Source Of Calamity

Chapter 89.2


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Originally, Shen Zhen thought that Qin Xing would not come back until around ten o’clock in the evening, but within a few minutes after they had eaten, the sound of keys turning the door lock sounded in their ears. Shen Zhen raised his head, and sure enough, he saw in the next second Qin Xing coming in from the door.

Qin Xing even held a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

The moment Shen Li saw Qin Xing, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the chair. He pointed at Qin Xing, shocked out of his wits and turned to ask Shen Zhen: “Eld-, Eld-, Eldest Brother! Mr. Qin is your, boy-, boyfriend? “

Shen Zhen was still in the mood to joke with Shen Li: “Ye-, ye-, yes.”

Shen Li felt his vision going dark.

Was he dreaming? Or was there a problem with his brain? Eye problems?

Shen Zhen was dating Qin Xing?

That was to say, all the dishes in the refrigerator were made by Qin Xing?

Was it him who was not normal, or was this world too fantastical?

Shen Li was dumbfounded, unable to utter a word.

Qin Xing on the other hand took a look at Shen Li, though he didn’t care about Shen Li. After changing his shoes, he walked over and handed the flowers to Shen Zhen first, then leaned over and kissed Shen Zhen. This kiss looked more like a courtesy kiss, and less like the lingering kiss of a lover.

This time Shen Li’s jaw really dropped in shock.

“You finish eating first.” Qin Xing said to Shen Zhen, “After eating, I’ll take you to the movies.”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “Okay, go and rest a bit.”

Qin Xing nodded and went to their bedroom. He really needed to lie down for a while.

Shen Li watched Qin Xing walk into the bedroom. At this moment, his heart finally dropped back down from his throat to his chest, and he asked in a low voice carefully: “Eldest Brother… are too amazing, that’s Mr. Qin! He even cooks for you.”

However, Shen Li also had his own worries. He said to Shen Zhen worriedly: “Eldest Brother…..If Mr. Qin later…..”

Shen Zhen understood what Shen Li meant.

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Shen Li was worried that the relationship between Qin Xing and Shen Zhen was unequal.

Worried that Qin Xing was just playing with Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen suddenly felt a little warm in his heart.

Apart from Qin Xing, it was the first time that he felt warmth from another person.

Although this person was the always unreliable Shen Li.

Shen Zhen: “Hurry up and eat your food, this is the food made by Mr. Qin himself.”

After Shen Li thought about it, his attention was diverted, and he said happily, “I’ll defi itely not leave behind a single bite.”

After Shen Li left Shen Zhen’s apartment, Qin Xing came out of the room.

Shen Zhen was clearing the dining table, while Qin Xing stood outside the kitchen. He asked Shen Zhen with a smile: “In a good mood?”

Shen Zhen nodded, and he said, “I don’t know why, but after Shen Li learned about our relationship, I felt relieved.”

Qin Xing suddenly said: “One day, everyone will know about our relationship, but not now.”

Shen Zhen raised his head suddenly, stared at Qin Xing without blinking, and said in a puzzled tone, “Why?”

Was their relationship an underground romance?

Was it that shameful?

Shen Zhen looked away, not wanting to look at Qin Xing’s face, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Qin Xing also noticed the change in Shen Zhen’s mood. He walked over to hug Shen Zhen and asked softly in Shen Zhen’s ear, “Are you angry?”

Shen Zhen took out the plate from the dishwasher and said in a cold tone, “What is there to be angry about?”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “Be honest?”

Only then did Shen Zhen put down the plate, and said with a serious expression: “Is our relationship very shameful?”

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Qin Xing also became serious: “When you see others in the future, I don’t want others to speak behind your back…..”

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Zhen interrupted him.

Shen Zhen sneered and said, “Do you think I care about this? If I cared, I wouldn’t be with you from the beginning,  that what you think?”

Qin Xing frowned slightly, and was about to explain, but Shen Zhen said, “I think we may need to calm down from each other, I’m going to go for a walk.”

After Shen Zhen finished speaking, he took the key and left the apartment without giving Qin Xing any time to speak.

After closing the door, Shen Zhen walked into the elevator almost like escaping.

He leaned against the elevator wall, looking a little dazed.

He had been with Qin Xing for so long, and no one around them knew their relationship.

At the beginning, Shen Zhen also felt that this was their own privacy.

