Source Of Calamity

Chapter 83.1


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The boss of Honghe was surnamed Lu. Lu He was not very daring but was very shrewd. He used to run an Internet cafe. At that time, the Internet cafe industry was just emerging and he made his first capital by doing this. His luck was not bad and he opened several Internet cafes and earned a lot of money. With this money, he started a small company.

The company also had its own research and development projects, but his money was not enough, so he concentrated on making “copies”. He first made web games, which were generally played by few people, but as long as one could attract a few rich players, not only could one earn back the initial investment, but also earn a lot of profit.

So after running the game for a few months, he would then abandon it after earning enough money, never updating it again.

Later, he found that making web games did not make as much money as apps, so he copied other people’s apps, or bought apps developed by other companies, and then resold them.

This was an emerging industry, with cheap ones and expensive ones, and it all depended on how he could fool people.

But no matter what, Honghe belonged to the lower level among enterprise companies.

Lu He bought nearly ten completed apps from Chen Zian, and spent more than one million yuan. But before he got the chance to resell it, he received a call from Shen Zhen, which threw him in a panic.

“CEO Shen.” Lu He came to the door of Shen Zhen’s company by himself, dressed in a suit. Because his beer belly was too big, he couldn’t even button it, and had to leave the suit jacket open. He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen: “There’s no need to shake hands, CEO Lu, come in.”

Lu He’s smile froze on his face, and he followed Shen Zhen into the company in embarrassment.

Probably because no one expected that Lu He would really come.

The employees who were working could not help looking up at him, their eyes full of contempt and hatred. If not for the fact that they knew they couldn’t do anything, they would have rushed over to beat him up.

Sweat dripped from Lu He’s forehead.

He didn’t expect that he would end up stubbing his toe after all this time.

“Let’s talk here.” Shen Zhen didn’t take him to his office or the conference room, but had him sit on the sofa in the office area with him.

Lu He smiled with difficulty and said, “CEO Shen, it’s not good to talk here, is it?”

Shen Zhen also smiled: “What’s not good about this, in fact it can let my employees know how our source code was leaked.”

Lu He swallowed, and told himself in his heart that doing business was to be flexible.

Endure the temporary calm and take a step back to open up the sea and the sky. (TN: phrase for enduring something in exchange for brighter prospects)

Losing face was better than being accused of tax evasion and then going to jail.

Shen Zhen also asked his assistant to pour a glass of water for Lu He, and said to the employees: “You all can take a break for a few minutes to listen to what CEO Lu has to say.”

“By the way, where is Chen Zian?”

An employee said: “Brother Chen went out to discuss business today.”

Shen Zhen’s lips curled into a smile: “Really, he is quite diligent.”

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Employee: “Yes, Brother Chen has always been like this. He rarely takes a break, and he works really hard.”

Shen Zhen waved his hand: “I see.”

“CEO Lu, you can start talking now.” Shen Zhen said to Lu He.

Lu He wiped at his sweat and said with a smile, “Where do I start?”

Shen Zhen: “What do you think?”

Lu He quickly said, “I know, I know.”

“It’s like this…..Originally, our company received a lot of orders, and this year there are nearly a hundred projects.”

“Some of these projects are expensive and some are cheap.”

“Towards the cheaper ones, we just apply our previous coding and repackage it.”

“As for the expensive ones…..we basically bought them from outside.”

Shen Zhen nodded, and said with a gentle smile, “Then why did you choose my company?”

Lu He slapped his thigh: “I didn’t know this was your company, if I knew, I definitely wouldn’t…..”

Looking at Shen Zhen’s eyes, Lu He immediately changed his tone: “I would definitely not do this kind of thing anymore! If you want to make money, you must rely on your own hard power, and one can’t always think about stealing other people’s things.”

Shen Zhen said to the employees: “If you have any questions, just ask directly.”

The employees looked at each other, and someone asked, “Then who did you steal it from? Is there someone in the company you bribed?”

Lu He swallowed, thinking to himself: I’m sorry buddy, in this situation I can only betray you.

“I bought it from Chen Zian.”


“Exactly! This APP was also the painstaking effort of Brother Chen, why would he sell it to you!”

“You are speaking slander!”

Lu He hurriedly said: “He told me that it was impossible for him to work here for others forever, and he also said…..the boss is just a rich second generation, and he doesn’t know how hard it is to run a company. He has been working for so long, but he didn’t even get any shares of the company, and rather than working for such a boss, it’s better to go out and set up his own company by himself.”

“Also…..” Lu He was a little afraid to say.

The employees stood together: “What else?”

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Lu He said in a small voice: “He also said that the employees of the company were all mentored by him. They are all idiots. Without him, nothing can be done well. Without him, this company would be finished. At that time, he would be able to hire them over to his company with low wages, and the employees would even thank him for giving them the opportunity to work.”

“You’re lying!”

“You spew sh*t out of your mouth!”

Lu He was also upset now: “Why would I tell this lie? Will I gain a few pounds or grow a few more hairs? I still have the recording of the phone call he made with me, do you want to listen to it?”

“Of course we want to listen!”

Lu He took out his mobile phone, turned on the recording, and turned the volume to the maximum. The employees all fell silent and listened carefully.

“CEO Lu, I’m Chen Zian.”

“I’ve sorted out the source codes of the several apps you mentioned before, and I’ll send them to your email address directly, or we can make an appointment to meet and I’ll give you the USB drive?”

“No trouble, no trouble, I’ll come out and give it to you directly.”

Lu He’s voice sounded: “What are you still there? If you are discovered, you will be in trouble.”

Chen Zian seemed to be smiling: “It’s fine, no one in our company will suspect me. When the time comes, I will leave and set up my own business. After the company over here closes down, I will hire them back again, saving the need to go through a recruiting process.”

