Source Of Calamity

Chapter 83.2


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Shen Zhen led Chen Zian outside, and the employees immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up at Shen Zhen and Chen Zian.

They all looked at Chen Zian with disdain.

But Chen Zian tried his best to hold back his smile, he thought those disgusted looks were for Shen Zhen.

“I have something to tell you all.” Shen Zhen said, “Chen Zian has worked in our company for five years. He is considered a senior employee. His contribution to the company is obvious to all. There is no shame in making mistakes. After all, everyone makes mistakes.”

Employees: “…..”

Full marks for this bureaucratic tone.

Shen Zhen added: “However, he committed a big mistake this time. He embezzled the company and sold the half year long hard work of our company’s employees for his own interests.”

“What do you think should be done?”

Chen Zian stood calmly behind, waiting for the employees to stand by him and scold Shen Zhen.


“How else can this solved? Sue him! Fire him!”

“After committing this kind of mistake, there is no need to pay him three months’ salary if you fire him from the company.”

“He should spit out the money he got, is that something he deserves?”


There were also hot-tempered employees who directly scolded: “Chen Zian, do you think we are all mentally retarded? That we are here for you to play with in the palm of your hand?”

“And even thinking of poaching us with low salaries, I wonder why you can fantasize so well? Do you really think we can’t do anything without you?”

“Don’t take all the credit for yourself. The company we have today is not because of you alone!”

At the same time, there were also people who flattered Shen Zhen.

“If it wasn’t for CEO Shen’s willingness to take over the company, you would have been sleeping on the streets right now.”

“That’s right, paying you such a high salary, and this is what you do?”

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“You used to stay up late with us, saying that you want to accompany us, but isn’t it really just you sleeping in the office by yourself. I really don’t see how you actually helped us.”

“Do you really think that you are the boss of the company? Why are you so shameless?”

“Bah! You should go to jail!”

Chen Zian’s eyes widened, thinking he had heard wrong.

He looked at the employees in a panic, not understanding how things turned out like this.

It was only one morning, how could these people…..

Shen Zhen looked at Chen Zian. He was actually not angry, he was even a little curious: “It’s a good thing that you want to go out and start your own business. As one of my senior employees, I should be giving you my blessings. This is a good thing. But you insist on turning a good thing into a bad thing, so just what were you thinking really?”

“The company’s salary for you is not low. I’ve also seen it. Your annual salary last year was three million yuan. Logically speaking, if you want to leave and start your own business, you shouldn’t be short of money.” Shen Zhen looked at him, “Do you have any reason?”

Chen Zian twitched the corner of his mouth: “I don’t understand what you are saying.”

Shen Zhen took out the mobile phone and played the recording again.

Chen Zian’s face turned green after hearing it.

Shen Zhen: “What’s the reason?”

Chen Zian fell silent.

Although he had earned a lot these years, he had an addiction to online gambling. At the beginning, he felt that he could not lose much money from online gambling, at most just some few thousand yuan. He would just play a bit when he was bored.

But the more he lost, the more he gambled, wanting to get back his money. So naturally, he became stuck in this cycle.

All his money went into this pit.

He thought, companies earned so much a year, if he could also start a company, the net profit would only be more.

He could pay back the money owed.

In order to gamble, he also mortgaged his house and car to borrow money.

If he couldn’t pay off his debts, he would not even have a place to live.

Towards a thing like gambling, the more you gamble, the more money you throw in, and it becomes difficult to stop.

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Chen Zian said to Shen Zhen with an ugly expression: “CEO Shen, I just didn’t think it through, I…..I know I am wrong, please give me another chance, I will talk to CEO Lu….. “

Shen Zhen waved his hand: “No need, I can forgive you for making other mistakes, but I can’t for this kind of thing regarding principles.”

“You can just wait to receive the lawyer’s letter. Also, you have been fired.” Shen Zhen smiled at him.

Chen Zian felt like the sky was collapsing. Not only would he have to pay more than one million yuan in damages——he had already used the money to pay off his debts.

He also had to compensate for the leakage of commercial secrets which ranged from 10,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan.

More than one million yuan.

If it was in the past, he wouldn’t even notice this one million yuan.

He could earn it back in half a year.

But now, he had no money at all, and he couldn’t find anyone to borrow money either.

His former friends had long since stopped contacting him because he borrowed money and failed to repay it.

Looking for a bank to borrow? His house and car were all mortgaged, and he had not been able to take a loan from the bank for a long time.

