Source Of Calamity

Chapter 87.1


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“It’s your turn.” Someone reminded Su Shiqing.

Su Shiqing finished up his makeup. He wore a white shirt and trousers, his hair was slightly curled, and he had on light brown colored contact lenses. He nodded awkwardly, and walked in front of the camera.

He had never studied acting, and attending this kind of reality show was because it was the best entertainment resource that CEO Li could give him.

After all, it could be said that Feng Anyan had blacklisted him and couldn’t appear on TV. He could only act in online dramas or appear in online reality shows.

He thought for a long time, and finally chose a reality show.

In the crew, his seat was very awkward, because he was the only one who came in through the back door. (TN: connections)

Almost everyone knew that his benefactor was Li Zhao. Su Shiqing felt ashamed and couldn’t hold his head up. Sometimes when Li Zhao came to visit the set, he didn’t dare to let Li Zhao appear in everyone’s sight.

Li Zhao also laughed at him, saying that he “lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one’s chastity”.

Su Shiqing was infuriated, but in front of Li Zhao, he still had to be humble, pretending that he didn’t hear anything.

Just how many tears had been held back only he himself knew.

In this episode of the show, he was targeted by the crew once again.

While crying, Su Shiqing called Qin Yue.

He regretted it, and he wanted to go back.

Even if Qin Yue yelled at him every day, it would be easier than his current life.

In his eyes, everyone would abandon him, but Qin Yue would not. So long as he called, Qin Yue would definitely accept him back again.

He was so miserable, Qin Yue would definitely not refuse.

Back in the hotel room, Su Shiqing called Qin Yue.

He had even prepared what to say to Qin Yue.

It was just that after the call connected, the voice of the person who answered was the wrong person.

It was not Qin Yue’s voice at all, but a younger and clearer voice. The person on the other end of the line said: “I’m sorry, Brother Qin is taking a shower. If you need anything, just send a text message, or you can call him later.”

Su Shiqing opened his mouth, but felt that he had suddenly gone mute. After a few seconds, he asked, “You, who are you? What’s your relationship with Qin Yue?”

Zheng Xiao on the other end of the line also felt very strange. This number was an unfamiliar number. He basically knew everyone around Qin Yue. Although he was not familiar with them, he at least remembered their voices. He had a very good memory and for Qin Yue he went to the effort to memorize everything about Qin yue, including Qin Yue’s friend’s information.

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Zheng Xiao thought for a while and said, “Brother Qin and I are friends.”

Su Shiqing’s voice was very cold: “Boyfriend?”

Zheng Xiao also keenly noticed something was wrong. He knew that Qin Yue had an ex-boyfriend, but he had already broken up with Qin Yue. Although he knew his position and knew that he was just a kept lover of Qin Yue, after getting along for such a long time, he had indeed become moved by Qin Yue. Once his feelings towards the other became real, his emotions could no longer be perfectly controlled as before.

“You are…..Mr. Su, right?” Zheng Xiao asked cautiously.

Su Shiqing was infuriated: “You know me? Since you know me, you should know my relationship with Qin Yue. What is your relationship with Qin Yue? Do you know that you are a third party now?”

Zheng Xiao interrupted him: “I know you and Brother Qin have already broken up. I only appeared after you two broke up, so I can’t be considered a third party. If you hurt Brother Qin’s heart, you should consciously stay away from Brother Qin, and don’t make it difficult for Brother Qin.”

“Difficult?” Su Shiqing felt that there might be something wrong with his ears, “What do you mean making it difficult for him? How am I making it difficult for him? How long have I been with Qin Yue, and how long have you been with Qin Yue? Do you think Qin Yue loves you very much?”

Zheng Xiao felt that this Mr. Su might have some brain problems, so he said with exasperation: “Mr. Su, if there is nothing else, it’s better for us not to continue talking about this.”

It just so happened that Qin Yue came out of the bathroom at this time, and Zheng Xiao said, “Brother Qin, a Mr. Su called you, but he still hasn’t hung up, do you want to say something to him?”

Standing at the door, Qin Yue pursed his lips and frowned, and said to Zheng Xiao, “Hang up the call.”

“In the future, if it is his call, just hang up.”

