Source Of Calamity

Chapter 90.2


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Shen Zhen visited the Shen family house one afternoon. He always felt that he had gained strength from Qin Xing, and he could now let go of his past prejudices and get to know his mother again.

His perception of Mother Shen was complicated.

She was a weak mother.

She couldn’t protect her eldest son, nor could she have a say in Shen Fu’s decisions, and was only able to watch her other three children leave home.

Without any financial support or say to the family property, she had no power to speak in this family. Perhaps what the butler’s words were even more effective than her own.

Shen Zhen felt that he probably still possessed a glimmer of hope for this mother before, right?

Hope that she could bring him home, hope that she could accept him, hope that she could care about her child like other mothers do.

When she didn’t, he couldn’t help being disappointed and sad.

Perhaps there really was no mother-child affinity between them.

When Shen Zhen came to the door, he also brought a meeting gift. The gift box contained the tea that was raised to a high price in China. Only fifty kilograms of this tea was produced a year. He bought it at a high price. He knew that Mother Shen loved drinking tea and perhaps he had also inherited this from her.

When the doorbell was pressed, Shen Zhen felt a little nervous. It wasn’t until the butler came to open the door for him that he finally recovered a little bit of his usual calm.

“It’s the eldest young master.” The butler was taken aback, he didn’t expect Shen Zhen to come over.

However, he showed great enthusiasm, and hurriedly welcomed Shen Zhen in: “I’ll go and inform the master and mistress right away, please sit down for a while.”

Shen Zhen nodded and smiled at the butler: “No rush, take your time.”

The butler stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Was there ever a time the eldest young master was so courteous?

It seemed that today he was not here to quarrel.

Shen Zhen sat on the sofa of the Shen family house, looking at the furnishings in the house. Since he could remember, except when he was a child, this was the second time he came to the Shen’s, the first time it ended with both sides unhappy, and he gave Shen Li a punch. But coming back now, his inner state was completely different.

“Xiao Zhen?” Shen Fu first appeared in front of Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen nodded to him and said hello: “Mr. Shen.”

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Shen Fu sat across from Shen Zhen. Shen Zhen looked at Shen Fu and had a question in his heart.

Shen Fu was actually… old already?

He looked like he had aged ten years. After the matter with Shen Yun and the others happened, Shen Fu aged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Zhen said to Shen Fu, “I happened to be passing by, so I came to see you both.”

After speaking, he handed over the gift box in his hand.

Shen Fu didn’t expect Shen Zhen to appear suddenly, and he knew that Shen Zhen’s words were just polite small talk, but he wouldn’t say anything, he wasn’t that stupid. He smiled and took the gift box Shen Zhen handed over, an amiable look on his countenance as he said: “It’s rare for you to come by, stay and have dinner before leaving.”

There were at least four hours before the meal. Shen Zhen didn’t agree immediately, but said, “I’m here today to see Mrs. Shen.”

Shen Fu was taken aback, and he sighed: “You haven’t seen each other for more than ten years.”

He almost forgot that the young man in front of him, who was totally different from himself, was his eldest son.

Shen Zhen nodded: “It’s been more than ten years.”

It was rare that there was no obvious hostility between them, but the father and son didn’t really have any words to say to each other. They were not close, and there was no father-son affection between them. Shen Zhen couldn’t call Shen Fu his father, and Shen Fu couldn’t regard Shen Zhen as his son.

The distance and unfamiliarity between the two did not even compare to casual acquaintances.

Shen Fu sat for a while, and found that he really couldn’t hold a conversation with his eldest son, so he could only say: “You go and have a talk with her, I’m going to the study first.”

Shen Zhen didn’t stop him either, and Shen Fu went upstairs.

After waiting for about five minutes, Shen Zhen heard footsteps on the spiral staircase. He looked up, and a woman in a dark dress appeared in his sight. She looked much younger than Shen Fu, and she was maintained quite well. One couldn’t tell that she was actually someone close to fifty, and she was also stunned the moment she saw Shen Zhen.

Then she looked at Shen Zhen and slowly showed a smile that was close to ingratiating.

Shen Zhen suddenly felt that his nose sting a little, and he took a breath secretly before he could watch the woman walk in front of him with a calm expression.

Mother Shen sat opposite to Shen Zhen with some nervousness, and she looked at the young man in front of her.

Her eyes were a little red, and she suddenly turned her head and said, “Do you want something to drink? I’ll make you coffee?”

“Would you like some dessert? I’ll ask the kitchen to make it?”

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Shen Zhen said: “No need for the trouble, I’m neither thirsty nor hungry.”