Usury? He also tried it, and it was difficult to even pay the interest every month.

Chen Zian’s mind went blank, his legs went limp, and he slid down to the ground. He stared at Shen Zhen with wide eyes, and shouted: “CEO Shen, CEO Shen! I really know that I am wrong. I have been in the company for so many years and contributed so many things, please help me! I promise I will definitely do things honestly in the future, and this kind of thing will never happen again, you must believe me, you must believe me!”

Shen Zhen sighed: “If one doesn’t hit the south wall, one won’t look back, but the south wall is not so easy to hit.”

“Brother Chen, you should go home first and wait for the lawyer’s letter.”

Chen Zian looked around and said to his subordinates: “Say something for me, did you forget that when you didn’t know anything before, it was me who taught you? How did I treat you? Ask yourselves, can you just look on while I am kicked out of the company?”

Seeing Chen Zian’s hysterical appearance, the employees felt a little soft-hearted.

“Brother Chen… have to bear the consequences if you do something wrong, you shouldn’t have done that kind of thing…..”

“Brother Chen, you’d better go.”

“Yeah, at least keep some dignity in the end.”

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Chen Zian looked at Shen Zhen: “CEO Shen, please give me another chance! What do you want from me? Please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do it!”

He was so panicked that he was about to cry: “I will kneel down for you? It should be fine if I kneel down for you, right?”

Shen Zhen looked at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Then kneel.”

Chen Zian gritted his teeth and was really about to kneel down.

Shen Zhen: “I won’t change my mind even if you kneel down.”

Chen Zian remained motionless.

Shen Zhen: “Before you do something, you should think about the consequences. As an adult, you should be responsible for your actions.”

“That’s it.” Shen Zhen said, “Chen Zian, if you don’t leave, I’ll call the security to come in and drag you out.”

Shen Zhen said to the employees: “Keep on working. There are a lot of things to do this month. After all, the APP has been developed. Your hard work has been spent on it. I will still give you the commission and bonus that should be given. I will come to the company often in the future, so if there is anything, just come to me directly.”

Employees: “Understood, CEO Shen.”

“CEO Shen, have a good day.”

Chen Zian was finally dragged away by the security guards.

The remaining things could be handed over to the company’s legal team of lawyers, which he spent a lot of money to support. This kind of case was very easy for them.

Li Xiaolin got into the car with Shen Zhen, and Li Xiaolin asked, “CEO Shen, where are you going now?”

Shen Zhen: “I’m going to the Qin Group, so I’ll drop you back first.”

Li Xiaolin: “Okay.”

After sending Li Xiaolin back to Huitong Real Estate, Shen Zhen asked the driver to turn to Qin Group.

It took him a lot of time to solve Chen Zian’s matter recently, and he didn’t see Qin Xing for a week.

Other than phone calls and video calls at night, he hadn’t seen Qin Xing for a while, and he very much missed the other.

Shen Zhen felt a bit of an itch in his throat and coughed lightly.

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When Shen Zhen entered the Qin Group’s building, he was a little envious. He wondered when he would be able to build such a large building, and fill it up with employees.

Forget it, better not to think about it, the more he thought about it, the more his heart breaks.

“Who is that handsome guy? He looks so familiar.”

“I also find him very familiar.”

“He looks really arrogant, like he looks down on everyone.”

“Don’t you think…..he looks like CEO Shen? The one from before, the one that was played on loop at the business awards ceremony?”

“Now that you mentioned it, he really does look like him.”

“Did he change his hairstyle?”

“Holy sh*t, with a new hairstyle, he looks completely different.”

“So handsome, I want to marry!”

Shen Zhen didn’t hear what they were talking about, he directly took the elevator upstairs.

Assistant Ma was the first to notice Shen Zhen’s arrival.

He walked beside Shen Zhen: “Young Master Shen, long time no see.”

Shen Zhen smiled at him: “Yes, Brother Ma, how are you doing?”

Assistant Ma: “Still the same, nothing has changed. By the way, CEO Qin is not in a good mood. Try and persuade him later.”

Shen Zhen asked strangely: “What happened?”

Qin Xing had such a good temper, was there actually a time he could get angry?

Assistant Ma shrugged: “CEO Qin, cough, the last time he went for a physical examination, his blood sugar was a little too high.”

Shen Zhen: “High blood sugar?”

Assistant Ma sighed: “CEO Qin seems to be, um, quite concerned about his age.”

…..Did he think that high blood sugar was due to old age?

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