Source Of Calamity

Chapter 80.2


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Feng Anyan saw Shen Zhen walking towards him, so he hurried over and said a few words to Shen Zhen.

Basically just not to be angry over people like Su Shiqing.

But in Su Shiqing’s eyes, it was Shen Zhen seducing Feng Anyan.

He gritted his teeth tightly and swore he would never fall like this.

“Is that Su Shiqing?” Liu Huan walked over with a glass of wine in his hand. He had been surrounded by people before, and only now extricated himself.

Shen Zhen and Feng Anyan stood on the side. When Liu Huan approached, he only heard Shen Zhen’s voice: “I’m going back first, we can meet again when there’s a chance.”

Feng Anyan was a standard flamboyant playboy, and he was still persuading: “What are you afraid of? There are quite a few people here this time, what do you like? I’ll call them over to accompany you?”

Seeing Liu Huan approaching, Feng Anyan changed his tone. He had a very good attitude when facing Liu Huan. After all, according to seniority, he had to call Liu Huan ‘uncle’.

However, although their seniority was different, Feng Anyan and Liu Huan had a good relationship.

Before meeting Chu Haoyi, Feng Anyan and Liu Huan were basically villains colluding together, eating, drinking and having fun together.

Shen Zhen was really not interested in chatting with them, but he still had to give face, so he left after a few pleasantries.

“CEO Liu, it’s rare that you didn’t bring a companion today.” Feng Anyan joked.

Liu Huan showed no expression: “It’s boring. Recently, I have been quite abstinent, and I feel that I can cultivate into an immortal.”

Feng Anyan: “Where’s your secretary? You didn’t bring him today.”

Liu Huan spread his hands, looking helpless: “He said he wants to play video games, what can I do? I can’t control him at all.”

The two were chatting, but for some reason their topic of conversation moved to Su Shiqing again.

“CEO Liu has lost interest in Su Shiqing? Weren’t you very interested a while ago?” Feng Anyan asked with a smile.

Liu Huan glanced at Feng Anyan, and smiled, “It’s just like eating desserts, you want to eat it all when you don’t have it, but you feel sick after you do eat it up.”

Feng Anyan sighed: “CEO Liu is still the same, a scum with a capital ‘S’.”

Liu Huan had a surprised expression: “Young Master Feng can actually call others scum.”

On the other side, Su Shiqing was sitting alone in the corner with his head bowed, looking pitiful, but there was no one around him to comfort him. His mind was in chaos, he didn’t know what happened, why he fell into such a state.

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“Why are you here alone?” Someone suddenly spoke beside him.

Su Shiqing raised his head, and what he saw was a slightly fat face. The man who spoke was not tall, and he was about the same height as Su Shiqing when he sat down. He was also slightly bald on the top of his head, but it was not serious. He hugged Su Shiqing around the shoulders and asked, “Are you free tonight?”

These words were too blatant, and Su Shiqing understood the other’s meaning almost instantly. Just as he was about to refuse, the other said again: “Don’t you want to make your debut? If Young Master Feng doesn’t help you, I can help you.”

Su Shiqing glanced at the middle-aged man, and his body that had already turned sideways sat back to its original position. His body was stiff, but he still nodded. He thought of the days he had lived before, when he was by Qin Yue’s side, practically getting whatever he wanted. Although Qin Yue had yelled at him before, when he was good to him it was still good.

But now…..he also knew that if couldn’t earn any money and Liu Huan took the house back, his family would really have to sleep on the streets.

Su Shiqing allowed himself to be embraced by the man, resisting the urge to push away, and obediently leaned on the man’s shoulder.

The man’s hand was stroking his back through his clothes.

So disgusting…..

Su Shiqing thought in a slight daze.

But he couldn’t push it away.

At this time, Shen Zhen was already sitting in the car going back.

Qin Xing’s call came, and Shen Zhen answered the call. Qin Xing’s deep and magnetic voice came from the other end of the line.

“Not back yet? Having fun?”

The corners of Shen Zhen’s mouth curved up unconsciously: “On the way back, I’m almost there, are you home?”

Qin Xing: “I arrived two hours ago.”

“Have you finished taking a shower?” Shen Zhen didn’t know what to ask, so he asked casually.

Qin Xing’s low chuckle came from the other end of the line: “Just finished washing up, and you can check when you come back.”

Shen Zhen’s ears were a little red.

Qin Xing said again: “Little rogue.”

Shen Zhen: “…..I…..”

Before Shen Zhen could say anything, Qin Xing said, “I’m going to hang up first, and wait for you to come back.”

Shen Zhen touched his ears, which were a little hot.

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He felt that Qin Xing was becoming more and more natural with him now.

Although he was still a little unnatural.

Shen Zhen looked at the crowds outside the car window. There were a lot of people out at night, the office workers only having this time to come out for a walk. Some of them were in groups of twos and threes, and some families were also out for a walk. Couples held hands while they walked, often looking at each other and smiling.

He remembered that in his previous life, he was always walking alone on the streets, thinking about the meaning of living his life like this, and at the same time feeling that he couldn’t give up until the last moment. But even until his death, he didn’t understand what he did wrong.

On the day he died, it seemed to be very good weather, cloudless, the blue sky like a boundless sea

Then when he woke up, he found himself lying in a white space with no edge and no top. There was only a lonely wooden table without a chair, and there was a book on the table.

