Source Of Calamity

Chapter 87.2


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More often in marriage alliances, don’t mention a lack of love between the man and the woman, they might even have little contact before marriage.

At most, the two had spent some time with each other, had a few proper dates, and attended some dinners or parties together. If the parents of both parties were satisfied, marriage was the natural next step.

And in this kind of marriage alliance, divorce was a minority, almost no one would file for divorce. Even if they quarreled every day, hated each other’s guts, they still had to pretend to be affectionate on the outside.

So most of them had their own lovers on the side.

The most famous couple that Shen Zhen had heard of was that both husband and wife were playing outside, the woman even gave birth to her lover’s child, while the man had so many illegitimate children that they could form a soccer team. When this scandal was exposed, their company’s stock price fell like having fallen off a cliff.

Sometimes private life could also affect the company, so long as there were scandals, there was no escape.

Anyway, Zhao Anrun and his wife at least had a relationship base, although they hadn’t dated for long, it was better than other people who didn’t even have a relationship foundation to speak of.

Zhao Anrun sighed and understood what Shen Zhen wanted to say, but he still said: “Don’t blame me for not reminding you, Qin Yue brought someone with him today, if you feel uncomfortable seeing him, then just sit with Uncle Qin later.”

Shen Zhen: “I originally planned to sit with him.”

Zhao Anrun was taken aback: “The relationship between you and Uncle Qin is that good? Brother Shen, you are really amazing, much better than me. Don’t even mention having my grandpa bring me to meet his old friends. If I even chatted with them a little too long, the look in my grandpa’s eyes will seem as if he would eat me up.”

Shen Zhen didn’t speak.

He could understand Zhao Anrun’s grandfather quite well.

If he had such an unreliable grandson, he would probably die of anger.

“An Run.” Someone came over to say hello, and when Shen Zhen turned around, he saw Qin Yue.

Qin Yue brought Zheng Xiao by his side.

Zheng Xiao was the first to say hello to Shen Zhen. He walked over with a smile, giving off a pure and out-going aura, and politeness in his gestures. After shaking hands with Shen Zhen, he said, “Brother Shen, I knew you would definitely come today too.”

Shen Zhen also smiled at Zheng Xiao: “It’s been a while since I saw you, you look good.”

Zheng Xiao smiled shyly: “How are you recently?”

Shen Zhen: “Not bad, I’m going in first, you guys continue chatting.”

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Zheng Xiao didn’t try to keep him either, and watched Shen Zhen walk in.

Zheng Xiao looked at Shen Zhen with complicated eyes. He learned about the history between Shen Zhen and Qin Yue and Su Shiqing during this period of time, and his feelings were also a bit complicated. Logically speaking, Shen Zhen and Qin Yue grew up together.

They grew up together, received a similar education, and had the same three views, but their relationship was cut off by a Su Shiqing.

Even Shen Zhen couldn’t beat Su Shiqing, let alone him?

Zheng Xiao clenched his fists. He was different from Shen Zhen. Even without Qin Yue, Shen Zhen still had a career and a life of his own.

But he didn’t.

He was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. He was already quite old when he arrived at the orphanage at eight years old. He was taken care of by his grandparents for the first eight years. When he was eight years old, his grandparents passed away and he had no close relatives so he could only go to a welfare home.

Those who wanted to adopt a child were unwilling to adopt a child of his age, because he already remembered things and were afraid that they would not be able to build a strong parent-child bond.

But his grades were very good, so there were welfare organizations to sponsor his studies.

The reason why he was willing to follow Qin Yue, at the beginning, was because his best friend owed a sum of money. That was his only friend. Since childhood, they have had a very good relationship. So for the sake of his friend, he sold his body.

Originally, it was just a monetary transaction, but now he really fell in love with Qin Yue.

Qin Yue was considerate, rich, and gentle with him. Even though he never asked for anything, Qin Yue would still buy things for him.

Zheng Xiao, who had never been loved before, thought this was love.

Although he also knew that it was nothing to Qin Yue, after all, he was rich, and the money spent on him might not even be as much as the car he bought for Su Shiqing.

But so what? The person who was with Qin Yue now was Zheng Xiao, not Su Shiqing.

Su Shiqing gave up on the relationship himself and left.

So he shouldn’t even think about going back to the way things were.

Zheng Xiao looked at Qin Yue who was talking to Zhao Anrun, and clenched his fists secretly.

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When Shen Zhen walked into the room, Qin Xing was already seated. He first greeted the uncles in the room with a fake smile on his face that looked very sincere. This group of people knew how much Qin Xing valued Shen Zhen now and was even more doting towards him than he was to Qin Yue back then. They were all clever people, and they naturally spoke pleasant words, and wouldn’t talk down to Shen Zhen as if he was one of their own juniors.

“Xiao Shen’s complexion looks better than when we met before.”

