5.1 - Volume 1 – 5 (part 1) *

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“Felix, change your position a bit. Yeah …… like that. Try to keep Takumi’s hips up.”

” I understand. …… Takumi, excuse me for a moment. I’ll put a pillow under your waist.” 

I think my thoughts didn’t get through, as Gazelle showed no signs of getting off the bed and began to move my body position with Felix.

……Uh, excuse me.



We’re still not finished

“B, both of you! I’m fine now.” 

For some reason, the two of them were eager to continue, and I hurriedly tried to sit up.


However, Felix held down my shoulders and I fell back on the bed again.

“Fe, Felix……I’m begging you, let go already.”

I looked up to Felix and pleaded.


I can’t take it anymore. I can’t stand it. Being the only one naked and having my body played with……on top of that, I even ejaculated right before their eyes.

I can’t do this anymore. I’m going to die of shame and embarrassment……!

“-, Takumi, …… sorry. That has the opposite effect……”


“What ……? -, uAh” 

Felix looked at me with feverish eyes, his face flushed. As I looked back at Felix, I felt a sensation of something pressing against my lower body.

I hurriedly looked at my lower body and saw Gazelle sitting between my legs, slowly burying his right index finger in my rear end.

“-, Ah~, I’m screwed too. That voice and face you made earlier is foul, Takumi…….”

“Hi-……Ga, Gazelle, why are you touching a place like that-……Aah!” 

“Hmm? I mean, even if I’m going to stick it in here anyway, shouldn’t you get used to it first?”

“a, kuh, Nn-……!”

S, stick in what?!

-I guess ‘what’ should be pretty clear! But just who is going to stick ‘what’ in me?! 

“But woah…… it’s this hot inside even before I got him used to it.”

“-, ah, hiu, -……


“Takumi, do you feel it? Right now, my finger is moving like this.”

“Kuh, ah, ah-……I, I feel it, I feel it, so……-!” 

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Whenever Gazelle’s finger moves inside my body, my body jerks and shudders. Despite the fact that I had just released my cum, my penis had lifted its head again and was spilling clear nectar from its tip.

“Felix. Hold Takumi’s legs for me.”

“Okay, I got it. Is this okay?”

“eh, ……-” 

N, no of course it isn’t.

I tried to resist by pushing against Gazelle’s shoulders with my limited strength, but he easily lifted both my legs and pressed them against my upper body. Felix, who was sitting next to my head, took over for Gazelle and secured my legs.

In other words, my everything was completely visible to Gazelle and Felix.

“-, Ga, Gazelle, this position is… ……! Hiu-!?” 

“It’s cute that you’re embarrassed Takumi, but you need to behave for now, okay?”

“Fufu…… Your face is bright red, Takumi.”

As Gazelle’s finger inside me began to claw near my ventral area, I couldn’t continue my sentence.  All I could do was breathe in and out in front of the two of them, who seemed to be having a great time.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“C-, cb, Xjhfiif-, la offir, kflgv atfgf-……j, eCt, Rc-!?” 

“Yt, tfgf? Kjxewl’r offi ubbv rqba.

“Llt, j, Rc-……!”

Dfobgf P xcfk la, atf cewyfg bo olcufgr Xjhfiif erfv ab qfcfagjaf ws lcrlvfr lcmgfjrfv. Lf rwlifv rbwfktja yfklamtlcuis jcv klat j rmtilmx, rmgjamtfv ja rbwfatlcu atja gfrfwyifv j iewq. Pc jc lcrajca, j abggfca bo qlfgmlcu qifjregf gertfv atgbeut ws ybvs, mjerlcu wf ab ifjc yjmx jcv alutafc ws mijwqlcu jgbecv Xjhfiif’r olcufgr.

Wha, What is this……there’s no way. 

Despite the fact that my penis wasn’t getting touched, I felt like my body was going to melt with pleasure.

“a, Fhu……Kh, aAh, -!”


“Yeah, looks like this is the place. Felix, you remember it too. Takumi’s feel good spot is on the right side, where I inserted my middle finger.

“I see, thank you for the information.” 

And even in this situation, the Commander and Vice-Commander of the Blackwing Knights are conversing in their usual tone of voice! They are a good boss and subordinate, aren’t they?

