Source Of Calamity

Chapter 85


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Shen Zhen was lying beside Qin Xing, and it was only at this time that he realized that Qin Xing had such a side to him, and that he was also hesitant in their relationship. Shen Zhen’s heart fell back in place for some reason, not hanging in the air like before. It was like Qin Xing stepped down from the altar and became a mortal.

This made Shen Zhen feel inexplicably at ease.

Shen Zhen consciously moved into Qin Xing’s embrace and hugged Qin Xing’s waist. Qin Xing had a standard male god physique, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, which looked good and felt good. Shen Zhen touched Qin Xing’s abdominal muscles, head resting on Qin Xing’s arm, his nose full of the scent of Qin Xing’s shower gel——maybe there was also his own scent, but he couldn’t smell it.

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Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen, his brows were still slightly furrowed.

Shen Zhen reached out to smooth Qin Xing’s brows, and kissed Qin Xing on the cheek.

Qin Xing finally had a smile on his face. Qin Xing didn’t often keep a stern face. He always smiled. Although he had several kinds of smiles, this was the first time Shen Zhen saw him completely expressionless. Shen Zhen whispered: “Is the Qin family okay recently?”

Qin Xing patted Shen Zhen on the back: “It’s nothing.”

Although he said it was nothing, there was still something to deal with, otherwise he wouldn’t have stayed in the Qin family manor for more than a week.

Qin Yue’s daring had grown, and his brain seemed to have returned as well.

At home, he was obedient and sensible, and he would not approach him when there was nothing important. Qin Xing’s perception of Qin Yue was quite complicated.

Although he killed Qin Yue once, at that time he was not as rational as he was now.

Seeing Qin Yue now, Qin Xing’s feelings were more of regret.

He had put so much energy into cultivating this child, and kept him by his side since he was a child, afraid that he would go astray.

When Qin Xing was not in power, he was not favored at home. Although he was the youngest among his brothers, he did not receive any preference. On the contrary, because his older brothers were all grown up, the elders did not have any ardent hopes for him. As for love? There wasn’t any either, believing that boys must grow up under hard discipline.

Later, his parents passed away in an accident, and he was sent abroad. When he went, other than money, he had nothing.

There were no relatives or friends abroad, and the Qin family was already on the decline at that time. The business world was changing rapidly, today one could be smooth sailing, but tomorrow everyone could step on the Qin family’s face.

What kind of life was he living abroad? Qin Xing thought about it carefully. In fact, the situation at that time was not too bad. After all, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse, and the Qin family still had a bit of foundation. He learned to trade in stocks first while abroad, and then invested, never having had a chance to relax.

After several years, his elder brother died, and none of the Qin family brothers could hold up the family business.

So the elders called him back.

It could be considered taking up post at the most difficult time. Qin Xing was only sixteen years old at the time, and he had a big temper. He felt that they were quite naive to think they could just throw him abroad like trash when they didn’t need him, and now that something happened, they could call him back just like that.

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It was Qin Xin who persuaded him.

For this sister, Qin Xing had a very complicated mentality. She was not a smart person, and she was not a good sister. She only lived for herself all her life. Whether it was marriage or divorce, Qin Xin did whatever she wanted. She felt that she had a strong background and never needed to rely on her husband’s face. Qin Xing still remembered Qin Xin’s ex-husband, he was a good-looking dandy with a good temper, but he always came across as quite submissive.

It was not that Qin Xin didn’t have a better choice at the time, but she chose this one. As the only daughter, her parents doted on her and agreed to the marriage.

In Qin Xing’s memory, this elder sister was the only person who showed familial love towards him.

When Qin Xing was reprimanded by his parents, she would protect her little brother behind her.

Perhaps for Qin Xin, this kind of thing didn’t need to be remembered, but Qin Xing remembered, and it was precisely because of that, that for so many years, no matter what Qin Xin did wrong, he never said a harsh word to her.

Even when she wanted Qin Yue to have the Qin surname, he agreed.

He also didn’t refuse when she wanted Qin Yue to inherit the Qin family either.

He still remembered how when Qin Yue was just born, the little baby was crying all day long.

He watched the little baby grow up.

To be precise, towards Qin Li, Qin Yue, Qin Meng and Qin Shan, at the very beginning, he treated them all the same.

But Qin Yue was the smartest one.

Qin Xing never thought about getting married, nor about having children, and because of Qin Xin, he picked Qin Yue to train as his potential heir. He had put a lot of effort into Qin Yue.

And Qin Yue did not disappoint him.

Qin Xing sighed and said to Shen Zhen, “Go to sleep.”

Now Qin Yue had developed ambitions.

He wanted power.

If he didn’t give it, Qin Yue would get it by himself.

This time, he could pretend that he didn’t see it, but next time, he could only cut off Qin Yue’s hand.

This was the last chance.

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Shen Zhen didn’t sleep and couldn’t sleep, so he asked Qin Xing: “I don’t believe it, did Qin Li or Qin Yue cause trouble for you?”

Qin Xing smiled: “Ah Li has become better.”

Although not smart, it was enough to run a branch company.

Shen Zhen: “Then it’s Qin Yue.”

Qin Xing closed his eyes and said, “He has gotten very close to several shareholders recently.”

