"No way?"

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The Death Spider Emperor, fusion! Ye Hao transformed into a black radiance and swiftly passed by.

The three Shadow Wolves in front of him were thrown into the air, their bodies split in half. In an instant, the Shadow Wolves let out a low moan and scattered, their bodies emitting audible sounds as they rapidly decayed before the naked eye.

The infamous poison of the Death Spider Emperor was not exaggerated. Given time, if Ye Hao achieved the rank of Title Douluo, it was estimated that even the poison of the Poison Douluo, that old poisonous creature, would not be his match.

Before long, several puddles of blood appeared on the ground.

Ye Hao exited the fusion with the Death Spider Emperor and returned to his original form.

"The Master": Finally came across a few soft targets, and they didn't even give me a chance to show off?

Tang San: Impressive, Ye Hao's martial soul is truly extremely poisonous.

As a disciple of the Tang Sect, Tang San was considered an expert in the field of poison. Now it seemed that he still had a lot of room for improvement.

"The Master, let's continue on our way."

Ye Hao spoke up, bringing "The Master" back from her contemplation of life.

"Oh, oh!"

"San Pao, continue leading the way."

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The group continued walking. On the ground, besides the bloodstains, there were three white rings of ten year soul rings remaining in mid-air. When a soul beast was killed, its soul ring would burst out.

However, since these three Shadow Wolves were killed by Ye Hao, others couldn't absorb their soul rings. Therefore, these three ten year soul rings were naturally wasted. Soul rings, although precious, also varied in quality.

In the eyes of Ye Hao, Tang San, and the others, the higher the age of the soul ring, the better. At least a hundred years was the starting point. Of course, it was crucial to choose a soul beast that suited oneself.

Whether they could encounter one was one thing, and whether they could kill it was another.

The sun rose and set, and in the blink of an eye, it was nighttime.

The forest was peaceful, with thick branches and lush foliage. Under a slightly larger tree, "The Master" took out powder prepared in advance to conceal their presence and scattered it evenly around the trees.

Today was fruitless, but they would continue their search for soul beasts tomorrow. Hunting soul beasts was difficult, and finding one that suited them was even harder.

After a simple dinner, everyone gradually fell asleep.

Only Ye Hao couldn't sleep. Perhaps it was because he had never slept outdoors before. With his hands crossed behind his head, he gazed at the beautiful starry sky above. For some reason, a homesickness suddenly rose in his heart.

Dog System, don't let me encounter you again.

(System: Goodbye to you too!)

Suddenly, a strong urge to urinate struck. Ye Hao hurriedly went to a nearby bush to relieve himself.

"Splish splash..."

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Ye Hao felt refreshed after relieving himself. He shivered unintentionally, and the sense of burden on his body disappeared instantly.

Just as Ye Hao was about to leave, a black net-like object suddenly attacked from the nearby bushes. Ye Hao quickly dodged.

That was close. Fortunately, I dodged in time, or I would have really regretted it.

Something emerged from the bushes. "Crackle, crackle, crackle..."

Ye Hao: "???"

"Death... Death Spider?"

Ye Hao was slightly stunned as he looked at the death spider in front of him, with a puddle of yellow liquid on its head. Well, now he knew the reason. This trip wasn't in vain, and the efficiency of jungle clearing was remarkable.

The death spider in front of him was quite small, only half a meter tall. It was far away from Tang San and "The Master," so he couldn't rely on them. He was on his own.

As Ye Hao's first soul ring, the death spider was undoubtedly a perfect fit. It belonged to the same spider species, and Ye Hao's first martial soul, the Death Spider Emperor, was the boss and ancestor of this death spider. Little spider, it's decided, you're the one!

The death spider suddenly became furious. It was sleeping peacefully on this late night, but suddenly it started raining. Rain was one thing, but this "rain" didn't smell right. It took a sip and looked towards the person not far away pulling up their pants. The death spider became enraged and spat out a web.

Ye Hao also possessed the venom of the Death Spider. Even though this death spider before him was a hundred years old, its toxicity couldn't be underestimated.

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As for how he could tell, well, it was simple. He looked at the size and appearance of the body and the length of the spider's legs. This one in front of him was only half a meter long.

In the next moment, the death spider spat out several webs and rushed fiercely towards Ye Hao with great momentum.

A smile formed at the corner of Ye Hao's mouth. Death Spider Emperor, possess me. As the phantom of the Death Spider Emperor appeared behind him, the death spider suddenly froze, its eyes dull and vacant. It was... the Death Spider Emperor!

Meanwhile, Ye Hao easily and joyfully dealt with the webs spat out by the death spider. Everything went as expected. The death spider stood still, trembling madly, while Ye Hao approached it.

First soul ring, here I come!

Ye Hao stood up and dashed towards the death spider. Shrouded in the darkness of the night, he transformed into a shadow. Eight sharp spider spears gleaming with a black chill were present on his back, and a black armor clung to his chest. The death spider reacted swiftly, and one of its spears impaled Ye Hao's chest.

However, it was all in vain. When the spear touched the black armor, only a few sparks flew.

Ye Hao was overjoyed as he controlled the spider spears on his back.


  The pitch-black spear pierced through the body of the Death Spider. The Death Spider trembled uncontrollably, dripping bright green blood from its mouth. The poison of Ye Hao's Death Spider Emperor flowed continuously into the body of the Death Spider.

  Ye Hao could sense that the life of the Death Spider was rapidly fading away.

  If he hadn't encountered the Death Spider in the middle of the night, Ye Hao wouldn't have encountered it at all. Among all the known spirit beasts, the Death Spider was undoubtedly the most suitable for Ye Hao as his first spirit ring source.

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  The one in front of him, whether in terms of age or species of spirit beast, was a perfect match for Ye Hao.

  "I'm sorry for giving you a 'shower.'"

  "As compensation, become my first spirit ring. I will definitely become a Title Douluo. Little Spider, your spirit will rest in peace."

  Can you believe it? Is this guy speaking human language?

  The Death Spider suddenly convulsed even more violently. It raised its sharp front claws, but before it could strike, it fell to the ground.

  Ye Hao realized that the opponent no longer posed a threat to him. He forcefully withdrew the spear from the Death Spider's body. The Death Spider fell to the ground, and in the next moment, a yellow light gathered on its corpse, resembling scattered stars in the night sky.

  In the blink of an eye, a circle of yellow spirit rings appeared above the head of the Death Spider. It was a hundred-year spirit ring. Ye Hao's first spirit ring in his life was born!


  How should he absorb the spirit ring? Although the Master had mentioned it, Ye Hao had no personal experience.

  If he had known, he should have left the three Shadow Wolves for the Master to deal with. Is it easy to pick the soft persimmons?

  Looking at the slowly rising yellow hundred-year spirit ring in front of him, Ye Hao's eyes were filled with excitement. Memories of the conversation between the Master and Tang San in the novel resurfaced in his mind.

  "Cannot be distracted?"

  Ye Hao shook his head, looking at the gradually dimming hundred-year spirit ring in front of him. It would be a waste not to absorb it.

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