Tang San: ∑(O_O;)

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Ye Hao: w(°o°)w

Mandala Snake: (-_-;)・・・

This person smells so bad, and the taste isn't good either.

The master: "..."

Ye Hao speechlessly said, "Master, is this considered as a 'no'?"

Tang San suddenly became furious and looked at the Mandala Snake before him, his eyes filled with killing intent.

Now, he no longer hides anything.

With a swift step, Tang San's hands turned jade-colored, forcefully prying open the mouth of the Mandala Snake as Ye Hao watched in astonishment.

Currently, Tang San is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

After parting with his father and finally finding a teacher, within a few days, he ends up being swallowed by a snake.

In general, those who talk the most also die the fastest. Ye Hao has always firmly believed in this.

If it comes to a fight, just fight. What's the point of analyzing?

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Ye Hao shook his head and sighed at the "master" in silence.

Immediately, he released his Death Spider Emperor martial soul, and the Death Spider Emperor possessed him, with his first soul ring lighting up.

Looking at the Mandala Snake in front of him, Ye Hao seized the opportunity. Coincidentally, he had just obtained his first soul ring yesterday, so he'll use you as his first target!

"First soul skill, Spider Assault."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Hao's hands transformed into two massive spider spears, with the emerald green Death Spider Emperor poison dripping constantly.

On the other side, Tang San naturally saw everything. Indeed, Ye Hao had already obtained a soul ring ahead of him, but the immediate priority was to rescue their Master.

Tang San listened attentively and faintly heard a "wuwuwu" sound coming from within the mouth of the Mandala Snake. It was their Master. Tang San was pleasantly surprised to learn that their Master was still alive. This news was more important than anything else.

Ye Hao: "..."

You see, this Mandala Snake is about four meters long, and in its middle section, there is a large figure wriggling incessantly. That is undoubtedly their Master.

As time passed, their Master's resistance gradually weakened. In a little while, it's uncertain whether their Master would be completely corroded. After all, the Mandala Snake had extremely potent poison, as seen by Ye Hao, Tang San, and the others.

"Tang San, step aside."

Ye Hao shouted loudly, and Tang San was momentarily taken aback. However, he nodded in agreement. Before leaving, he made sure to break one of the Mandala Snake's teeth, causing it to wildly thrash on the ground and blood to flow from its mouth.

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Ye Hao stepped forward, swift and agile. Under Tang San's watchful gaze, Ye Hao swung the two massive spider spears in his hands and thrust them directly at the Mandala Snake.

To be honest, at this moment, Ye Hao really wanted to give a strike to their Master.

He could just say, "I'm nearsighted and aimed at the wrong place."

In the next second, a crisp "crack" sound was heard, the sound of a blade slicing through flesh. A red horizontal line appeared on the Mandala Snake's throat.

After a while, the Mandala Snake suddenly fell down, its body separating into pieces, but it continued to writhe madly, clearly not yet dead.

Even though the snake was dead, its head still possessed attacking capabilities.

Ye Hao stepped forward and used the spider spear in his hand to lift up the head of the Mandala Snake, looking at it disdainfully before throwing it away.

"Tang San, deliver the final blow."

Tang San didn't care about these details. He gently wiped his finger on the Twenty-Four Moonlit Bridges, and a beautifully decorated dagger appeared in his hand. This was prepared by their Master beforehand for hunting soul beasts, delivering the final blow to the soul beast and ultimately absorbing the soul ring.

At this moment, the Mandala Snake before them was on its last breath. Ye Hao decapitated it, but its life force remained stubborn.

In an instant, the dagger in Tang San's hand turned into a white light and descended. The Mandala Snake trembled violently, its entire body shaking uncontrollably.

Then, something unexpected and astonishing happened.

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Their Master's position suddenly shifted as the madness subsided. In the gaze of Tang San and Ye Hao, the rear end of the Mandala Snake enlarged abruptly, and their Master's head actually emerged from it!

Tang San: Σ( ̄. ̄ノ)

Ye Hao:(✧∀✧)

"The Master's head has come out! Tang San, give it all you've got!"

Ye Hao's expression was filled with excitement. In this situation, he was at a loss for words.

Tang San's mouth twitched uncontrollably. Why was this scene so nerve-wracking for the onlookers?

Regardless, Tang San threw caution to the wind for the safety of their Master.

The dagger in his hand swiftly stabbed downward. The Mandala Snake's body trembled even more violently, and visibly, their Master curled up into an "egg" shape, brought to life by the Mandala Snake.

Moreover, there was a layer of blood membrane surrounding their Master's body, resembling the scene of laying an egg. The only thing lacking was the eggshell. Otherwise, it was an indescribably vivid sight.

Tang San was speechless. He glanced at their Master curled up in the "egg," realizing that being alive was more important than anything else. Forms and appearances were all meaningless.

At the same time, after giving "birth" to their Master, the Mandala Snake finally met its bitter end. In front of Tang San, a century soul ring was slowly forming.

The Master was safe and sound, the soul ring was successfully obtained, and a long-lost smile finally appeared on Tang San's lips.

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Ye Hao withdrew from the Death Spider Emperor fusion state and looked at their Master curled up in the "egg." Now what should they do?

Should we break the "egg" and let the "Master" out?

Tang San and Ye Hao exchanged a glance, both uncertain about what to do. They decided to leave it as it was and see how the situation unfolded.

After placing the "egg" of the Master under a tree, Tang San wiped the sweat off his forehead and then sat cross-legged on the ground. Under the influence of Tang San's soul power, the Mandala Snake's soul ring securely attached itself to the Blue Silver Grass. Tang San's aura began to rise rapidly, just like Ye Hao's situation from the previous night. With nothing else to do, Ye Hao simply chose to lie down.

At noon, when the sun was at its most scorching, the intense sunlight pierced through the clouds. Ye Hao lay under the tree, observing Tang San, who was still absorbing the soul ring, and the "Master," who showed signs of movement. He estimated that the "Master" would hatch from the egg soon.

Unfortunately, the snake "mother" had left ahead of time. Don't worry...

Just at that moment, Tang San and the "Master" simultaneously opened their eyes. This master and disciple were truly united.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass had grown from being thin to about the width of a finger, and the leaves were much denser than before. The soul ring of the Mandala Snake had a significant effect on Tang San. He successfully broke through and completed his Xuan Tian Gong, just as he had speculated.

The "Master" groggily opened their eyes and found themselves curled up inside the "egg." Tang San and Ye Hao's expressions were a bit strange. As a teacher and role model, what had they done?

In a panic, the "Master" quickly broke the "eggshell." Their whole body was covered in mucus, with strands of blood mixed within. Faintly, Ye Hao and Tang San could smell a hint of a pungent odor.

The "Master" looked embarrassed, coughed, and glanced at the headless Mandala Snake nearby, then looked at Tang San.

"Xiao San, have you succeeded?"

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