Ye Hao took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the ground. He released his Death Spider Emperor martial soul, and in an instant, the enormous figure of the Spider Emperor appeared behind him. The terrifying aura surged rapidly, causing the weaker spirit beasts in the surroundings to scatter.

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Above the dead Death Spider, a circle of yellow hundred-year spirit rings floated slowly towards Ye Hao's head, drawn by his soul power. The spirit ring looked golden and dazzling, resembling pure gold.

Ye Hao felt his whole body heating up, as the scorching energy surged within him. His internal organs were shaken and ached, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

With the domineering power, the yellow spirit ring firmly encircled the Death Spider Emperor under Ye Hao's feet. At this moment, something in Ye Hao's body seemed to snap, breaking free from its restraints. His soul power instantly transformed into a warm flow.

It filled every corner of Ye Hao's body, making him feel like a small furnace. At the same time, the Death Spider Emperor also underwent a silent transformation. Its crimson eyes became more ferocious and terrifying, as if a single glance could send its opponent to hell.

Within a ten-meter radius beneath Ye Hao's feet, flowers and grass withered, trees decayed, and the land became desolate. An unpleasant smell permeated the air.

Even the dead body of the Death Spider disintegrated into a pool of dark green liquid. Ye Hao's first spirit ring brought about significant changes in him, and likewise, the toxicity of the Death Spider Emperor's poison reached a higher level.

After a while, Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes. Eight sharp black spider spears unfolded behind him, a black armor covered his chest, and his face appeared fierce. His crimson eyes gleamed with cold light in the reflection of the night, while his four smaller eyes rotated wildly below. Ye Hao could sense everything around him—the slightest movement of the wind, the lush vegetation—and nothing escaped his eyes.

Delighted, Ye Hao quickly withdrew from the Death Spider Emperor's embodiment.

Surveying the desolate and decayed surroundings, Ye Hao couldn't help but feel emotional. The Death Spider Emperor truly deserved its status as a top-tier beast martial soul. He wondered how the scene would unfold when he became a Title Douluo.

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Before that, Ye Hao needed to continue working hard. Although he had obtained his first spirit ring and his soul power had broken through to the tenth rank, his current strength was probably at the twelfth rank. Nevertheless, Ye Hao still had to make more plans for the future.

This Death Spider's age is probably around four hundred years, fortunately not surpassing the highest age limit for the first spirit ring.

Brushing off the dust on his body, Ye Hao quickly returned to the campsite. As he approached the camping area, Ye Hao tiptoed and looked at Tang San, who was meditating quietly. Ye Hao noticed a faint purple aura surrounding Tang San's body, something that others couldn't perceive.

Now, Ye Hao had obtained his first spirit ring, and his mental power and focus had significantly improved.

Mysterious Heaven Treasure?

It was the martial art of Tang San's Tang Sect from his past life, and currently, this was the only explanation.

Without saying a word, Ye Hao lay directly on the blanket to rest. After absorbing the spirit ring, he felt completely exhausted. Taking a nice nap was exactly what he needed to do.

This place was the Soul Hunting Forest, also known as the Spirit Beast Forest. Although it was not as vast as the Star Dou Forest, it was still filled with spirit beasts. Who knew how many hidden dangers were lurking in the grass at this moment?

Just like that Death Spider, sleeping peacefully and suddenly encountered a "torrential rain."

In the end, it fulfilled Ye Hao and indirectly accomplished the Death Spider. May its spirit rest in peace.

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Death Spider: 〈◕﹏◕〉

Ye Hao had just lay down for a while when Tang San slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Ye Hao, who was half-asleep, and felt a complicated emotion in his heart.

Tang San had long sensed the commotion earlier, despite the distance between them. After all, he was Tang San.

Ye Hao's aura had become stronger than before, and he had surpassed Tang San. Spirit ring? He had obtained one, was it true?

Recalling the words spoken by the "Master" earlier, at this moment, Tang San was filled with curiosity about Ye Hao. What secrets were hidden within him? Even their teacher held him in high regard and signaled to befriend him, not to be his enemy.

Though Tang San didn't understand, he still heeded their teacher's words. After all, his father had left, and their teacher had indirectly become the only spiritual support for Tang San in this world.

Consider Ye Hao as a friend?

Tang San contemplated for a moment and thought it might be worth trying to get along. What if they got along well?

Leaving the Holy Soul Village and being away from his father, Tang San was alone except for their teacher. It wasn't easy to come across a "friend."

The next morning, as the morning sunlight spread across the land, Tang San had already gotten up and started tidying up.

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On the other hand, Ye Hao seemed drowsy. He hadn't slept much in the past few days, and last night was particularly sleepless. The wilderness was not a conducive place for sleeping.

Unbeknownst to him, Ye Hao had already been in this world for four days. During these four days, there hadn't been a single peaceful day. Even sleeping at night was not guaranteed.

"Let's continue on."

"Master" saw that they were almost ready and began urging them to move forward in search of the traces of spirit beasts.

So far, Tang San still didn't have a spirit ring. The Spirit Beast Forest was vast, but along the way, they had mostly encountered spirit beasts with ten-year or nearly hundred-year spirit rings. There was no trace of a hundred-year spirit beast suitable for Tang San yet.

Ye Hao remained calm and continued to stroll through the forest, following closely behind the master and disciple in front of him. To be honest, if it weren't for his lack of money, he would have left long ago. Who wants to continue following behind you? Unless Tang San's Mandala Snake appears today, Ye Hao estimates that there will be no results. He'll probably have to deal with another situation hastily tonight.

Feeling frustrated, Ye Hao casually picked up a stone by the roadside and threw it towards a nearby area.

The stone formed an arc and made a "thud" sound, as if it hit something.

Ye Hao didn't pay much attention and continued walking...

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"Rustle, rustle..."

Suddenly, a emerald green snake head emerged from the nearby bushes. Its ruby-like eyes stared intensely at the three people in front of it, while it frantically spat out snake venom.

Vaguely, Ye Hao could see that part of the snake head was swollen, as if there was a small bulge.

Ye Hao's heart tightened, and he quickly pointed towards Tang San and the "master" in front. The large snake understood and nodded at Ye Hao (what a good person). It twisted its long body and lunged towards the two in front.

In a hurry, Tang San and the "master" quickly evaded.

The "master" was shocked, saying, "This is a Mandala Snake, a venomous snake-type spirit beast. Its venom is extremely strong and has a paralyzing effect. How could it appear here?"

Tang San's eyes brightened, and he continued, "Mandala Snake? Teacher, how is this spirit beast?"


The "master" nodded confidently and said, "This spirit beast is very suitable for you, based on my..."

Before the "master" could finish speaking, the Mandala Snake opened its bloody mouth and instantly bit down on the "master", swallowing them whole and burping contentedly.

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