Source Of Calamity

Chapter 84.2


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Shen Zhen had already forgotten the embarrassment and unfamiliarity at this time. Right now he felt that his love rivals could circle the earth and back.

Qin Xing was amused by Shen Zhen. He was about to say something, but Shen Zhen interrupted him: “Do you think I’m not mature enough?”

Qin Xing choked.

Shen Zhen said: “I don’t think maturity depends on age. Some people are very mature at a very young age, and some people are still very naive even into old age. Can you give me some time?”

“I’m just not used to the change in our relationship, and I didn’t mean to do that in the car just now.” Shen Zhen lowered his head, “I’m sorry, en? Don’t be angry, en?”

Qin Xing sighed: “I’m not angry with you.”

Shen Zhen looked into Qin Xing’s eyes.

Qin Xing touched Shen Zhen’s face: “I’m angry with myself.”

Shen Zhen asked strangely: “Why are you angry with yourself?”

Qin Xing said with a smile: “I’m angry why I wasn’t born more than ten years later. If I grew up with you, there wouldn’t have been any space for Qin Yue in the first place.”

It was the first time in a long time that Shen Zhen heard Qin Yue’s name from Qin Xing’s mouth.

Qin Xing said: “So I always worry, in a few years, I will be old.”

Shen Zhen: “How are you old?”

This was not at all like the Qin Xing he knew.

In his heart, Qin Xing was always confident and strong. There was nothing in this world that Qin Xing could not solve.

But now… was as if Qin Xing was showing weakness.

This made Shen Zhen’s heart feel very complicated.

Did he cause Qin Xing to be so insecure?

And speaking of insecurity, shouldn’t he be the one to be feeling insecure?

Shen Zhen suddenly said, “Let’s get married at the end of the year.”

Qin Xing didn’t expect Shen Zhen to say this, and his own expression was a little dazed, obviously not having reacted.

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Shen Zhen said with a serious expression: “Although I haven’t prepared anything now, I will definitely make up the marriage proposal ceremony. Do you think it will be okay at the end of the year?”

Qin Xing heard his own voice: “It won’t be recognized here.”

Shen Zhen: “That’s not important.”

Qin Xing stretched out his hand to comb Shen Zhen’s somewhat disheveled hair, there was affection in his eyes, and there was also a sigh: “That’s just a formality.”

Shen Zhen tilted his head: “I just happen to like formalities.”

Qin Xing said helplessly, “Xiao Zhen.”

Shen Zhen looked directly at him: “Do you accept?”

The eyes of the two met, and in the end it was Qin Xing who gave in.

“Xiao Zhen, I don’t want you to regret it one day.”

Shen Zhen asked him: “Why would I regret it? Regret what?”

Although he felt embarrassed before, he never felt that he didn’t like Qin Xing.

What he felt was not pure love for Qin Xing, his feelings were much more complicated.

There was worship, there was awe, there was envy, and there was admiration.

In his eyes, Qin Xing was omnipotent, and it was his luck to be liked by such a Qin Xing.

At the very beginning, he couldn’t believe that Qin Xing would like him.

After all, everything he had at that time was obtained by relying on Qin Xing.

Shen Zhen suddenly asked: “What do you like about me?”

The topic of conversation just ran away like this.

Qin Xing suddenly said: “Who says I like you?”

Shen Zhen looked at him with a smile that says “I know everything” on the corner of his mouth.

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Qin Xing could only say, “You don’t remember.”

Shen Zhen leaned closer: “If you talk about it, I will remember it.”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen’s curious gaze, smiled and shook his head: “That happened during your coming-of-age ceremony.”

At that time, Shen Zhen had just turned eighteen. Originally, he was a child of the Shen family, and the Qin family should not organize the coming-of-age ceremony for him, but at that time Shen Zhen had a good relationship with Qin Yue, and Qin Yue was the default heir. So when Qin Yue proposed it, the Qin family would still give him face.

But of course Qin Xing would not be notified, after all, if Qin Xing was notified, it would be giving Shen Zhen too much face.

Shen Zhen himself didn’t care about this kind of thing, he hadn’t celebrated his birthday for so many years, and even turning eighteen didn’t seem all that special.

But towards Qin Yue’s kindness, he couldn’t refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and go to the dinner party.

It was a dinner party, that was to say, they borrowed the Qin family’s banquet hall, and then invited their schoolmates and friends to celebrate together.

Shen Zhen also put on a custom-made suit that day. He had never worn such a formal suit before, and felt a little restrained and strange.

Moreover, he didn’t like to socialize with others, and he didn’t have the energy to build  good connections with unfamiliar people.

So facing those classmates and friends whom Qin Yue invited who were just mere acquaintances, he couldn’t summon up the energy to socialize.

On that occasion, Qin Yue was completely at ease, like a fish in the water, and eventually forgot Shen Zhen while busy socializing.

