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Tang San nodded with a smile. Following that, he released his Blue Silver Grass, which spread intricately like the Mandala Snake, extending to every corner of the forest. This place was a forest, and the Blue Silver Grass had the innate geographical advantage.

"Master" couldn't help but feel curious and approached to touch it. The growth of the Blue Silver Grass exceeded his expectations. Moreover, there was a faint fragrance, combining the soul ring of the Mandala Snake with its toxic and paralyzing properties.

"Not bad, Xiao San. Your Blue Silver Grass surpasses my expectations. How is its toughness?"

Under the gaze of the "Master," Tang San's hundred-year soul ring slowly ascended. Aiming at a large tree in front of him, the Blue Silver Grass shot forward like a swift thunderbolt, intercepting the tree at its waist. Tang San lightly tugged, and the trunk slightly bent, but the Blue Silver Grass remained undamaged and stretched taut.

Seeing this, the "Master" nodded with satisfaction. His theory had finally been confirmed.

Tang San had obtained his soul ring. Next...

When the "Master" shifted his focus to Ye Hao, he noticed a hundred-year soul ring rising slowly under Ye Hao's feet. The Death Spider Emperor on his back looked even more ferocious than before, quite different from when he hadn't obtained a soul ring.

"You... You obtained a soul ring? When?" The "Master" stammered. He was right. Ye Hao had been with him and Tang San all this time, so when did he get this soul ring...?

Ye Hao explained, "Last night, while you were both asleep, I went to relieve myself in the nearby bushes and unexpectedly encountered a hundred-year Death Spider. It happened to be a perfect match with my Death Spider Emperor martial soul. So, that's how it happened."

Tang San pondered for a moment, and the "Master" didn't say much more.

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Ye Hao was indeed blessed with great opportunities, having the Death Spider Emperor martial soul, and his first soul ring being from a hundred-year Death Spider. Such opportunities were undoubtedly profound.

The "Master" was convinced in his heart. There was no doubt that Ye Hao was like her own son. Daggers, daggers...

I wonder, what is her purpose in sending Ye Hao here? Could it be for revenge against me?

"Since that's the case, let's go."

The group hurriedly left the Soul Hunting Forest. Both of them had obtained their soul rings, and now it was time to return to the academy.

As the sun set, the three of them exited the Soul Hunting Forest and rented a carriage. During this journey, the "Master" had a near-death experience, Tang San and Ye Hao each obtained their first soul ring, and their soul power had broken through.

The carriage driver skillfully maneuvered the carriage, gradually disappearing into the horizon under the sunset's glow.


Nuoding City, Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy.

After a long separation, four days had passed since they left the Soul Hunting Forest and arrived in Nuoding City. During the journey, the three of them spent their time on the carriage.

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Ye Hao's legs felt weak as he got off the carriage. He vowed never to ride a carriage again. If he had the strength, he would definitely invent a car in the future.

He patted his stuffy chest, feeling like he wanted to vomit but couldn't. Carriage rides, he couldn't bear to think about it...

"You two go back and rest. You can skip the afternoon classes."

Meanwhile, the "Master" casually said a few words and returned to his own residence. After four days without proper rest, he needed to freshen up. The dried mucus on his body, as well as his hair like steel needles sticking together, not to mention the state of his clothes, were all in a mess.

Ye Hao and Tang San smiled at each other, but they never mentioned a word to the "Master" about that day's scene. They couldn't possibly say that the "Master" was born from the Mandala Snake. That would be too embarrassing for him.

The two of them returned to their dormitory, finding it empty. Judging by the time, it should be noon, and the students were probably resting.

Ye Hao chose to lie flat, sprawling on the bed. He hadn't rested properly for nearly four days, and he needed some rest.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Ye Hao's gaze unintentionally fell on the window, and he noticed that there were many people gathered there.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Ye Hao's face was covered by black armor as he focused his eyes on the playground.

He heard Tang San's voice, "Three Son, look at the playground downstairs."

Tang San was slightly taken aback. The playground? What's happening on the playground? Also, he goes by Tang San, and while you can call me "Xiao San" (Little San), what's with "Three Son"?

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"Xiao Wu? And everyone else?"

The phrase "group fight" appeared in Tang San's mind. One side was composed of work-study students, while the other side consisted of the city's nobility. Having arrived at Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy not long ago, Tang San was well aware of the two factions in the academy.

Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy was divided into two factions: the commoners and the nobles.

A few days ago, Ye Hao saw one of the guys who had made faces at him in the academy's cafeteria, and that person was among the crowd now. Apparently, he had a high status, as the cafeteria was divided into two floors—one for commoners and the other for nobles. The food quality was vastly different.

The first floor had simple meals like steamed buns and vegetables, while the second floor served luxurious dishes like big fish and meat, with different menus for each meal, offering a stark contrast in quality. This division was similar to the concept of Yin and Yang.

"There are too many of them; Xiao Wu might be at a disadvantage."

Tang San was deeply concerned about Xiao Wu's situation. He had already experienced Xiao Wu's strength before. Four hands were hard to beat with just two fists. The next moment, Tang San pulled Ye Hao, who was still lying flat on the bed, downstairs.

Ye Hao: ಠ_ಠ

"They are fighting, why are you dragging me into this?"

On the playground, both sides watched each other warily, and the atmosphere became tense.

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One side was led by Xiao Wu and consisted of work-study students, while the other side represented the nobles, with only a few of them possessing soul rings. The difference in their martial souls determined their different starting points.

"Little girl, people should know their place. You've been provoking us for quite some time. What? Do you want to be my pet bunny? If I remember correctly, your martial soul is a rabbit, right?"

The leader of the noble group was Xiao Chenyu, dressed in the Nuoding Junior Academy uniform. He was tall and slightly more mature-looking than Xiao Wu, with a disdainful and contemptuous expression on his face.

"Xiao Chenyu, are you scared?"

Xiao Wu naturally didn't miss this opportunity. These noble children had been like this during meals in the cafeteria some time ago—relentless and repeatedly insulting the work-study students.

Civilian and noble, this was a polarized situation, and each side stuck to their own beliefs.

This led to the current confrontation. Due to Ye Hao's intervention and departure, Xiao Wu had naturally become the new leader of the work-study students.

The responsibility of a leader was to protect the people behind them, and this was both a duty and something well within Xiao Wu's capabilities. Especially when she saw the injuries on Wang Sheng's body, she took the initiative to confront the noble group, leading to the current standoff.

Both sides exchanged words, verbal attacks ringing loudly. However, no one knew each other's true strength.

At that moment, Xiao Wu gave a signal, and the former leader, Wang Sheng, stepped forward. His martial soul was a battle tiger. The opposing side also sent out a person whose martial soul was a staff.

A clash between a Power Attack System and a Agility Attack Systems!

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