Uu, I feel even more embarrassed because these two are so calm. Besides, both of them are still clothed, and I’m the only one who’s naked……! Ah, but if the two of them were to take off their clothes, my poor physique would stick out even more.

“………. Now, it’s about time.”

Gazelle slowly removes his fingers from inside me. 

But, for some reason, Felix was still holding my legs and didn’t seem to be releasing me anytime soon.

I could not hide my confusion and looked at both of them in turn. Then Gazelle put his hand on his belt.

……wait, huh?

Wait, um, Commander Gazelle? Why did you start taking off your pants and ……? Huh? 

Gazelle took off his pants and underwear, and took out his penis.

It was reddish-black, bulging and completely erect, with a wide, vigorous curve.

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“Takumi……loosen up.”

My rear end which had just been loosened by Gazelle’s fingers, was now completely open and twitching. 

Gazelle brought his face closer to mine and pressed the hot, pulsating tip against the opening, letting out a gentle exhale.

Then he slowly buried it inside me.

“–ah, Aah–!”

The heat and pressure were unlike anything I’d ever felt before. 

I forgot to breathe for a moment because of the mass of burning hot flesh that invaded me. My body felt like it was falling apart. My eyes flickered before me.

“ah……, hah, AaAh…….”


“Uwa……This is amazing……it feels like it’s coiling around me.”

In order to stay conscious, I grabbed the sheets and pulled it towards me. 

Ah……nn, no, way. I’m getting violated by a man.

Even though I’m getting violated by a man, it feels so good.

I feel embarrassed.

I had no idea how I had gotten myself into this situation, but I definitely didn’t want them to see me like this. 

Even now, when Gazelle himself was inside me, I didn’t feel any tension or pain, but only disorienting pleasure.

The fact that my penis has yet to wither and continues to sloppily spill transparent nectar is proof of this.

I’m sure they’re both disgusted to see me like this.

“-, tsk……I feel like I’m the one who’s going to get done in first.” 

“My, in that case, would you like me to take your place?”

“Who would do such a wasteful thing?”

Before my euphoric surrender to pleasure, Gazelle and Felix exchanged such words.

“-, ……a, Ga, zelle.” 

I finally called out to Gazelle, who was slowly burying his penis further and further in during their conversation.

Gazelle returned his gaze to my voice and asked back, “What is it, Takumi?”

His golden eyes showed no sign of disgust or disappointment in me. Even though my eyes were wet with lust, he seemed to be concerned about me, which made me feel even more sorry.

“-, I, I want you to wait just a little……. This is my first time doing anything like this, so…….” 

“………………you said first time, what?”

If this continued, the two of them will be exposed to an even more disgraceful appearance, so I asked them if they could somehow wait.


“Uhhhh, …… Takumi, you’re a virgin?”

“……-, yeah, I am……Nn, u” 

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Wa, wait. Why is Mr. Gazelle who is inside me getting bigger?

Ar, are you telling me that wasn’t the limit?

Wait, this is no time to be thinking that! Why did it get so big just now? There wasn’t really anything worth getting excited about!?

“-, seriously…… with Takumi’s age and appearance, it’s impossible that he doesn’t have experience with any men or women.” 

“…… Virgins sells for a higher price, you know. Commander Gazelle, think about it. If it was a virgin with black hair, black eyes, educated, skilled in fighting, and their body has been altered to make them weak against pleasure……”

“…… Ah, yes, that makes sense.  Certainly, if you were to put that up for auction, it would be no surprise if it fetched tens of millions …… or even hundreds of millions.”


The two of them were talking about something difficult, but I was so damaged by Gazelle’s words that I couldn’t care less. 

Hey there, handsome guy! Please choose your words more carefully or wrap them up in a proper expression! There are many people in this world who do not give up their virginity and become wizards!

“Hmm…… then I’m the first man you’ve ever been with, Takumi?”

“Hih, -!?”

“If that’s the case, then surely I should make it a unique experience for you so that you’ll never forget about me?” 

When I asked you to wait, did you hear what I said, Mr. Gazelle?!

When he saw my agitated face, he chuckled and licked the edge of his lips. The way he licked his lips was like a beast lapping at its prey rolling in front of it.

My bad premonition came true, and Gazelle began to thrust violently inside.

“Look, Takumi? Isn’t this your favorite spot?” 

