Source Of Calamity

Chapter 89.1


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Shen Zhen recalled that the last time he heard about Shen Mu was that he abandoned Shen Yun, cheated Shen Li of money and ran away. He probably realized that Shen Fu would not forgive them easily, so he chose a short-term plan that would let him live the best.

On the other hand, Shen Yun, who joined Qin Yue’s company, could be considered to be doing a good job. At least Shen Li was very happy. He felt that this brother’s head was finally back to normal. Although a month’s salary now could not compare to a single day’s pocket money in the past, he didn’t have to starve. He could also live in a better place, could rent a well-decorated bachelor apartment in the third and fourth ring roads.

The improvement in the quality of life also left Shen Yun with little time and energy to pay attention to Shen Mu.

At this time, Shen Zhen was half lying on the sofa, and Little Handsome Boy was lying on Shen Zhen’s belly, the two making small talk occasionally. Little Handsome Guy didn’t know how to feed chicken soup for the soul, but when Shen Zhen talked to him, he would answer and could even ask back a question. But if Shen Zhen didn’t speak, it would be as quiet as a quail, pretending that it did not exist, and would not talk endlessly when Shen Zhen wanted to be quiet.

Shen Li was sitting opposite Shen Zhen. Qin Xing had gone to the company, and Shen Zhen gave himself a day off, to lay flat at home when Shen Li came to visit.

Probably because he had been in the company for a long time, Shen Li could actually pick up on people’s attitude better, and his way of speaking was much more pleasing than before.

Society made people grow up, changing things silently. Perhaps Shen Li himself had not even noticed the changes in himself.

“Shen Mu contacted me.” Shen Li peeled an orange for Shen Zhen, and was tearing off the white strips on the orange petals with a serious face. He was expressionless and calm as he said, “Told me he isn’t doing well recently, and only then did I find out that he went to T City, doing business with a friend.”

Shen Zhen asked strangely: “He has the capital?”

The friends Shen Mu knew were unlikely to do business with Shen Mu who only had 200,000 yuan.

Shen Li: “I didn’t ask in detail, and he wouldn’t say anything, just asked to borrow money from me.”

“He may have fallen out with his friend.” Shen Li looked at Shen Zhen, “On the phone, his voice sounded like he was about to cry. He must be in trouble.”

Shen Zhen took the orange that Shen Li handed over: “It has nothing to do with you or me.”

Although Shen Mu was also his younger brother, he really didn’t have any feelings for this younger brother.

Even if Shen Mu died, Shen Zhen wouldn’t even shed a tear, maybe his mood wouldn’t even be affected at all.

Shen Li: “Actually, I don’t hate him anymore.”

Shen Zhen looked at Shen Li, and felt that this child was a bit stupid, still the same fool as before.

Shen Li lowered his head, and said in a low voice: “Actually, what he said was right. I’m not smart at all. I always trust whatever other people say. Just like when you went back to the Shen’s before and they said you were here to take the family property, I easily believed it.”

“At that time, I felt that because you went to the Qin family since you were a child, your life is better than ours. But still, you came back to snatch our things. It was too much to swallow.” Shen Li secretly looked at Shen Zhen’s expression to see whether Shen Zhen was angry, and he said, “But I figured it out later, you really didn’t have that good of a life in the Qin family.”

Shen Zhen asked strangely, “How did you figure it out?”

Shen Li said with some embarrassment: “From my senior. When he invited me to dinner, we chatted. He said that when he was young, his parents were working far away from home but there were many children at home. His grandparents had no time to take care of him, so he stayed in his teacher’s house in the city. He said that the teacher was very kind to him, but after all, he was not his own child, and the kindness was limited. Moreover, living in someone else’s house is a very awkward thing, and he did not dare to have any mischievous behavior. And sometimes in the middle of the night, he would hide under the quilt and cry secretly.”

After finishing speaking, Shen Li asked Shen Zhen: “Elder Brother, have you ever cried in secret?”

Shen Zhen was in a daze.

In his first year in the Qin family, when he was only six years old, sometimes when Qin Li targeted him, he would hide under the quilt and cry secretly.

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No one loved him, so crying in front of others was a sign of weakness, and he couldn’t show weakness, he could only show his true emotions when he was alone.

So much time had passed, he thought he had forgotten, but now that Shen Li mentioned it, he realized that he hadn’t forgotten at all.