Fortunately, Shen Zhen himself felt relaxed being left to his own devices, so he didn’t join in the crowd.

After all, the people who came here were all here for Qin Yue’s popularity and face, not for Shen Zhen’s sake.

Those people were not friends with him.

Shen Zhen walked to the balcony on the second floor where no one usually goes with a plate of cake in hand, sat on a chair and ate the cake in small bites.

At that time, he was particularly envious of children from ordinary families. No matter whether the family had money or not, they would at least get to grow up with their parents.

Enjoying happiness as family, or suffering hardship as a family, either was better than to live under someone else’s roof.

Living under someone else’s roof meant that you had to endure it even when you were wronged. If you had tears, you had to hold them back. And when feeling upset, there was no one to confide in.

Although the relationship with Qin Yue was very good, Qin Yue couldn’t understand his feelings.

Qin Yue was a proud golden boy. He had never been wronged or disadvantaged since he was a child.

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Whatever he wanted, before he even opened his mouth, others had already prepared it for him.

On the night of Shen Zhen’s eighteenth birthday, the sky was full of dark clouds, there were no stars, and there was no moon. The evening wind was still strong and it was a bit cold. He started sneezing after taking a few bites of the cake.

“Uncle Qin.” When Shen Zhen turned his head, he saw Qin Xing standing outside the balcony.

Qin Xing was aware of all the juniors in his family, and he never showed any special treatment for Shen Zhen. If he hadn’t stood in front of him, Qin Xing wouldn’t have remembered what Shen Zhen looked like.

Qin Xing was actually not very concerned about family matters.

“Why are you here alone?” Qin Xing was also in a good mood. Normally, he wouldn’t say a word to Shen Zhen at all.

When Shen Zhen faced Qin Xing, he was always a little nervous. He lowered his head, his shoulders shaking, and said in a small voice, “It’s too stuffy inside.”

Qin Xing: “Why did Ah Yue invite so many people today?”

Shen Zhen said embarrassedly: “Today is my birthday.”

Qin Xing said very politely, “Happy birthday.”

Shen Zhen looked up at Qin Xing cautiously, blushing a little: “Thank you, Uncle Qin.”

Qin Xing nodded, and was about to leave.

Shen Zhen suddenly said, “Uncle Qin, do you want to go together?”

After saying this, Shen Zhen almost slapped himself on the mouth.

Every time he saw Qin Xing, he would lose his composure.

Becoming insane.

Qin Xing looked at him with a smile on his lips: “Okay.”

He was just bored.

Shen Zhen had been in the Qin family for so many years, but he had seen Qin Xing only a handful of times. Every time he saw Qin Xing, he would be so nervous that he couldn’t even speak.

He was more afraid of Qin Xing than even the dean at his school.

Walking behind Qin Xing, Shen Zhen looked at Qin Xing’s back, not knowing why, but he felt a little strangely happy.

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He attributed this feeling to his admiration for Qin Xing.

Qin Xing asked him: “Xiao Zhen, since

Uncle knows now, I should give you a gift. What do you want? Uncle can make it up to you?”

Shen Zhen was flattered and ecstatic: “No need, I don’t have anything I want.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “Don’t be so courteous with Uncle.”

Shen Zhen admired Qin Xing since he was a child. He grew up with Qin Yue, and Qin Yue would tell him about Qin Xing.

In the heart of the young boy, Qin Xing was a tall giant, omnipotent.

When he grew up, his impression of Qin Xing became fixed, and he couldn’t change it no matter what.

In short, in his eyes, Qin Xing was different from everyone else.

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen and felt that he looked like a cat, appearing docile, and just hiding his claws.

Shen Zhen whispered, “Then I want the calligraphy personally written by Uncle.”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen and asked with a smile, “How do you know I know calligraphy?”

Shen Zhen: “I heard it from Ah Yue.”

Qin Xing suppressed his smile: “Okay.”

Shen Zhen looked up at Qin Xing with a very happy expression: “Really?”

Qin Xing felt that Shen Zhen now looked like a child——an eighteen-year-old child. He said, “Come with me to the study, and choose one you like.”

In fact, Shen Zhen didn’t like Qin Xing’s calligraphy very much. After all, it was half-baked, and it was only at the level of being able to be seen. It was definitely not enough to compare with a true master, but Shen Zhen just wanted to have something written by Qin Xing personally, to motivate himself.

To put it bluntly, Shen Zhen was just chasing an idol.

It was probably the first time that Qin Xing was admired so straightforwardly by a junior, and the feeling was quite novel. Looking at Shen Zhen’s smiling face, his fingers twitched, and he wanted to touch Shen Zhen’s face, and even pinch it.

But his fingers only just twitched, and he didn’t reach out as he thought.

This child was young and straightforward. And it was that night when Qin Xing remembered Shen Zhen’s face.

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