Source Of Calamity

Chapter 81


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“CEO Shen, please look at this document.” Li Xiaolin handed the document to Shen Zhen.

She said with concern: “CEO Shen, you didn’t sleep well last night? The dark circles under your eyes came out.”

With dark circles under his eyes, Shen Zhen said without guilt, “I slept too late last night.”

Li Xiaolin didn’t know the truth: “Recently there have been a lot of things going on, CEO Shen should take care of his body and don’t get too tired.”

Shen Zhen picked up the document, and he found the problem after flipping through a few pages.

“Last quarter’s profit?” Shen Zhen looked at Li Xiaolin.

Li Xiaolin nodded her head and said, “There was a problem with the network information side.”

Li Xiaolin recounted the situation, and Shen Zhen felt a headache.

The current head of the network information company was called Chen Zian. He was an old senior worker there and had been in the company from the beginning. Shen Zhen also treated him as he deserved, increased salary and bonuses, onl y more and never less.

And he indeed performed really well before, and his report results for several quarters were very good.

But this month the profit not only fell sharply, several projects that were originally negotiated on were implemented ahead of schedule by other companies.

Shen Zhen didn’t believe that there was no traitor here.

All signs indicated that the traitor was Chen Zian.

Shen Zhen rubbed at his forehead, and asked Li Xiaolin, “Are you sure?”

Li Xiaolin: “It was also reported to me by Manager Zhang from over there. Whether it is true or not has not yet been determined.”

“Then let’s start the investigation.” Shen Zhen, “You bring the documents, and we’ll go straight over.”

Li Xiaolin nodded, packed up the documents, then called the driver and told him to drive and wait downstairs in the company.

Sitting in the car, Shen Zhen was looking at Chen Zian’s information. After all, he was the head manager, so his information was quite complete. Chen Zian was a local, and his grades were good when he was in school. After graduation, he started from a lowly office worker and slowly climbed up. He had mentored many newcomers and been in charge of many projects as well. In terms of qualifications and abilities, his employee treatment could be considered to be at the top of the industry.

Shen Zhen couldn’t believe that he would leak the company’s confidential projects to competitors.

Li Xiaolin whispered, “Maybe Manager Zhang is jealous of him?”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “He should know that we would investigate and won’t say groundless things.”

In fact, Shen Zhen didn’t go to the network information company very often. It was stable and there were many old senior workers there. So he put more energy on the real estate side.

Although he didn’t place too many expectations on the network information company making a lot of profit, if someone leaked important information, it would be troublesome.

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There were still several developed APPs that had not been launched yet. Clearly, the negotiations had been done, but the hard work of several project teams had been ruined.

The people in the company were very depressed now.

When Shen Zhen arrived, he happened to see an employee smoking outside the company door, complaining while smoking.

“I looked at their APP, which is exactly the same as the one we developed, only the icons are different, but the look is the same, just the style is different.”

“The functions are all the same, they obviously copied ours.”

“Months have been wasted.”

They were all colleagues in a research and development team. It took more than half a year for the new APP to go from conception to formation, and it was just on the verge of being launched soon. Only to encounter such a thing, which was equivalent to wasting more than half a year.

Their commision was gone, their bonus was gone, and they could only wait to get their wages. After working so hard, all the hard work was in vain, and there was nothing left.

Shen Zhen didn’t speak to them and walked straight into the company.

The building rented by the network information company was an old building with little space and no smoking room. Employees had to go outside if they wanted to smoke.

They were chatting outside, and Shen Zhen didn’t want to disturb them.

After all, he didn’t come here often, and not many people knew Shen Zhen in the company. They only knew that they had a young boss who basically didn’t show up often.

Everyone in the company sat listlessly in their seats, many of them were staring at the computer in a daze. There was a blackboard at the front of the office, on which were written several APP plans, and now the plans were all aborted.

Li Xiaolin took Shen Zhen to the office directly.

“CEO Shen, you go to the office first.” Li Xiaolin said, “I’ll get you some tea.”

After Shen Zhen walked in, many people stared at him.

“Is this a newcomer? So handsome.”

“I feel refreshed all of a sudden, I feel much better, and I can fight on again.”

“Don’t think about it, there is a beautiful woman following behind him, maybe it’s a couple applying for the job together.”

“…..Wait, is our company still hiring?”

“They should likely still be hiring?”

“I don’t know, who of you can go to the job recruitment website to have a look.”

“I don’t care, hot guys gives me strength!”

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Shen Zhen stayed in the company’s boss’s office, but Chen Zian had been using this office the whole time before, and he never cared about it. After all, Chen Zian was the best in terms of performance reports and abilities, and Shen Zhen was also very trusting of him.

The matter had not been investigated yet, and it was unreasonable to convict people now.

Li Xiaolin came in with a teacup.

Shen Zhen said to her: “Sit down and rest for a while, where did Chen Zian go?”

Li Xiaolin: “He went out to talk business. He has been out recently on the name of talking business, but he never brought any good news back.”

It seemed that someone was indeed poaching him, but he couldn’t imagine how much the other party would spend to pach him.

“CEO Shen, can’t we sue him for divulging commercial secrets?” Li Xiaolin asked in puzzlement.