Mother Shen was taken aback, and she smiled at Shen Zhen with difficulty: “That…..that’s pretty good.”

“I just passed by by chance and wanted to come and see you.” Shen Zhen didn’t know why, and was a little afraid of scaring her. He didn’t even know that his voice had become softer than ever.

Mother Shen showed an expression of not knowing whether to cry or laugh, and she asked: “Are you… are you doing now?”

Shen Zhen smiled and said: “Not bad, now I have my own company, and the business is okay.”

Mother Shen: “That’s good, I, I watched you win the business award on TV.”

Shen Zhen remembered that embarrassing award acceptance speech, and his expression stiffened instantly.

Mother Shen felt deeply guilty about the only son who didn’t grow up by her side.

She lowered her head and said, “I’m sorry.”

Shen Zhen was taken aback.

Mother Shen reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes: “I don’t deserve to be a mother.”

“Back then, if I had been more persistent, maybe the family conditions would not be as good as they are now, but our family would be together.”

Shen Zhen didn’t speak.

Mother Shen raised her head and asked him, “Xiao Zhen, do you hate me?”

People always seem to be more demanding towards mothers, and children always expect more from their mothers than their fathers.

When Shen Zhen was brought to the Qin family, he often thought of his mother instead of his father.

Shen Zhen sighed and said, “I don’t hate you.”

Mother Shen looked at him without speaking, obviously not believing it.

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “You couldn’t have done anything at that time.”

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Mother Shen had no status in this family.

She came from a nouveau riche family, and this nouveau riche was only good in the local area.

By marrying into the Shen family she had completed a jump in social class, and Mother Shen had no right to speak at all.

After all, it was a mother and son pair who hadn’t seen each other for many years, and they soon had nothing to say. Mother Shen seemed to have a thousand words, but she still couldn’t say anything in the end.

The connection between mother and child seemed to have been cut off when Shen Zhen was young.

The gap brought by time could not be smoothed out by relying on time now.

“I still have something to do.” Shen Zhen glanced at his watch, “I’ll visit you again when I’m free.”

Mother Shen stood up in a hurry: “Why are you leaving so soon? Stay a while longer, I, I learned how to bake cookies recently, and I will bake them for you.”

Her ingratiating gesture made Shen Zhen feel a little sad.

Shen Zhen looked at Mother Shen with complicated emotions. In the end, he didn’t look away and remained looking at Mother Shen——the woman who gave birth to him.

Shen Zhen shook his head and said, “If I have time, I will come to taste the cookies you made.”

After leaving the Shen family house, Shen Zhen strode in the sun, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

Something he had never let go of was finally let go.

He finally said goodbye to the self who longed for familial affection.

This time, he saw Shen Fu and Mother Shen, and finally realized that he had not craved familial affection since a long time ago.

He was just full of resentment and jealousy, and he never understood why he was the one who was abandoned since he was a child.

At that time, Shen Yun was clearly only one year younger than him, so why was he the one who was given up in the end.

Now he looked at the Shen family and was finally at peace with himself.

He had no affinity with them.

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Qin Xing played the role of his friend, his mentor, his family, and his lover.

As for the role of brother, let Shen Li play it.

Shen Zhen smiled and took a taxi to the company.

He walked around the company and saw Shen Li sitting at his desk, discussing something with the senior who mentored him.

Probably thinking of what Shen Li said, that the senior was interested in him, Shen Zhen also looked at the man with Shen Li.

This man was in his thirties, and his annual salary seemed to be around one million yuan, which was much higher than ordinary employees, but not as good as core employees.

His hair was naturally curly, his skin was very fair, he wore black framed glasses, and had a mustache. He looked like an free and unrestrained artist, and he was taller than Shen Li.

Shen Zhen thought for a long time, but couldn’t remember what this person’s name was.

The company was now expanding step by step, and many newcomers had come to the company. With more and more people, Shen Zhen knew his employees personally less and less.

When the new employees entered the company, the company had gone through the most difficult period before.

He still remembered that at the beginning, the company was operating entirely on the profits from the information company and Shen Zhen’s own money.

It was completely in a state of losing money rather than making a profit.

Later, urban planning and the land price increase finally led the company to make a lot of money.

Then the company’s recruitment threshold had been raised.

When recruiting people before, except for the core employees, most of them were newbies, college students who had just graduated, and were trained little by little by the core employees.

Most of the people recruited now were experienced.

Everything was on track.

Shen Zhen sat in the office, leaning on the chair, with a cup of brewed tea in his hand.

The windows of the office were open to let in the natural wind.

He finally had a feeling that his rebirth was not in vain.

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