“a, -Ah, aAh!-”

As he repeatedly rubbed the sensitive part of my body, I let out a moan that was almost a scream.


The stimulation was so great that my hips were spasming and jerking.

“Takumi, can you tell? How hot your insides are, how swollen and wet it is, and how tight it clamps down on me.” 

“-, Don’t say it-……! Eeah, Nnngh!”

Even without being told, my ears have been picking up on the vulgar squelching sound for a while now.

I tried to cover my ears with my hands, not wanting to hear Gazelle’s teasing words or the reverberating squelching sound. But before I could do so, Felix caught me by both arms.

“-, a, why, Felix…….-” 

“I’m sorry, Takumi, but I love how embarrassed you look, and it makes me want to look at you even more.”

As I look up at him with tears welling up in my corner of my eye, Felix smiles diabolically at me.

“Felix, nice one. Okay, I’m going to get serious now.”

“-, Ah, aAh!” 

This time Gazelle raised both of my legs and hovered over my body.

Then he pulled out his penis had been inside me and rammed it all the way in.  My body writhed and squirmed at the sensation of something hot being thrust into me with such force.

“-, Ah……ah.”

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“You’re adorable, Takumi.” 

Gazelle’s gentle hand traced my stomach, where his manhood was now buried underneath. When Gazelle’s fingertips touched that spot, my penis began to squirt and overflow with more and more transparent nectar.

“-, Nn, Kuh……!”

Then, Gazelle increased the speed of his movements.

At the same time, my insides squeezed down harder on his penis. By now, even if it wasn’t a sensitive area of my body, just being rubbed inside by a scalding hard-on was enough to make me let out a high-pitched moan from my mouth. 

“pant……I can’t get enough of this……!”

“Hih, Nn……a, -gAh!”


Gazelle let out a heated breath, grabbed my waist, and thrust inside as if he was going to drill into me. Schlop schlop – as I listened to those lewd sounds, I screamed in ecstasy at the overwhelming pleasure I felt. My waist started to rock on its own, as I couldn’t help myself any longer.

“-, Takumi……I’m letting it out, take it in alright……-” 

“Ah, Nnh, Ah, a!”

As soon as he whispered this, Gazelle’s erection twitched and throbbed, steadily shooting out something warm inside me.

“-, Aah……-!”

I too had ejaculated as Gazelle reached his climax. 

However, my body was still burning, and my penis had raised its head again, as if it hadn’t vented out enough heat.

“-, ah……wh, why……”

“Oh, you came with just from getting stimulated in the back. But it looks like this place still hasn’t gotten enough?”

“Eek! Ga, Gazelle, don’t touch it-……! It’s still sensitive there-” 

“That’s right, Commander Gazelle. Don’t tease Takumi too much. Besides, it’s my turn now, isn’t it?”

Ri, right right, Felix is right. I just came, so I don’t want you touching me ……wait, huh?

Wait, Felix, Gazelle? Why are you both switching places …… Huh?

“–Now, I’m sure you’re not satisfied yet, Takumi. I’ll be assisting you this time.” 

“If Felix can’t satisfy you, I can still do it, okay? I have plenty of time to spare today.”

Amethyst eyes and golden eyes look down at me with amusement as I lay motionless.

However, I couldn’t muster any strength in my body at all, and they didn’t seem to be listening when I tried to resist.

This time, Felix’s penis was inserted into my rear end, making a squishy sound.  I felt faint at the sensation. 


Can I just pass out here already?


–However, I never thought that even though I was about to pass out, the pleasure I was receiving would force me to wake up……

Hash: I editted the original from 「おれの中に挿れた指がガゼルの腹側をこりこりと引っ掻いたため」to 「おれの中に挿れたガゼルの指が腹側をこりこりと引っ掻いたため」because it seemed to make more sense. From “As the finger inside me began to scratch Gazelle’s ventral area” to “As Gazelle’s finger inside me began to claw near my ventral area”. If anyone has a better suggestion or a correction please do let me know. 

Also Japanese has such a colorful range of hentai (and non-hentai) sfx lol. In this chapter, bikubiku, hikuhiku, hakuhaku, koryu, gucho gucho, guchu guchu, pyu pyu, kyuu kyuu, bacchun.  They seemed to have a system to them and are used throughout hentai… I had no idea how to translate koryu/bacchun and just guessed.

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