But as time went by, Shen Zhen also felt a little uncomfortable.

He didn’t care about everyone knowing that he was gay, and he didn’t care how others saw him.

That he sold his body to Qin Xing.

He didn’t care about any of that, because since he decided to be with Qin Xing, he was ready to face all kinds of looks.

But he didn’t expect that it wasn’t other people’s opinion that defeated him.

It was Qin Xing’s attitude.

Qin Xing didn’t want others to know about their relationship.

Shen Zhen bit his lower lip, covered his face with his hands, took a few deep breaths before letting go, and regained his indifferent expression.

Shen Zhen had no other place to go. He walked on the street, only to realize that once he left Qin Xing, he didn’t even have a place to stay temporarily.

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No friends, no one to trust.

Just as Shen Zhen was sitting on a street bench in a daze, a car suddenly stopped in front of him.

The person in the car rolled down the window, and Liu Huan’s face appeared in Shen Zhen’s field of vision. Liu Huan smiled and said, “Why are you sitting here alone? Would you like to go to the coffee shop with me? We can talk about business there.”

Shen Zhen said alertly, “How do you know I’m here?”

Liu Huan said casually, “I saw you at the previous intersection, and I am currently free.”

Shen Zhen was in a state of disarray at this moment, and thinking it would be good to talk about business, he got into Liu Huan’s car, and the two went to a nearby coffee shop.

“A cup of Americano.” Liu Huan said to the waiter, “And give this gentleman a cup of oolong tea.”

Liu Huan smiled and said to Shen Zhen: “I recall that you like tea, right?”

Shen Zhen didn’t want to embarrass Liu Huan, so he didn’t say that he didn’t like drinking oolong tea, and just nodded and said, “Yes.”

Liu Huan asked Shen Zhen, “I didn’t expect you to wander the streets alone.”

Shen Zhen took a sip of tea, smiled and said, “Is it so strange?”

Liu Huan smiled and said, “I thought Young Master Shen would not be short of companions.”

Shen Zhen didn’t want to talk about this topic: “Aren’t we here to discuss business? Let’s talk then.”

Liu Huan said, “No rush, we can chat about other things first.”

Shen Zhen looked up at him: “What things?”

Liu Huan took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: “Young Master Shen is always too busy. I have made appointments several times, but Young Master Shen didn’t pay me any attention.”

Shen Zhen looked at him strangely.

After examining the other for a few seconds, Shen Zhen suddenly asked, “Are you romantically pursuing me?”

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Liu Huan did not show surprise, but said very calmly and gentlemanly: “Yes.”

Liu Huan added: “I know you’ve been very busy recently, and I also know the conflict between you and the Shen family. I have feelings for you, and I think we’re a good fit.”

Shen Zhen said very directly: “I don’t think we are.”

Liu Huan was stunned for a second, but quickly responded: “Don’t make a judgement so fast, what does Young Master Shen think is wrong with me? If you don’t like it, I can change it.”

Shen Zhen frowned, feeling annoyed, but the person sitting opposite was Liu Huan after all, and it was impossible for Shen Zhen to walk away and not give any face at all. He said, “I already have a lover.”

Liu Huan said strangely: “I haven’t heard of this before, Young Master Shen, can you think of a better reason for rejecting someone?”

Shen Zhen thought of something, and his expression became very cloudy. He stood up from his seat: “No need to bother Mr. Liu on this matter, please enjoy your drink at your leisure, I will pay the bill. Since it is not a business matter, I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”

After speaking, Shen Zhen left the seat without giving Liu Huan a chance to speak another word.

Liu Huan didn’t chase after him, but just watched Shen Zhen leave.

He upheld his own status, so of course he didn’t want to make a scene with others in public.

Liu Huan took a sip of his coffee, smiled and shook his head: “What a big temper.”

It was rare for him to meet someone who treated him with such an attitude. Not only was he not angry, but the interest in his eyes became even stronger.

After leaving the coffee shop, Shen Zhen thought for a long time, and finally headed home.

He couldn’t let go of Qin Xing, so he had to compromise on his own.


There was a self-deprecating smile on the corner of Shen Zhen’s mouth.

It turned out that after a lifetime, he still didn’t make much progress.

Shen Zhen wiped the corners of his eyes with his index finger, and raised his hand to beckon a cab.

He was going home.

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