"Xiao San, one of you is enough. Why did you have to drag me into this?"

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Ye Hao reluctantly spoke. For the past four days, he had either been on the road or wandering around the forest. Right now, all he wanted was a good night's sleep.

"Ye Hao, we are roommates. How can you sit back and do nothing when our roommate is in danger?"

After spending time together during this period, Tang San gradually gained new insights into Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was a free-spirited person who followed his own will in dealing with people and matters. He did things without any particular rules, only following his own heart.

For people like him, Tang San couldn't figure them out at all. On the contrary, such people were dangerous, and you never knew when they might surprise you.

For the sake of their roommate, Tang San was willing to do whatever it took. Seeing this, Ye Hao didn't say much and preferred to end the fight early and return to the dormitory to sleep.

On the playground, the battle had clearly entered an intense phase. Wang Sheng's Battle Tiger martial soul was activated as he stood alongside the opponent, who wielded a staff.

As the saying goes, "An inch of time is an inch of gold."

The staff struck Wang Sheng's wrist like raindrops, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. Even before Xiao Wu arrived, he had been the leader of the work-study students.

To prevent the bullying of the noble children, such situations were common and sometimes even outnumbered.

Soon, Tang San and Ye Hao arrived at the scene.

"Wang Sheng is about to lose."

At that moment, Tang San made an important announcement.

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"Xiao San, you're back?"

Xiao Wu turned around, looking surprised at the two who arrived after hearing the news.

"Where have you two been for the past four days? And Ye Hao, what exactly were you guys up to? Why didn't you take me with you?"

Tang San: "..."

Ye Hao said, "We went out and had a big meal. We've been exploring every corner of Nuoding City these days, eating and drinking well, but we didn't take you along."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu: (◣_◢)

Though angry, she felt helpless. She knew she couldn't match Ye Hao's strength, there was no way she could beat him.

Ye Hao continued, "Especially at that restaurant in the east of the city, the spicy rabbit heads they make are so delicious. I had over ten of them, and Xiao San had quite a few too, right, Xiao San?"

Tang San nodded slightly, but then he felt something was off when he saw the resentful look in Xiao Wu's eyes.

Tang San: I have an MMP that I don't know whether to say or not.

"You... you guys, hmph! (╬≖_≖)"

"I won't talk to you anymore."

Xiao Wu turned away in anger.

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Tang San: ...

He glanced reproachfully at Ye Hao. Was it necessary?

The two of them would still sleep together at night. Well, now they might not even have the privilege of being on the same bed.

Tonight, he won't be able to get on the bed, so he might as well go to crawl into Ye Hao's blanket.

Ye Hao: Let's get to know the Death Spider Emperor's poison.

Tang San: (¬‿¬)


Wang Sheng spit out a mouthful of blood, losing the ability to fight after being struck by the opponent's staff. He withdrew from the state of his martial soul. His body was bruised, clearly showing that the strength between the two sides was not equal.

"Wang Sheng, you couldn't even handle a little girl as the former leader?"

The one wielding the long staff was named Liu Long. He had some friction with Wang Sheng during the time when he was the leader. The two were like fire and water, and they had the most clashes when they competed.

"Liu Long, don't get too cocky. You'll regret it later."

Wang Sheng was ecstatic and not at all discouraged by his defeat, because he saw Ye Hao among the crowd. He was the true boss!

Ye Hao's aura had become terrifying after just a few days. Given some time...

The aura of Ye Hao was frightening, as he had some grievances in his heart. He had just wanted to sleep when Tang San suddenly pulled him up. Anyone in his place would feel the same.

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At this moment, with a belly full of frustration and unable to vent it, he looked coldly at the people opposite. It would be best if none of you dare to provoke me, otherwise...

Due to Wang Sheng's defeat, the momentum of Xiao Wu's group of work-study students was low.

On the contrary, the nobles, represented by Xiao Chenyu, were even more arrogant at this moment, feeling superior and overbearing.

Xiao Chenyu raised his head, looking proud and laughed heartily, "Xiao Wu, you guys aren't capable enough. How about this, we're all from the same academy. From now on, when you see me, you should call me 'Boss Xiao', and I'll spare all of you. What do you think?"

Xiao Wu frowned. Let him call her "Boss Xiao"? What a joke! At her age, she could be his ancestor, and he's not even qualified to be her grandson.

"Xiao Chenyu, how about you and I have a sparring match? If I lose, I'll call you 'Boss', how does that sound?"

Xiao Wu challenged him. Xiao Chenyu was slightly taken aback. After all, he was in the sixth grade, and even though his opponent was a "little girl," she was a new junior sister who probably hadn't even seen a soul ring. He had his first soul ring for ten years! Would this be considered "bullying the weak"?

But then again, after defeating Xiao Wu, she would be the leader of the entire Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy.

From now on, who would dare not listen to her?

"Alright, it's a deal."

Seeing Xiao Chenyu agreeing, Xiao Wu secretly rejoiced. She finally had a "legitimate" way to release her pent-up grievances.

At the same time, Ye Hao, who was at the back row, was standing there absent-mindedly, watching the two sides in front of him, as if it were child's play. His eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Why waste so much time talking? They should all just fight it out. He hated this kind of situation where they could easily use force but still chose to make unnecessary gestures.

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Feeling bored, Ye Hao decided to rest under a nearby tree. He looked at Xiao Chenyu, who had released his martial soul, and the white soul ring under his feet. Ye Hao couldn't help but chuckle.

Daring to accept Xiao Wu's challenge, Xiao Chenyu was in for a "treat" soon.

"What are you laughing at?"

At this moment, from the noble team, a student dressed plainly and with an ordinary appearance shouted at Ye Hao under the tree.

Ye Hao glanced at the person indifferently, choosing not to pay any attention to him. There was no need to bother with such a child.

However, in the eyes of that person, Ye Hao's action undoubtedly showed that he looked down on him.

Nobles were nobles, and commoners were always commoners. This was an eternal truth.

Why was there such a huge gap between people, even though they were all human?

Ye Hao stood up slowly, looking impatiently at the student who had been barking like a mad dog just now.

"Is it him?"

The person who made faces at him in the cafeteria that day. It was truly a narrow path with an old enemy. He didn't want to trouble you, but you decided to come and court trouble yourself?

On the other side, Xiao Wu released her rabbit martial soul, and her soul ring instantly appeared under her feet.

Suddenly, an immense and powerful pressure crushed the entire field. A Death Spider Emperor appeared, accompanied by a hundred-year soul ring.

With a confident stride and the company of a hundred-year soul ring under his feet, Ye Hao's imposing Death Spider Emperor moved slowly toward the group of nobles...

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