Source Of Calamity

Chapter 86


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Qin Yue’s days were not good. He was originally a proud golden boy, no matter where he went, others would give him face. Because he was the heir of the Qin family, even the uncles who were the same generation as Qin Xing were very polite to him.

However, during this period of time, he really felt what it meant to taste warmth and coldness.

After losing his uncle’s favor, he finally understood that in the eyes of those old fritters, he was nothing but a rich second generation who had relied on the backing of the Qin family and his uncle.

He could not even compare to Qin Li. After all, Qin Li was still in charge of a branch company and he had real power in his hands.

But he had nothing.

His previous title was useless, and when he went out to socialize, only a few old friends remained around him.

Sometimes when he heard Shen Zhen’s name from other people’s mouths, he felt like a lifetime had passed.

He sat on the side and listened to his friends talking about Shen Zhen.

“Do you know how much the cheapest land he sold was?”

“A billion yuan.”

“I didn’t expect that piece of land to be sold at that price. Is that land buyer crazy?”

“Why is it that he gets to meet with all the good things.”

His friends all knew that Shen Zhen had a good relationship with Qin Yue before, but now seeing that they had no contact and not knowing the inside story, they asked Qin Yue: “You haven’t contacted Shen Zhen recently? Did you two have a fight? Don’t be so proud. You lower your head, talk to Shen Zhen, and warm up the relationship again. I see that he has good momentum now, maybe he can help you…..”

Qin Yue had calmed down a lot now, and he didn’t get angry so easily. He said to his friend: “When he sees me now, it’s already mild if he doesn’t hit me.”

Friend: “What? What outrageous thing have you done to offend him?”

Qin Yue said, “I can’t explain clearly.”

Friend: “What? Is it because of that surnamed Su?”

As soon as the words “surnamed Su” came out, his friend spat repeatedly.

The few of them all knew that Su Shiqing was now hooked up with the boss of a film and television company who already has a family, practically a male mistress now. In short, they didn’t want Qin Yue to know, after all, it had been quite hard for Qin Yue to recover from the hurt.

After all, after being friends for so many years, apart from benefits, there was still friendship.

Some time ago, when Qin Yue was jilted, his whole person looked as if he had lost his soul. He dragged them to drink with him every day, and drank all night long. He drank so much that he could vomit all his bile by the side of the road, so his friends persuaded him. So long as he wanted, a bunch of people would be willing to throw themselves at him with just a wave of his hand, who were even better than Su Shiqing in terms of looks and body, and he really didn’t need to hang himself to death on Su Shiqing.

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Once, don’t know who was so blind, actually even mentioned Shen Zhen.

“I think Su Shiqing is much lacking compared to Shen Zhen. What were you thinking at the time?”

Then Qin Yue grabbed the other and started a fight as if he had taken the wrong medicine.

And it was only during this time that he had become in better shape, at least he wouldn’t go out to drink all night, nor force his friends to accompany him to drink away his worries.

Naturally, his friends would not reveal Su Shiqing’s current situation.

They used to say that Su Shiqing was with him for Qin Yue’s money and status.

Qin Yue didn’t believe it, and said they were just talking nonsense, with no real basis at all.

They themselves were dubious, and felt that Su Shiqing’s feelings for Qin Yue were not pure, but Qin Yue himself didn’t care about it, so if they said anymore, it was just meddling in others’ business.

But now, Su Shiqing had hooked up with an old and ugly married man.

Qin Yue’s friends felt that they now saw Su Shiqing’s face clearly, so they all looked at Qin Yue with a clear sense of pity.

Qin Yue looked at his friend, saw that he was hesitant to speak, and asked strangely: “What’s the matter? What do you want to say, just say it.”

The friend had been holding back the words, and finally couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Do you know Li Zhao?” The friend sat next to Qin Yue and said excitedly.

Qin Yue didn’t know him: “Who? I haven’t heard of him.”

The friend pretended to be mysterious and said, “Guess what.”

Qin Yue: “…..”

The friend sighed: “You are still so boring, Li Zhao is the boss of Jinhui Entertainment.”

Qin Yue said strangely: “I never thought about doing business in the entertainment industry.”

Friend: “Looks like I have to make it clear for you to understand. Li Zhao has recently signed a newcomer, and he has put a lot of effort into promoting him. You probably can’t guess who he is promoting.”

Qin Yue: “Does it have something to do with me?”

The friend laughed and said, “It has something to do with you.”

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Qin Yue turned to look at him: “What exactly do you want to say? Just say it.”

The friend said helplessly, “Su Shiqing.”

Qin Yue’s expression was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came back to himself: “Maybe he has talent in this area.”

The friend was dumbfounded: “Qin Yue, no way? Is something wrong with your brain?”

As he spoke, the friend reached out to feel the temperature of Qin Yue’s forehead.

Qin Yue swatted his hand away impatiently: “You mean to say that he slept his way up?”

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yue said again: “Impossible.”

He knew Su Shiqing well, and he knew that it was impossible for Su Shiqing to have sex with others for profit…..

Friend: “Qin Yue, do you still like him? You don’t know what kind of person he is?”

Qin Yue frowned.

The friend said: “Anyway, I’ve said everything I need to say. As a friend, this is the only thing I can do for you. It’s up to you to believe it or not.”

Qin Yue looked down at his phone.