“That’s right, when we met last time, Xiao Shen wasn’t as full of vitality as he is now.”

“Sure enough, staying by Mr. Qin’s side is a good way to improve one’s health.”

“Xiao Shen, come here and sit down, just in time to supervise your Uncle Qin and have him eat more later.”

“Every time he is outside, he always has a bird’s appetite.”

Qin Xing was amused: “I have a bird’s appetite?”

The people beside him also laughed: “CEO Qin is just preserving good health.”

The smile on the corner of Qin Xing’s mouth dropped when he heard the words health preservation, but the person next to him had no eyes, and said, “CEO Qin is very well-maintained, looking no different from someone in his twenties.”

Everyone: “…..”

Don’t open your mouth if you don’t know how to speak, no one would really treat you as a mute.

Qin Xing smiled and said, “Xiao Zhen, come and sit.”

Shen Zhen sat next to Qin Xing. He knew that Qin Xing must not be happy when he heard what was said just now, but he couldn’t reprimand the offender in this kind of situation as it would make him appear petty and small-minded.

In Qin Xing’s position, in fact, he actually couldn’t do whatever he wanted.

And on the other side, Qin Yue had already led Zheng Xiao to their seats. It was the first time Zheng Xiao came to such a formal occasion, and he was very nervous. He was afraid of embarrassing Qin Yue, so he kept smiling and didn’t talk much, but when he should say hello he still greeted others very seriously.

After drinking three rounds, Zheng Xiao’s face flushed slightly red.

Zheng Xiao looked at Qin Yue, and was about to say a few words to Qin Yue, when he saw Qin Yue’s eyes suddenly become fixated on one place, without moving away.

Zheng Xiao followed Qin Yue’s line of sight, and he saw a person who was very similar to himself, both in aura and facial features.

At this moment, Zheng Xiao knew who Qin Yue was looking at.

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——Su Shiqing.

Zheng Xiao’s face twisted instantly.

He always knew that Su Shiqing would definitely show up, but he didn’t expect him to show up so early.

Could it be that he could only stop here?

Hand over Qin Yue to another?

To Su Shiqing, his predecessor?

Zheng Xiao took a deep breath and told himself that he must not give up now, once he gave up, he would really have nothing.

“Brother Qin, eat something.” Zheng Xiao said to Qin Yue with a smile, this smile was one he guessed Qin Yue liked the most. When smiling he must show his adorable eyeteeth, looking as innocent as a youth.

Qin Yue indeed came back to his senses, and said to him: “You eat first, I’m going to go to the restroom.”

Zheng Xiao watched Qin Yue leave his seat, his eyes filled with unspeakable haze and storm.

He also stood up and followed Qin Yue out.

Sure enough, when he walked through the corridor, he saw Qin Yue and Su Shiqing. He didn’t go over, and only dared to eavesdrop at a slight distance away.

“What are you doing here?” Qin Yue frowned, his expression a little impatient.

Su Shiqing said in a low voice, “I heard that you are coming today, so I came here.”

Qin Yue: “You received an invitation?”

Su Shiqing was taken aback.

He came with Li Zhao.

But he didn’t dare to say this, he could only say vaguely: “I asked a friend to bring me here.”

Qin Yue sneered and said, “What friend? A sex friend?”

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Su Shiqing’s eyes widened, and he looked at Qin Yue in disbelief: “Ah Yue! How can you say that about me, don’t you know what kind of person I am?”

Qin Yue looked at him: “I thought I knew before.”

“I know about you and Li Zhao, I didn’t mention it to save you some face, but you just can’t help insisting I say it out loud, can you?”

Su Shiqing: “You don’t know anything! You don’t know what kind of life I am living now! If I hadn’t been desperate, would I have made such a choice?”

Qin Yue’s tone was cold: “You have already done it, so don’t say you are innocent.”

Su Shiqing took Qin Yue’s hand and put Qin Yue’s hand on his chest: “I still love you now, and I only have you in my heart. I have never betrayed you.”

“No matter what has happened, my feelings  towards you have never changed.”

“You think I’m wrong, but does that mean you are also right? What’s your relationship with the person sitting next to you?”

“Ah Yue, you can’t be like this.”

Qin Yue didn’t speak. When he saw Su Shiqing, his heart was still full of pity.

But he was a little tired, and he really didn’t want to continue being entangled with the other.

Su Shiqing picked up on Qin Yue’s softened attitude, and slowly leaned over, attempting to hug Qin Yue’s waist.

Qin Yue didn’t refuse either, and Su Shiqing was overjoyed, a smile finally appearing on the corner of his mouth.

“Brother Qin!”

Su Shiqing heard the call and looked up.

A young man in a suit, with slightly curly hair, and a sunny aura stood not far away.

He seemed to be looking for someone.

And he also seemed to be making a demonstration.

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