Source Of Calamity

Chapter 84.1


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The physical examination was half a month ago. Qin Xing had not had a physical examination for nearly a year. He always ignored his age. When a person reaches past 30, he would feel that time flies by, in the blink of an eye a year has already passed.

When he got the physical examination report, he took a few glances, and all the indicators were fine, except for the blood sugar indicator, which stood out and caught the eye.

Qin Xing sat in a daze with the report in his hands for a few minutes before putting away the report.

For the first time, he clearly felt that he was no longer young.

Shen Zhen watched Qin Xing walk into the office. When he came, he didn’t notify Qin Xing in advance. When Qin Xing saw Shen Zhen, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but curve upwards: “Why are you here today?”

Shen Zhen stood up and gave Qin Xing a hug, but it only lasted a few seconds, he was still a little unaccustomed to being too close to Qin Xing, the feeling it gave him was a bit strange: “After I settled the company’s business, I now have time to come and see you.”

Qin Xing smiled and said: “It happens that I am also no longer needed at the company, so let’s go back together.”

Shen Zhen followed Qin Xing, a little embarrassed.

Don’t know why, but he didn’t feel embarrassed before. He didn’t see Qin Xing for a while, and suddenly he had an unfamiliar feeling, becoming more awkward than before they were together.

Standing beside Qin Xing, Shen Zhen recalled that in his previous life, Qin Xing was like an unattainable symbol in his eyes, not so much a person as a symbol.

He was in awe of Qin Xing and admired Qin Xing, but in fact it had nothing to do with Qin Xing himself.

Qin Xing also found that something was up with Shen Zhen’s mood, and asked softly, “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Shen Zhen: “It’s nothing, have you had lunch yet?”

Qin Xing saw that Shen Zhen was absent-minded, but he didn’t point it out. Instead, he asked, “Are you hungry?”

Shen Zhen couldn’t find anything to say, so he just nodded.

“Let’s go eat something first.” Qin Xing, “What do you want to eat?”

Shen Zhen got into the car and smiled at Qin Xing: “Anything’s fine.”

Qin Xing: “Then we’ll go to your Uncle Lin’s.”

Uncle Lin’s restaurant was Chinese food, and Shen Zhen didn’t object.

Qin Xing went to hold Shen Zhen’s hand, but in that moment Shen Zhen’s mind blanked, and he took his hand back instantly.

Shen Zhen regretted it the second he took it back.

He explained awkwardly: “I just…..”

Qin Xing also had a little bit of astonishment on his face, but it disappeared quickly. His smile was still there, but it faded a lot: “It’s nothing, you don’t need to explain.”

His action just now seemed to have hurt Qin Xing’s heart.

Shen Zhen lowered his head, full of guilt. He reached out to pull Qin Xing’s hand, Shen Zhen’s hand was on the back of Qin Xing’s, but Qin Xing didn’t move, as if he didn’t feel anything.

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Shen Zhen didn’t speak, he felt that Qin Xing must be angry.

Speaking of which, Shen Zhen’s relationship experience was not rich.

He and Qin Yue had never been in a romantic relationship at all, and they always got along like buddies.

With Qin Xing, it could be regarded as his first ever romantic relationship.

But he didn’t know how to be in a romantic relationship.

Being in a romantic relationship also depended on talent. Some people seemed to be born knowing how to get along with the person they like, and how to speak sweet words naturally, but some people were just like a block of wood, unable to utter a sweet word at all.

Sitting in the restaurant, Shen Zhen felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between him and Qin Xing.

He took a sip of water, moistened his lips, and began randomly: “Brother Ma said, you went for a medical examination?”

Qin Xing paused while taking off his gloves. He had no expression, but his tone was the same as usual: “There is no problem, it’s normal.”

Shen Zhen: “…..Oh.”

He wanted to comfort him, but the person himself didn’t show any signs of displeasure, and he didn’t know where to even start to comfort him.

Maybe Brother Ma was thinking too much?

The food at the restaurant looked very good, and it probably tasted just as good, but Shen Zhen’s attention was not on eating, and he might as well be chewing wax.

He raised his eyes to look at Qin Xing, for the first time observing how Qin Xing ate.

Qin Xing’s movements were very refined, no matter what he did, he always looked calm.

Shen Zhen looked away and finished his meal quietly.

“No appetite today?” Qin Xing asked.

Shen Zhen shook his head: “No, I ate pretty well.”

He had no habit of leaving leftovers, and he could always finish a bowl of rice, whether he had an appetite or not.

On the way back, Shen Zhen was still sitting next to Qin Xing. He thought about why he suddenly felt awkward and a sense of unfamiliarity.

Clearly, they had been pretty good before. Before he became busy with his companies, he had a good relationship with Qin Xing, and he didn’t feel embarrassed at all.

But now, this strange feeling lingered around the air between them.

It seemed like his reactionary response was a few beats slower, and now he finally reacted.

Shen Zhen sighed, feeling that he was thinking too much.

Originally, he didn’t have so many thoughts, and getting along with Qin Xing was very natural.

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After a while, Shen Zhen felt that he had done nothing wrong, withdrawing his hand was just because of a conditioned reflex. After all, he had never been so close to anyone except Qin Xing?

Maybe he was feeling shy?

Shen Zhen himself was a little speechless.

Feeling shy when there was no blushing or quickened heart beating?

This skin was also quite thick.

After getting on the elevator, returning home, and turning on the lights, Qin Xing walked in first: “Are you going to take a shower first?”

Shen Zhen swallowed: “You go first, I’ll read some documents for a while.”

When he was at home before, Shen Zhen often read documents, but now he couldn’t read a single word. After reading the same sentence over and over again, to the extent that he could even recite it eyes closed, in the end Qin Xing was all he could think about in his mind.