He had been calling Su Shiqing before, but Su Shiqing never answered, and later blocked his number. If he insisted on looking for Su Shiqing, he would be able to find him, but he was also a little discouraged.

Qin Yue felt that he had never treated others as well as he had treated Su Shiqing in his life.

Even Shen Zhen, he had never treated him like this.

But Su Shiqing didn’t appreciate any of it. After being sad and upset for a while, Qin Yue felt as if… wasn’t a big deal after all.

Without Su Shiqing, he still had to live, pass his days, and find ways to get more power.

The friend suddenly grabbed Qin Yue’s shoulder: “Come along tonight?”

Qin Yue lowered his head. Su Shiqing had been gone for such a long time. He was a normal adult man, so he naturally had needs in that regard.

“Okay.” Qin Yue said to his friend.

The friend introduced to Qin Yue, a boy who just graduated from university. He had fair skin and was not tall, but he had a good figure. He had six-pack abs and two cute eye teeth when he smiled.

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The friend whispered: “I haven’t even tried this one myself. He said this is his first time. I don’t know if it is true. Tell me after you try it.”

Qin Yue gave him an eyeroll.

That night, Qin Yue spent the night at his friend’s club.

The boy’s name was Zheng Xiao, he had a good temper, didn’t talk much, and had a sunny smile.

Qin Yue often went to look for him, and then he brought him out at his side directly, and let the boy live in the house he bought for Su Shiqing before.

From then on, Qin Yue didn’t go back to the Qin family manor very often, and basically lived outside.

Regarding the fact that Qin Yue had a new boyfriend, Shen Zhen only found out about it later, and it was a coincidence that he met him on the road.

It was rare for Shen Zhen to go out for shopping that day. He was going to buy a watch for Qin Xing, but he didn’t want his assistant to order it online, so he went shopping by himself.

He looked at the watches at the counter, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Yue leading someone in.

The first time Shen Zhen saw Zheng Xiao, he felt that this person was a replica of Su Shiqing, or a high-quality version, but the difference with Su Shiqing was that he knew how to advance and retreat.

“Shen Zhen.” Standing on the side, Qin Yue panicked for some reason after seeing Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen looked at Qin Yue, then at the unfamiliar boy next to him, and said with a smile: “Long time no see, is this your boyfriend?”

Qin Yue was taken aback, not knowing how to introduce the other to Shen Zhen.

He couldn’t just say that this was his kept lover, right?

The boy was very polite, smiled and said, “My name is Zheng Xiao, what’s your name?”

Shen Zhen also smiled at him: “Just call me Brother Shen.”

Zheng Xiao called out sweetly: “Brother Shen.”

Shen Zhen: “It’s the first time meeting you, and I don’t know what you like, so go pick out a watch and treat it as a gift from me.”

Zheng Xiao looked up at Qin Yue.

Qin Yue’s expression was very complicated, but he still nodded at Zheng Xiao and said, “Go ahead, have them wrap up whatever you want.”

Zheng Xiao had never been in this kind of high-end watch shop. The cheapest watch here costs more than 100,000 yuan, let alone the limited editions. He also didn’t dare to pick an expensive one, choosing one that was around two hundred thousand.

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Qin Yue looked at Shen Zhen and asked, “Why weren’t you so generous to Su Shiqing before?”

Shen Zhen was surprised and said: “I’m not generous enough? His clothes, shoes, watches, which one was not mine? Whatever he liked I gave him.”

Qin Yue: “Those were things you didn’t want anymore.”

Shen Zhen sneered: “If it wasn’t for him not being able to move his eyes away after seeing those things of mine, I wouldn’t have not wanted it anymore. You should be very clear about whether I am a nostalgic person or not.”

Qin Yue was stunned.

He remembered…..Shen Zhen was indeed a nostalgic person. Even if he didn’t use the things that had become too old or worn, he would keep them well, and occasionally take them out for re-maintenance. He had never seen him dislike the old things.

It was just that Su Shiqing said at the time that Shen Zhen always gave him things he didn’t want.

Qin Yue sighed, as if after breaking up, he finally had the thought to think about the past.

Shen Zhen said to him, “I think this one is pretty good, and he seems sensible too.”

It was as if Shen Zhen had forgotten about the fact that he and Qin Yue had a falling out.

If Shen Zhen didn’t mention it, of course Qin Yue wouldn’t mention it either.

They seem to be old friends who have been reunited after a long time. Although they were not very enthusiastic, they still gave each other face.

It was not like they could just quarrel and turn the world upside down as soon as they came face to face.

Zheng Xiao came over with a paper bag, and said to Shen Zhen, “Thank you, Brother Shen.”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “It’s nothing, you two take your time.”

Qin Yue suddenly asked: “Are you here to buy a watch too? Don’t you have one already?”

He knew very well that Shen Zhen’s watch was a limited edition worldwide, and one couldn’t buy it even with money, and it was the most beautiful watch of that brand, with many watch collectors looking for it.

Shen Zhen still had a smile on his face: “It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you, does it?”

Qin Yue was about to speak.

Shen Zhen said: “Meeting and saying hello is already the limit of what I can do.”

Qin Yue looked at Shen Zhen. After not seeing for such a long time, he couldn’t remember what state of mind he was in when he quarreled with Shen Zhen.

So Shen Zhen…..was actually such a mild person?

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