Zheng Xiao lowered his head, a smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew that Su Shiqing on the other end of the phone must have heard Qin Yue’s voice. He was just humiliating himself. He gave up on their relationship first but now he wanted to take it back again. Qin Yue was a person, not an item, so how could he do whatever he wanted?

Now the one standing beside Qin Yue was Zheng Xiao, not Su Shiqing. He was at the best position and would never give Su Shiqing a single chance.

It wasn’t until the phone was hung up that Su Shiqing raised his head in disbelief.

He heard what Qin Yue said.

What did Qin Yue mean? Qin Yue didn’t love him anymore?

No…..definitely not.

Qin Yue must have been bewitched by the man who answered the phone.

Su Shiqing gritted his teeth resentfully.

Why did people always tried to obstruct him from being with Qin Yue?

Before it was Shen Zhen, and now a newcomer appeared.

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These people just couldn’t see him and Qin Yue getting along!

No! No! He couldn’t give up on Qin Yue! He had to see Qin Yue.

So long as the two of them spoke together and cleared up the misunderstanding, they would get back together and be together again.

Both he and Qin Yue were good people, and they would definitely have a happy ending.

After a few more years, they could even adopt a child. After all, Qin Yue wanted to inherit the Qin family. He could not be without an heir, but he could not give Qin Yue a child. However, they could adopt one and if they educated the child well, the child would not be worse than his own biological child.

Su Shiqing fantasized happily, and he made up his mind to find Qin Yue.

Since he wanted to find Qin Yue, he must meet Qin Yue face to face. He had to find a way to learn of Qin Yue’s itinerary.


“There’s a wedding banquet tonight? Why didn’t I know?” Shen Zhen was changing his clothes. He had just put on his pants, and his upper body was bare. His recent fitness training had finally paid off. Shen Zhen now not only regained his six-pack abs, it had also become firmer. No matter from any angle, he had an excellent good figure.

Qin Xing sat on the bed behind Shen Zhen, looking at Shen Zhen. He said with a smile: “It’s rare to attend a wedding banquet with me, are you displeased?”

The eldest young master of the Zhao family and the second young lady of the Zheng family had married. They got married just after finishing their studies and before they got married, they had barely even dated for a few days. It was just that the parents of both parties thought it was a good alliance, so the marriage was settled.

This was the case with marriage alliances in the upper class. No one cared whether the couple involved were in love or not, nor what kind of life they would live after marriage.

So long as it was good for the families on both sides.

Shen Zhen put on his shirt, tie, and suit jacket, and said, “I don’t even know them.”

The head of the Zhao family had a good relationship with Qin Xing. He could be regarded as an old friend. After all, the other party was over seventy and Qin Xing had to at least give some face.

Shen Zhen: “Should we give the gift money together or separately, and how much?”

Qin Xing said: “You are a junior, so you don’t need to pay too much for the gift, just put 880,000 yuan in the red envelope.”

Shen Zhen asked curiously: “How much did you prepare?”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “My gift is not money, it’s a business deal.”

Shen Zhen understood.

Shen Zhen sighed, and said with some regret: “We can’t hold a wedding of our own, can we? So we won’t be able to get back the gift money.”

It hurt his stingy heart to think about it.

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Qin Xing had a smile on his face, and his tone was full of doting: “Do you want to hold a wedding?”

Shen Zhen thought for a while, and said to Qin Xing: “Actually, forget it, we’ll talk about it later when there’s time.”

Qin Xing didn’t say anymore either. After all, Shen Zhen was young and it was normal to be afraid of tying the knot so early.

They couldn’t get married in China, but they could get married abroad.

After both of them put on their suits, Shen Zhen stood beside Qin Xing and looked in the mirror. The two men in the mirror were tall and straight-backed, and they matched well no matter how one looked at them. Shen Zhen was inexplicably happy, a smile appearing on his lips.

The driver was already waiting downstairs. Shen Zhen and Qin Xing sat together. Shen Zhen asked, “Will we sit at the same table?”

Qin Xing said with a smile: “My table is full of old men. If you don’t find it boring, I have no objection.”

Shen Zhen: “Then it’s settled, I’ll sit with you.”

He didn’t like others flattering and praising him now, after hearing so many of that kind of thing it was inevitable that it would become tiresome.

