Source Of Calamity

Chapter 88.1


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“I’m going to stop by the restroom.” Shen Zhen stood up from his seat. He liked to drink water when he eats. This was a habit he developed when he was a child. He didn’t like to eat rice at the time but as he was living under someone else’s roof he was embarrassed to leave leftovers so he drank water to help get the rice down. Later, when he grew up, this habit did not change. Fortunately, even after so many years, he did not develop stomach problems.

Qin Xing nodded, he also knew Shen Zhen’s habit, but when the two were at home, as long as they ate the food cooked by Qin Xing, Shen Zhen always resisted taking up the water glass.

Shen Zhen liked to drink hot water, the kind that was almost scalding. Since Qin Xing found out, Qin Xing would watch him and he could only drink lukewarm water.

Qin Xing always worried that Shen Zhen would get esophageal cancer if he drank too much hot water.

Shen Zhen also knew that Qin Xing was doing it for his own good, so he could only force himself to get rid of these habits.

He still wanted to live longer, and he couldn’t pass away before Qin Xing.

On the way to the restroom, Shen Zhen of course had to greet many people. In this circle, connections mattered a lot.

This society was a society of favors. If you give others a good face today, you may have to cooperate with them tomorrow.

In addition, the second generation were all adults, and they would gradually take over their family business, so they were no longer as unrestrained and immature as they used to be.

The bride and groom were toasting at the tables, with smiles on their faces. They matched very well standing together, like a pair of lovers blessed by heaven.

Sometimes beauty was also a scarce resource. Their fathers might not be good-looking, but their mothers must be beautiful. In order to integrate genes, most of the wives married by the older generation may not be from a strong family background, but they must be good-looking.

Therefore, the second generation generally looked better than the previous generation.

There were also those who took after their fathers, and those were the relatively unlucky ones.

Shen Zhen thought of his own mother, who was also a beautiful woman when she was young, with an average family background. Although her family was also engaged in business, their status was quite different from the Shen family. Being able to marry Shen Fu, for her, could be regarded as a change in social class.

So when Shen Zhen was taken away, she was not tough in her refusal.

Between status and wealth or her son, she chose the former.

Shen Zhen didn’t blame her, he was just not that important in her eyes.

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Just when Shen Zhen reached the door of the restroom, he suddenly heard arguing from around the corner. Originally, he didn’t have much desire to gossip. After all, it was not good to know too much about things that had nothing to do with him. But the voices were too familiar, and the owner of the voice could be heard after taking a few steps.

Su Shiqing’s voice was still very recognizable, anyone who had heard him speak could recognize it.

“Mr. Zheng, you don’t need to meddle in the matter between me and Ah Yue.” Su Shiqing’s tone seemed a little angry, “When I was with Ah Yue, who even knew what corner you were in!”

Zheng Xiao didn’t retreat, he said with a smile: “I am not trying to get involved, I just hope you don’t bully and take advantage of Brother Qin just because he likes you.”

Su Shiqing: “I bully him?”

Zheng Xiao: “I know why Brother Qin found me to be his lover, and I don’t care, I just hope that Brother Qin is happy. If you treat Brother Qin well, I can leave now, but Mr. Su, with all due respect, you could leave Brother Qin because of his bad condition, so why wouldn’t you do the same in the future?”

Shen Zhen understood that it was the ex and the present boyfriend in a catfight.

Qin Yue didn’t say a word.

In front of Su Shiqing, Qin Yue had no brains. It was estimated that this scene would end with Su Shiqing’s victory in the end.

Shen Zhen thought of Zheng Xiao’s face that was more pleasing to the eye than Su Shiqing, and felt a little pity.

It was a waste for him to be with the current Qin Yue.

Shen Zhen felt a little bit sorry for Zheng Xiao.

The matter between Qin Yue and Su Shiqing was a hot mess, and Zheng Xiao rushing over to take over would not bring any good results.

Shen Zhen was about to lift his feet and go back when he saw Su Shiqing appearing in front of him.

“Xiao Zhen?” Su Shiqing stood there with tears on his face, thinking that he was mistaken. He quickly said vigilantly, “You were eavesdropping on us?”

Shen Zhen sometimes felt that Su Shiqing might have been dropped on the head when he was born, so that at this age he still thought like a child. He pointed to the restroom behind: “I just came out to use the restroom. You should have found a more hidden place if you wanted to talk.”

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There were quite a few people going to the restroom, but they were all clever people. Even if they heard someone arguing, they wouldn’t point it out.

To avoid embarrassment and any awkwardness later.

Su Shiqing also found this out now, and stood there speechless.

Just then Qin Yue chased over, with Zheng Xiao also following him.

The four of them stood there, and none of them spoke.

Shen Zhen had no expression on his face. He didn’t know what kind of bad luck he had today. Such a big venue and yet he could come across them. If this was fate, then whoever wanted it can have it.

He looked at Qin Yue and said, “I was in the restroom just now, you guys continue.”

Then he made to leave.

Zheng Xiao suddenly said, “Brother Shen! You are here too, long time no see.”

