Source Of Calamity

Chapter 91.1


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Shen Zhen didn’t expect Zheng Xiao to appear in front of him.

He saw Zheng Xiao waiting under the tree at the entrance of the company after getting off work.

Zheng Xiao had a good aura and didn’t appear vulgar at all. He looked very young, and even though he had already graduated from university, he looked like a student who had just entered university.

“Brother Shen.” After seeing Shen Zhen, Zheng Xiao hurried up to greet him. He had a smile on his face, and his whole person seemed to be bathed in the sun. When Shen Zhen looked at him, he felt that Su Shiqing at his best was not even as good as him.

The more he was like this, the more uncomfortable Su Shiqing would be when he saw him.

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “What’s the matter?”

In fact, Shen Zhen didn’t hate such people, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken Su Shiqing out of the Su family back then.

Seeing Shen Zhen’s expression, Zheng Xiao was clearly relieved.

Before he came, he was always afraid that Shen Zhen would hate him.

After all, he now also knew how similar he was to Su Shiqing.

Every time he saw Su Shiqing, he couldn’t help but inhale sharply.

“I would like to invite Brother Shen to sit in the coffee shop with me, do you have time?” Zheng Xiao was very polite.

Shen Zhen looked at the time. It was only four o’clock in the afternoon. His working hours were different from ordinary employees. When there was no major business, it was basically from nine thirty in the morning to three in the afternoon.

The working hours he set were flexible working hours. Except for the personnel, employees who had business tasks only needed to arrive at the company before 12 noon and work for eight hours a day.

Therefore, the employees had a good impression of him, and felt that Shen Zhen should be regarded as the most Zen boss.

When the business was busy, overtime wages were paid by the hour, and no one had any complaints. If the overtime hours   could be shortened, there would even be bonuses.

Shen Zhen did not put too much pressure on the employees when managing the company.

Recently, he had hired special aunties to the company to cook meals for the employees, and even hired aunties to take care of pets, encouraging employees to bring their pets to the company, and there was even a special pet activity room.

After this set of operations, the employees almost loved him to death.

Shen Zhen nodded at Zheng Xiao: “Okay, let’s go.”

The coffee shop that Zheng Xiao chose was in an alley not far from Shen Zhen’s company. It was renovated very nicely but unfortunately there was not a lot of customer flow. Most were residents in the area so business could only improve after the nearby office workers got off work in the evening.

They sat in a booth, after all, the sound insulation effect of the open seats was not good.

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“Last time I heard Brother Qin mention that you like to drink tea.” Zheng Xiao smiled ingratiatingly at Shen Zhen, “But I don’t know what kind of tea you like to drink.”

Shen Zhen: “You don’t need to be so polite, just order me a cup of green tea.”

A shop like this would not have his favorite tea, besides, how many kinds of tea could a coffee shop offer?

Zheng Xiao ordered a cup of cappuccino for himself, and a cup of green tea for Shen Zhen.

After the waiter left, he looked at Shen Zhen anxiously, hesitated for a long time, but finally said: “Mr. Su has been living in Mr. Qin’s house recently.”

That house was originally where Qin Yue let him live after he was with Qin Yue.

He was currently teaching French to middle and high school students in a training institution. He majored in a minor language, and the salary he got was not very low. It happened that this house was very close to the training institution. In addition, he himself had special feelings for Qin Yue other than his money, so he started to live together with Qin Yue.

He never thought that Su Shiqing would actually have the face to move in again.

Originally he wanted to move out, but felt that if Su Shiqing had the face to stay, why should he move out?

Besides, Qin Yue had never entered Su Shiqing’s room.

Usually at home, he cooked for Qin Yue in the morning, and afterwards, Qin Yue would drop him off at the training institution and then go to the company by himself.

After he and Qin Yue get off work in the afternoon, Qin Yue would drive over to pick him up.

Even if Su Shiqing moved in, their routine did not change, which gave Zheng Xiao hope.

It was just that Su Shiqing would mooch off the food he made every day. After he cooked the meal, Su Shiqing would sit at the dining table shamelessly, taking it for granted. Zheng Xiao wanted to yell at him, but he was afraid that Qin Yue would be angry, so he could only hold back.

“Mr. Su always thinks that I snatched Brother Qin.” Zheng Xiao felt that it was hard to talk about these things, but when he thought that he had already come begging Shen Zhen, it didn’t make any sense to be so pretentious, so he could only blurt it all out, “Actually, I now have a sum of money in my hand, and the debts that should be paid are almost paid off, so I can already leave.”

Shen Zhen: “Then why don’t you leave?”