Now no matter what occasion he went to or who he met, what others would say to him was always the same.

Most of them just wanted to have a share in his business.

He wanted to start a chain shopping mall before, but no one was optimistic about this project when he went out to socialize.

Now that he had money in his own hands, these people suddenly popped up.

With the funds being sufficient, Shen Zhen didn’t want to waste time with them anymore.

He was not afraid of this offending people. If he needed to seek cooperation next time, as long as there was profit, they would still follow the scent of money over.

Shen Zhen knew these people well.

In this circle, there were no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

Walking into the hotel, Shen Zhen saw a lot of familiar faces. This time the Zhao and Zheng families were making a marriage alliance, and everyone who could be invited was invited, and no one was absent. Shen Zhen and Qin Xing walked in, and people greeted them along the way. Their attitude was very friendly and almost ingratiating, they didn’t dare to praise Qin Xing, so they latched onto Shen Zhen and fiercely heaped praises on him. Shen Zhen was very numb from the praise, and felt that if what they said was true, no one in the world could compare to him.

“Uncle Qin, Brother Shen.” The newcomer was called Zhao Anrun. When he saw Qin Xing and Shen Zhen, he hastily greeted them. He was twenty-three years old this year, and had a baby face. He was wearing a pure white three piece suit with a red rose tucked into his breast pocket, and he had a smile on his face. The smile was perfectly measured, such that people couldn’t see through the mask to his true feelings.

Qin Xing said amaibly: “Congratulations, you now have a family of your own, so you should be more mature in doing things.”

Zhao Anrun smiled and said, “I will still have to trouble Uncle Qin to continue to take care of me in the future.”

Qin Xing: “Where’s your grandfather?”

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Zhao Anrun quickly said, “Grandpa is talking to Grandpa Zhang and the others, and he is waiting for you.”

Qin Xing said: “I’ll go there first, no need to send me off.”

Zhao Anrun nodded obediently, and when Qin Xing left, the sweat on his forehead fell down.

He had never met Qin Xing alone, and every time he saw Qin Xing, he couldn’t help sweating nervously.

“Brother Shen.” Zhao Anrun approached Shen Zhen and asked in a low voice, “Uncle Qin is in a good mood today.”

Shen Zhen slapped him away: “Today’s your wedding, it’s not like Uncle Qin can show you a nasty attitude on your special day, right? If so, wouldn’t you end up crying?”

Zhao Anrun frowned and said, “I thought you wouldn’t come, I was quite worried.”

Shen Zhen: “Why did you think I wouldn’t come?”

Zhao Anrun said in a low voice: “Qin Yue is here, and he brought a companion, but it’s not Su Shiqing.”

Shen Zhen: “Qin Yue is here, so I can’t come?”

Zhao Anrun quickly said: “That’s not what I meant. Don’t you have a little conflict with him? I was just afraid you would feel uncomfortable.”

Shen Zhen patted Zhao Anrun on the shoulder: “Be more mature and sensible.”

Zhao Anrun touched the back of his head, but he didn’t find anything immature and insensible about him. He continued complaining to Shen Zhen: “My grandfather said that after I get married, I will be taking over the family affairs.”

Shen Zhen looked at him: “Isn’t this a good thing?”

In Zhao Anrun’s family, all three generations were single children, his grandfather had only his father, and his father only had him.

Thousands of hectares yield only a single seedling. His father died of lung cancer when he was forty years old, he was the only heir of the Zhao family, and he knew from birth that he would inherit the Zhao family in the end, so he started playing around when he was more than ten years old. He didn’t have to worry about anything, he just needed to wait for his grandfather to hand over the Zhao family to him.

Shen Zhen felt that if the Zhao family was really handed over to Zhao Anrun, their wealth probably wouldn’t be able to last for many years, and would be wasted away by Zhao Anrun sooner or later.

Zhao Anrun sighed, and said with a sad face: “I originally wanted to delay it for a few more years, but he forced me to get married.”

Shen Zhen: “Isn’t it good to get married?”

Zhao Anrun sighed: “Fei Fei has a bad temper, I never planned to marry her.”

Shen Zhen glanced at him: “You are already considered lucky.”

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