The cover of the book was white, and the title of the book was gold-stamped. The texture of the material itself was also very good. Shen Zhen didn’t understand why he was alive again when he was dead.

He looked at the book, which was called “Regardless of Everything”. Shen Zhen flipped through the book, and only then did he realize that his life was a joke.

In the story, he was not even a villain.

The villain could still live for dozens of chapters at least, causing trouble for Su Shiqing here and there.

But because he was an eyesore, he could only be regarded as cannon fodder, used to emphasize Qin Yue’s love for Su Shiqing.

Who told him to grow up with Qin Yue, and could be regarded as a childhood sweetheart to some extent, and add to the fact that there were vague ambiguous feelings between him and Qin Yue, so naturally he could only be unlucky.

But he didn’t stay in that strange space for long, when he saw a door suddenly appear in the original white space.

Shen Zhen still remembered that door. It was a warm yellow door, the door was not big, and it could only allow one person to pass through.

Shen Zhen opened the door and walked through. When he woke up again, he was back to the day before he left the Qin family.

He didn’t expect that the story could really be changed. He didn’t die at the hands of Qin Yue and Su Shiqing. He had his own career and his own lover as he had dreamt about a long time ago.

As for Qin Yue and Su Shiqing, he just needed to quietly wait for them to seek destruction themselves.

Their love needed the whole world to make concessions for them, towards people who have nothing to do with them, they could easily decide their fates.

As long as you displease them, their conscience would not hurt when they dealt a fatal hit.

Shen Zhen looked at his hand, his little finger was still trembling slightly.

He won’t use dirty tricks to harm people like Su Shiqing, but he won’t forget the hurt he had suffered.

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The so-called throwing away everything in the past and moving towards a new life.

But when the enemy had not received retribution, how could he move towards a new life?

Only those who have not suffered, have not felt torment, and watched from a high place could say such words.

Shen Zhen took the elevator upstairs, he wiped away his expression, and opened the door.

The lights in the house were kept on.

Qin Shan helped him buy this house, and he had thought it was just a place to sleep at night.

Shen Zhen had never had any concept of the word “home” in his heart. The Qin family was not his home, nor the Shen family. He was just a temporary guest in the Qin family, and in the Shen family he was a nuisance that everyone disliked.

Only now did he have the concept of “home”.

“Home” was a place you could return to anytime.

“You’re back?” Someone came out of the bedroom, wearing a pair of loose trousers and bare-chested, showing lean muscles. His hair was still a little wet, and there were drops of water on his shoulders.

For some reason, Shen Zhen suddenly felt a little emotional. He walked over quickly and hugged the other person’s waist.

Qin Xing was a little stunned by Shen Zhen’s sudden action, but he quickly hugged Shen Zhen back and asked softly, “What’s the matter? Were you wronged outside? En? Acting like a baby when you come back?”

Shen Zhen almost laughed, and the originally depressed mood disappeared immediately: “Who is acting like a baby?”

Qin Xing kissed Shen Zhen’s face: “Who did you meet?”

Shen Zhen rested his chin on Qin Xing’s shoulder and whispered, “Su Shiqing.”

Qin Xing patted the back of Shen Zhen’s head: “Seeing him put you in a bad mood?”

Shen Zhen: “Yeah, I feel sick when I see him.”

Qin Xing said: “Then how can Xiao Zhen feel better? Shall I ask someone to beat up Su Shiqing? Or should I beat him up myself?”

Shen Zhen smiled: “Don’t be funny.”

He couldn’t imagine Qin Xing beating up someone, it was so strange.

Qin Xing: “Aren’t you angry?”

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Shen Zhen said sullenly, “It’s much better now.”

Qin Xing said softly: “I have prepared something for you, come and have a look?”

Shen Zhen glanced at Qin Xing strangely, and asked curiously, “What is it?”

Qin Xing just smiled at Shen Zhen, but didn’t say anything else. He put his arm around Shen Zhen’s shoulders and pulled Shen Zhen into the bedroom.

Shen Zhen looked at the things on the bed with a blank expression on his face.

Qin Xing asked: “Do you like it?”

Looking at the two life-sized silicone dolls on the bed, Shen Zhen’s mind collapsed.

These two dolls were almost exactly the replicas of Shen Zhen and Qin Xing, and even their expressions were similar, but the hairstyle of Shen Zhen’s doll was still the one he had before.

Moreover, these two dolls were wearing suits, making them look like real people at first glance.

Shen Zhen: “…..What is this…..for?”

Qin Xing said: “I can take the doll-you with me when I am on a business trip in the future. And if I am not here, you can also still see me everyday. What do you think?”

Shen Zhen said with a complicated expression: “I don’t think so.”

Qin Xing sighed, and said softly: “I thought you would like it, and I even went abroad to find someone to custom make it.”

Because Qin Xing’s tone was too disappointed, Shen Zhen quickly comforted him: “I like it, I was just joking, I like it very much.”

Qin Xing suddenly laughed.

He led Shen Zhen to another bedroom.

Shen Zhen was still thinking when Qin Xing pressed down on him.

Was he being tricked?

After trying out various shameful positions that he was unwilling to try before, Shen Zhen was sure that he had indeed been tricked.

And the person who tricked him was as if he possessed endless physical strength, causing him to be unable to even stop and reason with the other.

Before Shen Zhen completely exhausted his energy and fell asleep, what he was thinking in his mind was——

Old hooligan, too tricky indeed.

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