He was busy some time ago, and Qin Xing had to deal with the Qin family’s affairs, so he moved back to the Qin family manor for more than a week.

It was just over a week.

Shen Zhen buried his head in the pillow, and recalled the way Qin Xing treated him specially from the beginning.

After thinking about it, Shen Zhen sat up straight from the sofa.

He didn’t feel it before, but now that he thought about it, why did he have the feeling that Qin Xing planned it long ago?

The apartment was big, but there were not many things, and it looked rather empty. Shen Zhen heard the sound of Qin Xing showering, and he couldn’t help thinking of their first time.

Shen Zhen patted his cheeks, turned on the TV, and watched the news.

As if after watching the news, his attention would no longer be focused on Qin Xing.

What should have happened and what shouldn’t have happened had already happened. Now thinking about it so much, it seemed too hypocritical.

Shen Zhen watched the news, but kept his attention on when Qin Xing would come out of the bathroom.

After about ten minutes, Qin Xing came out of the bathroom. He only came out in a bathrobe, with his chest exposed.

Shen Zhen turned his head to look, and still found it very sexy.

“I’m going to take a shower too.” Shen Zhen lowered his head and almost rushed into the bathroom.

He closed the bathroom door behind his back and looked at his face in the mirror. His face was flushed red.

The steam in the bathroom was heavy and still very hot. Shen Zhen turned on some cold water and patted his face first.

Then Shen Zhen raised his head again and looked at himself in the mirror.

He didn’t seem to have changed, he was still the same, but after changing his hairstyle, his aura seemed to be more aggressive.

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Shen Zhen took a shower for more than half an hour, not so much taking a shower as escaping from reality.

When he came out of the shower, he went to the bedroom to check, only to find that Qin Xing was not in the room.

Shen Zhen froze, and it took several seconds for him to react. He walked to the guest room almost in a panic, and indeed he saw Qin Xing lying on the bed in the guest room.

While Shen Zhen let out a sigh of relief, he was also a little angry: “Why are you sleeping in the guest room?”

Qin Xing was reading with gold-rimmed glasses. He looked up at Shen Zhen with no expression on his face.

For the first time in so long, Shen Zhen faced Qin Xing who didn’t have a smile on his face.

Qin Xing’s tone was a little cold: “I think it’s better for us to sleep separately these few days.”

Shen Zhen asked almost instinctively: “Why?”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen’s bewildered expression, finally sighed, and said to Shen Zhen, “Xiao Zhen, do you want to have a talk to me?”

Shen Zhen hesitated again.

Still, he said, “Okay.”

Shen Zhen sat by the bed and looked at Qin Xing.

Qin Xing also looked at Shen Zhen, and the two looked at each other. Shen Zhen saw helplessness in Qin Xing’s eyes.

This made Shen Zhen feel nervous that he had done something wrong.

“Xiao Zhen.” Qin Xing’s voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of frightening Shen Zhen, “You are still young, in your twenties, and your life has just begun. I don’t wish it to be a momentary passion…..”

Shen Zhen’s eyes widened: “What momentary passion?”

Qin Xing: “Xiao Zhen, I’m older than you…..”

Shen Zhen: “Not much older.”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen. Shen Zhen was still so young, he had been seducing Shen Zhen from the very beginning. His purpose was not pure from the beginning, but now he suddenly realized that Shen Zhen was still young, and his future was still very bright and long, he still had many years to think slowly.

He didn’t want to wait for Shen Zhen to reach middle age and then regret being with him.

What could he do then?

He would always be the same, but Shen Zhen could change.

Qin Xing felt this kind of feeling for the first time in his life.

If his feelings for Shen Zhen were even just a little less deep, he wouldn’t think of this.

He could selfishly hold Shen Zhen in his hands and never give him a chance to regret it for the rest of his life.

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But looking at Shen Zhen’s face, Qin Xing felt a little tired for the first time.

He was always worried that Shen Zhen would meet “true love” one day.

Qin Xing smiled: “Xiao Zhen, have you ever thought about how old I would be when you are thirty?”

Shen Zhen said naturally: “Over forty.”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen.

Only then did Shen Zhen realize that what Brother Ma said was true, Qin Xing cared about his own age very much.

Shen Zhen was a little anxious: “You have always been the youngest in my heart.”

Probably because he was afraid that Qin Xing would not believe it, Shen Zhen said again: “Do you dislike me for being too young?”

Qin Xing was taken aback by this question.

With an expression of “I knew it”, Shen Zhen said, “Actually, I’m not too young. If you think there’s something I didn’t do right or well, you can tell me directly.”

“Don’t use age to brush me off.” Shen Zhen said this on purpose.

He saw Qin Xing’s worry.

But he didn’t want to say anything directly. If he said it directly, it would seem like he didn’t care about Qin Xing’s self-esteem.

Although Qin Xing looked very mature, men, no matter young or old, all possess a childish side.

Qin Xing smiled and said: “I’m not brushing you off, Xiao Zhen, I just don’t want you to regret it one day.”

Regret wasting the most precious time of his youth on an old man.

Shen Zhen: “Is it because I pulled back my hand in the car?”

Shen Zhen looked at him intently.

Qin Xing was suddenly speechless.

Shen Zhen’s gaze was very focused and persistent, and it was as if there were stars in his eyes.

Qin Xing sighed, he stretched out his hand, wrapped it around Shen Zhen’s shoulder, then kissed Shen Zhen’s forehead, and asked, “Do you feel awkward?”

Shen Zhen shook his head.

Qin Xing asked again: “What if my face is full of wrinkles?”

Shen Zhen thought for a while: “You would still be handsome with wrinkles on your face.”

He really thought so. When Qin Xing became old, he would definitely be a handsome old man, an old gentleman.

Just as able to attract many people, both men and women.

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