These shareholders had no real power in their hands, and they didn’t have many shares either. He would only see them once every year at the annual meeting.

They didn’t have a say in the company’s affairs, but if they all got together, Qin Xing also couldn’t completely turn a blind eye.

Shen Zhen sat up: “Does he still want to go up against you?”

Qin Xing was amused by Shen Zhen’s description: “He doesn’t have the guts yet, at most, he just wants to try.”

He was smarter than before.

“He only contacted shareholders who own 1% of the shares.” Qin Xing said, “Being more cautious than before.”

Shen Zhen felt strange: “He wants to buy the shares in the hands of these people? Doesn’t he also have shares?”

Qin Xing said with a smile: “You must have at least 2% of the shares to have the right to speak.”

These shares of the Qin family were sold when they were going downhill back then.

Qin Xing didn’t think about taking them back either. After all, the total was only 30%, and they were all sold in small shares. Even if they were added together, his position would not be shaken.

So he didn’t bother with that.

Shen Zhen couldn’t understand Qin Yue’s plan, so he asked again: “Does Qin Yue have that much money?”

Qin Xing: “It’s exactly because he doesn’t, that it seems so strange.”

How valuable were the Qin Group’s shares now? Even if Qin Yue sold himself, he still couldn’t afford 1% of the shares.

Shen Zhen: “Does he think that others would give it to him for nothing?”

Qin Xing almost laughed out loud: “If he has that ability, he should be the head of the Qin family now.”

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“But recently, he has indeed become more stable than before.”

To be precise, it should be that he was lacking any of his original spirit.

Qin Yue had become old, not referring to his appearance, but to his mentality. He paid more and more attention to the rules. Even when standing in front of Qin Xing, he didn’t look like a junior, but more like a subordinate. And a subordinate who had done something wrong. Facing Qin Xing, he was very careful when speaking, afraid to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing.

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen a little tighter: “Go to sleep, don’t think too much.”

Shen Zhen was pressed into Qin Xing’s chest, but he didn’t break free. He closed his eyes and tried to brew sleepiness.

Although Qin Xing and him changed the topic and didn’t talk about their own affairs, Shen Zhen knew that this was a thorn, and one day it would hurt both of them, or Qin Xing himself would hurt himself. And others would not see whether the wound was bleeding or not.

He had to think about how to pull out this thorn.

He brewed sleepiness for more than half an hour, but he still couldn’t fall asleep, and moved in Qin Xing’s arms. Qin Xing’s sleep was not deep, and he woke up when Shen Zhen moved, and asked softly: “What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?”

Shen Zhen pulled out of Qin Xing’s arms: “I’m going to the bathroom.”

He said he was going to the bathroom, but Shen Zhen actually ran to the living room, turned on a small desk lamp, and watched variety shows under a thin blanket.

He actually didn’t like to watch these things, but recently when he was idle, he would browse and watch them, and even thought they were pretty good. It was always able to make him laugh, which was good for relaxation.

Shen Zhen wasn’t picky on variety shows either, and just clicked in if there was a push on the homepage.

This time, he just clicked into a variety show called: “True and False Lovers”.

Because it was an online variety show, it was slightly faster than the one broadcast on TV.

Shen Zhen watched two episodes, and thought it was not bad, so he watched until the latest episode.

Then he saw a familiar face among the guests.

Su Shiqing, could actually go on a show?

Didn’t Feng Anyan say before that he would be shelved?

Shen Zhen called Feng Anyan.

When answering the phone, Feng Anyan sounded out of breath: “What’s the matter?”

Shen Zhen: “Su Shiqing went on a show?”

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Feng Anyan: “Oh him, someone paid the contract money and poached him away.”

Shen Zhen: “Oh?”

Feng Anyan’s voice on the other line was full of ridicule: “He slept with them, so he must get something in return, right? Three million yuan is not a small amount. Besides, I can’t let him continue to eat off my company until his contract is up for nothing, right? And even give him a salary. So selling him for three million yuan is not a loss.”

Shen Zhen also felt that he might be too nervous: “En, okay, I’m hanging up.”

Feng Anyan: “Come out for a drink when you’re free? Have a chat?”

Shen Zhen didn’t directly refuse either: “Let’s talk again when we have time.”

Su Shiqing, slept with someone?

Sleeping his way up?

Shen Zhen sat on the sofa for a while, feeling like he had heard a joke.

That pure and innocent Su Shiqing would also embark on such a path?

Shen Zhen took a sip of water, thinking of the events of his previous life, still feeling quite bizarre in his heart.

Didn’t Su Shiqing like to flaunt his kindness and purity? Wasn’t that his image? How could he sleep his way up.

Although Shen Zhen hated Su Shiqing, it must be said that Su Shiqing had never had a relationship with anyone other than Qin Yue, whether in the book or in his previous life.

He may be ambiguous with others, but the last step would never be taken.

Everything really did seem to have changed.

He had changed, Qin Yue had changed, and Su Shiqing had also changed.

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Qin Yue was no longer the heir of the Qin family, and was no longer as smooth sailing as in his previous life.

Su Shiqing also lost the protection of Qin Yue, Chu Haoyi, Liu Huan, and Feng Anyan, and his halo disappeared.

Who knows what the future holds.

Inexplicably, he began to look forward to it.

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