But after Shen Li said this, the robot diverted his attention, and he curiously reached out to poke Little Handsome Boy’s face, and said in surprise: “Elder Brother, your robot is too life-like! This skin is just like real skin. It actually feels more delicate than real skin!”

Little Handsome Guy quickly said: “I have good looks! Good skin! Beautiful!”

Shen Li became even more enthusiastic: “Elder Brother, where did you buy it! I’ll go buy one too!”

Shen Zhen was still thinking about the past, and said perfunctorily, “I’ll let you know when it’s listed, it’ll probably cost more than two million yuan.”

If Qin Xing was a little more blackhearted, it might even be more than two million yuan.

Shen Li was instantly dejected, and stroked Little Handsome Boy’s hair: “It seems that I can’t afford you, brother.”

Little Handsome Boy yelled: “I have no brothers! I am unique!”

Shen Li laughed loudly: “Why are you so cute?”

Little Handsome Boy: “I’m the second cutest in the universe, super invincible!”

Shen Li was puzzled: “Then who is the cutest?”

Little Handsome Boy: “My dad!”

Shen Li was even more puzzled: “You still have a father?”

Little Handsome Boy grabbed one of Shen Zhen’s fingers: “This is my dad.”

Shen Li was speechless.

Shen Zhen also smiled and said, “My son is amazing, isn’t he?”

Shen Li surrendered: “Eldest Brother is the most amazing.”

So his eldest brother was actually so narcissistic? Why didn’t he find out before?

Sure enough, people have two sides to them.

Shen Zhen: “…..”

He also felt that Shen Li had misunderstood. Shen Li probably thought that he had taught the robot this.

But Shen Zhen didn’t explain it either. After all, being the cutest or whatever, it would be more embarrassing to explain it.

Shen Li whispered: “Eldest Brother, should I help Third Brother? After all, he…..”

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Shen Mu also treated him well when he was a child, and took him out to buy ice cream. At that time, the family discipline was very strict, and the brothers only had a fixed number of bites a day. And not just ice cream, he would also take him to the movies together too.

The first pornographic movie Shen Li watched in his life was introduced to him by Shen Mu.

Shen Zhen: “This is your own business, it’s up to you whether you want to help or not.”

Shen Li was dejected: “I’m just afraid he still doesn’t know where he is wrong.”

Shen Zhen smiled: “Do you think you are Shen Fu? Shen Mu’s biological father?”

Shen Li looked up at Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen: “They are adults, and they are responsible for their own lives. No one can help him for the rest of his life. Even Shen Fu, he will always die before us.”

Although the words were ugly, the truth was the truth.

Shen Li asked softly: “Eldest Brother, why did you help me before?”

Shen Zhen was stunned silent for a moment. He sat up to take a water glass, took a sip of water, then cleared his throat and said, “You were too pitiful.”

Shen Li had an expression of “you are lying to me”: “Impossible, there are so many pitiful people in this world, why do you help me but don’t help others?”

Shen Zhen really didn’t know what to say, it was not like he could say “you helped me in my previous life”, right? So he could only say: “Maybe it’s because I knew you would be grateful for my help.”

Shen Li looked at Shen Zhen.

Looked very sincerely.

So sincerely that Shen Zhen almost thought that Shen Li had fallen in love with him.

But, in the next second, Shen Li threw himself on Shen Zhen and smacked a kiss on Shen Zhen’s face, throwing Shen Zhen into a daze.

Shen Li also said very naturally: “Eldest Brother! You really love me! I love you too! Woohoo! Hey-ho! Yeah!”

At this moment, Shen Zhen was sure of one thing.

Shen Li was sick in the head. And he lacked affection.

Shen Zhen kept a straight face, eyes still dazed: “Go away, go away, I don’t love you.”

Shen Li hugged Shen Zhen’s arm, with a wide smile on his face: “I won’t go, Eldest Brother, give me some pocket money!”

Shen Zhen glanced at him: “Shen Li, I am warning you, don’t push your luck, don’t even think about pocket money, if you want pocket money, go ask your father.”

Shen Li sighed: “Dad called me some time ago, and he seemed very sad when he knew that Shen Mu deceived me.”

“He should be sad.” Shen Zhen’s words were very vicious, “I don’t recognize him and have no feelings for the Shen family, Shen Yun has no brains and has virgin mary symptoms, Shen Mu is selfish and capable of even cheating his own little brother’s money, and as for you, you are a little fool.”

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Shen Li was not convinced: “I’m not a fool.”

Shen Zhen looked at him.

Shen Li felt guilty, and said after a few seconds: “Even if I’m a fool, I’m still a happy little fool.”