Shen Zhen shook his head: “There is no evidence.”

Li Xiaolin said strangely: “But we have the original program!”

Shen Zhen smiled and said: “Do you think the original program is evidence? The other party would not change the coding? Even if it is just a little change, as long as it does not completely overlap, it will not stand at all.”

“And is there proof that he leaked it?”

Li Xiaolin bit her lip and said, “Then just fire him.”

Shen Zhen: “I have to pay him an extra three months’ salary, and the hearts of the company’s people will become unstable. Firing a veteran worker just like that, and without a reason. What will other people think?”

Li Xiaolin’s eyes widened: “Then are we just going to wait for him to continue leaking information?”

Shen Zhen smiled: “There is always a way, don’t worry.”

Li Xiaolin looked at Shen Zhen’s smile: “CEO Shen, you have already figured out a solution, right?”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “I haven’t yet.”

Li Xiaolin was instantly discouraged: “But you act so confident.”

Shen Zhen: “A solution will always come up. Let’s wait for Chen Zian to come back and see what he will say.”

Li Xiaolin: “What else can he say? I’m sure he will say it has nothing to do with him. He can’t admit that he leaked it, right?”

Shen Zhen: “What about the company’s monitoring?”

Li Xiaolin: “I’ve checked, but there are no clues, and the boss’s office is not monitored.”

Shen Zhen asked strangely, “Why?”

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Li Xiaolin lowered her head: “The boss, they always need a little privacy.”

Shen Zhen: “…..”

That’s right, otherwise when he was in the office with Qin Xing before…..

Those who watch the surveillance would get treated to a free show. They indeed need a little privacy.

“It’s better to put it on in the future.” Shen Zhen said.

Chen Zian came back half an hour later. As soon as he entered the company, he saw the employees chatting.

“What are you guys talking about?” Chen Zian said somewhat abruptly, and the employees immediately sat back in their seats and went back to their work obediently.

But there were also people who had a good relationship with Chen Zian and said, “Brother Chen, has the company recruited newcomers?”

Chen Zian asked inexplicably, “What newcomers?”

The person said: “A young man, about our age, very handsome!”

Chen Zian: “Handsome?”

He was still in the mood to joke: “Can he be as handsome as me?”

The employees laughed: “Brother Chen, you are the most handsome, giving a shout out to Brother Chen.”

Chen Zian: “Okay, do your work now. I just went out to chat with someone. I should be able to win a new project.”

The employees quickly said: “I just know Brother Chen is the best!”

“Don’t flatter me!” Chen Zian laughed, “I’m going back to the office first, come to me if there is anything.”

“Brother Chen is not easy, so many things have happened, yet he is still able to remain steady.”

“That’s right, the company being able to have today is thanks to Brother Chen.”

“That’s right. I’ve been in the company for so long, but I haven’t even met the boss. If it wasn’t for Brother Chen, our company would have collapsed a long time ago.”

“To be honest, Brother Chen might as well set up his own business. I would go wherever Brother Chen goes, I would rather hang out with Brother Chen.”

“I think so too!”

Listening to the words of the staff behind him, Chen Zian smiled.

He had done so much, and finally saw some results.

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But speaking of, he was indeed a bit reluctant. After all, although he was not the boss, he was no different from the boss in this company. He sat in the boss’s office and had his own assistant.

He was no worse off than anyone else, yet he had to be inferior to a rich second generation. There was a breath he held that couldn’t be exhaled out.

One day…..

“CEO Shen!” Chen Zian looked at the person sitting in his boss’s chair, showing a surprised expression, but he quickly reacted and smiled, “Why are you here? Is there something wrong?”

Shen Zhen also smiled: “Brother Chen, sit down first, I have something to ask you.”

Chen Zian sat down on the sofa naturally, with an expression of “I don’t know anything”, and after a few seconds he said as if suddenly realizing something: “You came because of the plagiarism of the app we developed recently, right?”

“I have already written the document.” Chen Zian said, “I am fully responsible for this matter.”

His voice was not low, and someone walking outside heard him, and remained standing at the door.

Shen Zhen asked, “Plagiarized?”

Chen Zian nodded: “Yes, almost exactly the same.”

It was obviously leaked, but now calling it plagiarism.

Shen Zhen already had a plan in mind.

If this matter had nothing to do with Chen Zian, according to his professional level, he would never be able to say something like plagiarism.

Anyone who was even a little bit knowledgeable knew that the program code of the other party was the same as that designed by the original company.

Just a tiny part of the code and screen appearance were changed.

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “Then do you have a solution? We can’t suffer this loss without a word, right?”

Chen Zian said in embarrassment: “The other party has already gone online and seized the market first. We can only swallow our anger now.”

“CEO Shen, you don’t have to worry.” Chen Zian said, “I will take care of it. I will compensate for the loss of the project team during this period, and I will pay the money.”

As soon as the words fell, someone outside said: “It has nothing to do with CEO Chen!”

“That’s right! It’s no big deal, we can just quit!”

“We can just resign, that’s enough right?”

“Not caring about us at all normally, and then coming to make trouble when something goes wrong.”

“We are only willing to do things under Brother Chen’s command!”

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