After the recording was played, no one said a word, the whole company was silent, and a needle might even be heard clearly if it fell on the ground.

It took the employees a long time to find their voices: “Brother Chen…..why would he do this? Just to go out and start his own business?”

“We have worked so hard for so many days, and he sold our hard work so easily?”

Lu He quickly said: “It’s actually quite simple. He got more than one million yuan for those several apps.”

Everyone: “…..”

Lu He looked at Shen Zhen with a smile again: “CEO Shen, I’ve explained everything, can I go?”

Shen Zhen nodded: “You can go, CEO Lu, remember to be more careful in the future.”

Lu He: “Definitely, definitely.”

In the future, he must check clearly, and he would definitely never mess with such a living king of hell again.

Too much trouble!

After Lu He left, Shen Zhen made a call: “Give the evidence of his tax evasion to his opponent, remember to leave a bill.”

He spent a lot of money to buy these materials, so he couldn’t spend his money in vain, right?

Li Xiaolin laughed beside him. There was always someone who thought they could take advantage of Shen Zhen.

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But in the end there were no good results.

After Lu He left, the employees of the company all looked mournful.

“Brother Chen… could he do such a thing?”

“I trusted Brother Chen so much, I…..”

“I don’t care, he must give us an explanation!”

Shen Zhen smiled and said: “Now there is physical evidence as well as witnesses. The next thing is to meet in court. He should still be going out to start his own company in the future. If anyone wants to follow him, I will not stop you.”

“Who would follow him!”

“Hehe, you may know people, but you may not know their true face, whoever follows him has sh*t for brains!”

The employees were all very infuriated. If Chen Zian was in front of them now, maybe they would even directly tear Chen Zian to pieces.

In the afternoon, Chen Zian finally came to an agreement with someone. He had been negotiating over venues recently. He wanted to start a company, so of course he needed to rent an office building.

With just his savings and the money Lu He gave him, it was only natural to scrimp a bit to start his company.

He rented an office building on the edge of the city, and the price was neither high nor low. After talking with the landlord for several days, he finally got it at a reasonable price. He signed a one-year contract in the afternoon and handed over the money.

Chen Zian’s plan was to deliberately infuriate Shen Zhen during their talk in the afternoon, and wait for Shen Zhen to fire him, so that he could get an extra three months’ salary.

Maybe he could even take his original subordinates with him by the way.

Back at the company, Chen Zian walked through the door, and said to the employees as usual: “You have been busy for so long, why not take a break, I just asked the milk tea shop to send some milk tea up, no need to share the bill, it’s my treat.”

“Combine work and rest, don’t exchaust yourselves.”

The employees looked up at him with complicated eyes.

Brother Chen was usually so kind to them, why was he such a person?

Chen Zian was in a good mood, and he didn’t notice the expressions of the employees. He asked, “Is CEO Shen in the company?”

An employee said sarcastically, “In his office.”

Chen Zian looked at the person who spoke: “Xiao Mei, are you in a bad mood? Your tone is so aggressive today?”

Xiao Mei: “Hehe, I’ve always been aggressive.”

Chen Zian was taken aback: “What happened? Talk to me when you get off work? Let me see if I can help you.”

Xiao Mei rolled her eyes: “No need, I shouldn’t bother you. I can solve my own problems by myself. I’m not an ungrateful wolf.”

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Chen Zian didn’t understand, so he asked, “What do you mean? Did you eat explosives?”

Xiao Mei slapped the table: “I didn’t eat any explosives, my stomach hurts, I’m going to the restroom!”

After Xiao Mei left, Chen Zian said to the employees: “Is she in a bad mood today? Forget it, I can understand her bad mood. When she comes back, you all show some care about her. I’ll go to CEO Shen first. There’s something I want to discuss with him.”

“I will definitely find a way to protect your interests. Even if my salary is deducted completely, I won’t let any of you suffer.”

None of the staff seemed interested.

They didn’t look at Chen Zian either, all immersed in their own work.

Chen Zian straightened his collar and walked into the CEO’s  office.

Shen Zhen was sitting on the boss chair, holding a mobile phone in his hand——the one left by Lu He.

“CEO Shen.” Chen Zian had already sat on the sofa in the office, and he said with a smile, “You have been in the company for the past few days, and we are not used to it. When you were away, the company was not like this. The employees were all energetic and efficient.”

Shen Zhen also smiled: “You mean, when I’m here, they have no energy and no work efficiency?”

Chen Zian said: “That’s not what I mean, you think too much, I’m just stating the facts.”

Shen Zhen: “The truth is, I don’t think this company welcomes you very much.”

Chen Zian showed a surprised expression, and he stood up emotionally: “CEO Shen, do you mean to fire me?”

Before Shen Zhen could speak, he shouted loudly: “I have been in the company for so many years, and worked through a lot of projects, I have created so much benefit for the company. If you want to fire me, you must give me a reason, right?”

Shen Zhen sat there, quietly watching him perform.

He wanted to see just what kind of act he could put on.

Chen Zian demanded with an insulted expression: “Give me a reason.”

“Even if I must leave, it must be with conviction.”

Shen Zhen: “Don’t pretend, you sold the source codes of those apps, didn’t you?”

Chen Zian sneered: “In order to drive me away, you even want to frame me for this? Do you think anyone will believe what you said?”

Shen Zhen nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “As a matter of fact, I do.”

Chen Zian: “Then go and tell the employees now that you fired me because I embezzled the company, see if they believe you or not!”

Shen Zhen nodded: “Okay.”

Seeing that Shen Zhen really stood up, Chen Zian sneered in his heart. Sure enough, the rich second generation was the rich second generation. They don’t have brains, and they do whatever they want without thinking. Shen Zhen would on be in for embarrassment later.

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