Shen Zhen was amused.

Shen Li was not bad by nature, he was not the kind of person who bullied the weak just because of his wealth and status.

On the contrary, compared to the strength of his family——compared to ordinary people, he himself was very weak.

This weakness was an inner trait.

When others scolded him, he would be unhappy at the time, only to forget it after hearing a few good words, and continue to be good brothers with the other. A typical example of being sold and helping to count the money.

Speaking of which, the Shen brothers were somewhat similar to each other.

Shen Zhen didn’t know how many stumbles he experienced with Su Shiqing before he finally developed a harder heart.

He sealed his heart, thinking that he would be invincible in this way. If Qin Xing hadn’t broken into his world with such a forceful attitude, maybe he would’ve still thought he was strong enough to stand up against everyone, no matter if it was a good person or a bad guy.

Wasn’t this a kind of weakness?

True strength should be like Qin Xing.

When Shen Zhen thought of Qin Xing, a smile appeared on his face.

He wished he could devour Qin Xing, greedily and cruelly crush every inch of his bones, suck up even the bone marrow, and leave nothing for others to covet.

“Brother, your smile is kinda creepy.” Shen Li muttered, “You aren’t in love, are you?”

Shen Zhen didn’t speak, his silence speaking for him.

Shen Li’s eyes widened: “Which lady can subdue you? That amazing?”

Shen Zhen was not in the mood to conceal it from Shen Li, and said, “Your eldest brother, I am gay.”

Shen Li was even more dumbfounded. After a while, he finally choked out a word: “Cool!”

Shen Zhen was amused by Shen Li.

“He must be very handsome.” Shen Li began to gossip, “Does he have eight-pack abs? Is ‘that’ big?”

Shen Zhen really didn’t want to talk about his bedroom affairs with Shen Li, so he didn’t answer.

Shen Li quickly said: “I think my senior may be interested in me!”

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Shen Zhen: “…..”

Shen Li seemed a little shy: “Didn’t he go on a blind date last time? Then he came back and brought me local specialties, and said that he had been thinking of bringing local specialties back for me the whole time during the blind date. Say, do you think he is interested in me? “

Shen Zhen somehow became a relationship counselor.

Did he look like a man with a lot of dating experience?

Shen Zhen didn’t reply.

Shen Li continued chattering by himself, completely unaffected.

By the time Shen Li finished speaking, Shen Zhen had already lost his mind.

The sky gradually darkened, the moon hung in the sky, and Shen Li stayed at Shen Zhen’s house for dinner. But Shen Li, like Shen Zhen, could only eat but not cook, so Shen Li went to the refrigerator and asked : “Eldest Brother, you didn’t buy any instant food?”

Shen Zhen looked at his phone and replied, “Instant food is not healthy.”

Shen Li muttered: “You’re so particular.”

He looked at the refrigerator and found that there were still prepared dishes in the fresh-keeping layer, and they had not been touched, still tightly wrapped with plastic wrap.

The appearance was also very tasty looking.

Shen Li: “Eldest Brother! Didn’t Mama Zhang leave? Did you ask the helper auntie to cook these dishes?”

Only then did Shen Zhen remember that Qin Xing said when he left at noon that he had already prepared his food, and Shen Zhen could eat them after heating them in the microwave.

Shen Zhen stood up and walked to Shen Li’s side: “It’s not the helper auntie.”

Shen Li showed an expression of “I know everything”, and said with a smile: “Is it your boyfriend? Your boyfriend is really virtuous! I also want to have such a virtuous boyfriend.”

When Shen Zhen heard Shen Li say “virtuous”, he thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Wow, Eldest Brother, no way, you are smiling so happily?” Shen Li joked, pretending to be shocked.

Shen Zhen glared at him, feeling a little embarrassed, his face flushing, and he pretended to be tough and said, “Go heat up the rice first.”

At the dining table, Shen Li ate two mouthfuls of food, and said in surprise: “Not only does it look good, but it also tastes so good, Eldest Brother, you found a treasure!”

Shen Zhen was also a little proud, showing off subtly: “These dishes are not his specialty.”

Shen Li didn’t realize that Shen Zhen was showing off, and said seriously: “Then when will your boyfriend come over, I still want to have a taste of his specialty.”

Shen Zhen: “Shut up.”

Only he could eat Qin Xing’s specialty dishes, and no one else was allowed to even think about it.

Even if it was his own little brother, he would still not agree.

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