After all, he had no enmity with Shen Zhen, and Shen Zhen was still willing to give this young man a good face. He said to Zheng Xiao: “It’s been busy these days, let’s hang out when there’s time.”

Zheng Xiao was very happy, and the smile on his face became a bit more sincere.

As long as he could hug Shen Zhen’s thigh and have Shen Zhen stand by his side, Su Shiqing was not a threat at all.

And he felt that Shen Zhen should also hate Su Shiqing.

Maybe it would not be difficult to convince Shen Zhen.

Su Shiqing didn’t know why, but suddenly became angry, and said to Zheng Xiao, “Don’t act like you have a good relationship with Xiao Zhen, do you know how many years I have known Xiao Zhen?”

It was as if he seemed to have forgotten about Shen Zhen’s rejection of him when they met last time.

In his eyes, the whole world should revolve around him, and everyone should love him.

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Zheng Xiao ignored Su Shiqing, and said, “I have been wearing the watch you gave me last time. To tell you the truth, I have never worn such an expensive watch, and I cherish it very much.”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “I’m glad you like it, I’m going to go first.”

After Shen Zhen left, Zheng Xiao said to Qin Yue: “Brother Qin, Brother Shen has a really good temper.”

Qin Yue was in a daze: “He has always had a good temper.”

It seemed that before Su Shiqing appeared, Shen Zhen had never lost his temper, always stood by his side, and would never leave him no matter what happened.

Su Shiqing looked at Zheng Xiao: “He gave you a watch?”

Zheng Xiao smiled and said: “Yes, the last time I met Brother Shen, he gave me a new watch. Mr. Su is so rich, you probably look down on a watch worth only 200,000 yuan, but for me, this is already one of the most expensive gifts I have received.”

Su Shiqing bit his lower lip, and he retorted, “It’s just a two-hundred thousand yuan watch. I don’t know what you’re happy about. If you add up the things that Xiao Zhen gave me before, it won’t be less than several million.”

Zheng Xiao was not angry either: “Really? But I think Brother Shen doesn’t seem to want to talk to you much now.”

Su Shiqing glared at him: “What do you know?”

Qin Yue had a headache: “Stop arguing, let’s go back to the banquet, Shi Qing, I’ll contact you after the banquet.”

Zheng Xiao’s expression was instantly stunned, with unconcealable fear in his eyes.

Su Shiqing’s expression became gleeful. He glanced at Zheng Xiao with a smile on his lips.

At any time, Su Shiqing was confident that Qin Yue would never give up on him.

When passing by Zheng Xiao, Su Shiqing whispered: “A stand-in must have the consciousness of a stand-in, and when the original one appears, the fake should leave volunatrily, or you will be the one looking pathetic in the end.”

Zheng Xiao gritted his teeth and said, “No need for Mr. Su to bother with this.”

Shen Zhen came back to his table again. He was already full and didn’t pick up his chopsticks at the moment. He just drank a few sips of tea, and waited for the banquet to end.

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Although there was an afterparty tonight, Shen Zhen was already tired, so he whispered to Qin Xing, “Let’s not go tonight.”

Naturally, Qin Xing would not contradict Shen Zhen, and held Shen Zhen’s hand under the tablecloth. Shen Zhen’s fingers were slightly cold, while Qin Xing’s palm was dry and warm. Shen Zhen pulled at his hand but couldn’t pull it away so he let Qin Xing be.

Qin Xing’s thumb rubbed against the back of Shen Zhen’s hand. Shen Zhen’s hand was not too big, but his fingers were long and slender, and Qin Xing could fully enfold it in his own hand.

The group of people chatted at the table for a while, and when they were leaving, Qin Xing said to Zhao Anrun’s grandfather, “We won’t be attending later.”

Zhao Anrun’s grandfather naturally wouldn’t contradict Qin Xing, and saw Qin Xing and Shen Zhen with a smile on his face. He watched them leave, and then said to the people around him, “This Shen Zhen is really lucky.”

The person next to him whispered: “I think there might be something going on between them. For so many years, Mr. Qin has never cared so much about another, not even Qin Yue.”

Zhao Anrun’s grandfather smiled and said, “Does it matter?”

The other: “Huh?”

Grandpa Zhao said: “Being able to be kept by Qin Xing’s side is a benefit that many people can’t even hope for. He is lucky, but even if there is really something between him and Qin Xing, do you think it will have any influence?”

The man sighed: “True.”

“But with Shen Zhen in luck, Qin Yue is in contrast down on his luck.” The man suddenly said, “From heaven falling down to hell, perfectly describes Qin Yue, right?”

Everyone could see how miserable Qin Yue was now. Of course, this misery couldn’t be compared with ordinary people. After all, Qin Yue still had his own company and money, and he bore the surname Qin. Put him outside among the common masses, and a bunch of people would only be envious of him.

Only people at their level would sigh pitifully when they looked at Qin Yue.

Grandpa Zhao took two steps with a cane: “Let him be a warning.”

The man stopped talking, and a bit of fear really sprouted in his heart. He used to envy Qin Yue so much, but now he pitied him just as equally so.

Abandoned at the periphery of power, today’s status was not as special as it used to be.

He could just imagine that he was not feeling well at all.

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