As the kept lover party, no matter in terms of emotion or status, he was naturally at a disadvantage. He had no equal status with Qin Yue, so how could they talk about love?

Even Su Shiqing back then was smart enough not to accept Qin Yue’s gifts at the very beginning.

He would only pretend to be pitiful, and then he and Qin Yue would quietly give things to him as if they were bespelled.

At that time, Shen Zhen would use “these are things I don’t want” as an excuse.

Qin Yue would borrow someone else’s hand to give the gifts to him.

That was why Su Shiqing felt that Shen Zhen looked down on him, and probably insulted him with things that Shen Zhen “didn’t want”.

——Though he was very happy when he accepted the things.

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Zheng Xiao lowered his head: “I’m not afraid of appearing like a joke, I…..towards Brother Qin…..”

Shen Zhen frowned slightly: “You are in love with Qin Yue?”

Zheng Xiao nodded with difficulty, he knew the relationship between Shen Zhen and Qin Yue before.

He still remembered that Su Shiqing once said to him:

“Ah Yue even gave up on Shen Zhen for me, do you think you can compare to Shen Zhen?”

Zheng Xiao was rendered speechless by these words.

Shen Zhen had a better family background than both him and Su Shiqing, and he and Qin Yue also grew up as childhood sweethearts. He was also good-looking and had a good figure. He still remembered that when he saw Shen Zhen, he felt that whatever such a person wanted, others would offer it to him on a silver platter.

Although he did not want to, Zheng Xiao still had to admit that sometimes Su Shiqing’s words really hit the nail on the head.

Zheng Xiao said in a low voice: “I know, maybe in the eyes of Brother Shen and Brother Qin, Su Shiqing and I are the same kind of people…..”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “I don’t think so.”

Zheng Xiao looked up at Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen said: “You are smarter than Su Shiqing and know to be tactful. More importantly, you have what Su Shiqing once had, but now he doesn’t have.”

Zheng Xiao looked at Shen Zhen stupidly.

Shen Zhen sighed inwardly.

“Brother Shen, I came to you because I had no choice.” Zheng Xiao lowered his head and said, “Recently, I can clearly feel that Brother Qin is becoming more and more impatient with me, and Su Shiqing’s relationship with Brother Qin is also becoming closer and closer. Sometimes, Brother Qin would not return to sleep in our room, and instead go out to open a hotel room alone.”

Shen Zhen: “That’s your business. Even if you come to me, what can I do for you? Tie Qin Yue to your bed? Or break his legs for you?”

Zheng Xiao said in a panic: “No, Brother Shen, I don’t mean that.”

“I…..I just thought, maybe I can help you, and you can help me too.” Zheng Xiao smiled at Shen Zhen, in a lowly way that he himself might not even have noticed.

Shen Zhen was in a daze for a moment, had he ever been as lowly and inferior as Zheng Xiao before?

Had he also thought that so long as Qin Yue would change his mind, he was willing to do anything?

Putting himself down to the lowest, but still couldn’t keep the person who was about to leave.

Just as Shen Zhen wanted to say “I can’t help you”, Zheng Xiao said again: “I…..I know one thing.”

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Shen Zhen: “What?”

Zheng Xiao said softly: “Su Shiqing told me while demonstrating against me before that when he first arrived at the Qin family manor, he took a necklace from Brother Shen. You thought it was Brother Qin who took it, and you even had a big fight with Brother Qin.”

Shen Zhen was taken aback: “Necklace?”

It had been so long that Shen Zhen couldn’t remember clearly.

What necklace?

Shen Zhen sat there, lowered his head and thought for a while, then slowly remembered.

The necklace that Zheng Xiao mentioned seemed to be a birthday present given to him by Qin Xing in a certain year, and he had kept it safely all the time.

After all, Qin Xing was his idol at that time.

As a low-key and introverted fan, he couldn’t chase Qin Xing like one would chase a celebrity, so he could only keep the things Qin Xing gave him safely and properly.

Although it was given to him every year.

Shen Zhen recalled the past. He put the necklace in the cabinet at that time. After all, he felt that he was a boy, and it seemed strange to wear a diamond necklace. He prepared to keep it in storage and maybe wear out on Qin Xing’s birthday.

At that time, he felt that he should have privacy, so no one else could enter his room, and he had to be present even for cleaning.

And the only person who could enter his room when he was not present was Qin Yue.

After the necklace disappeared, he went to find Qin Yue, but Qin Yue naturally denied it, and he also felt that Qin Yue was not a person who would steal things.

Qin Yue was also angry at the time, thinking that Shen Zhen thought of him as an inferior person, and the two had a fight.

…..So it was Su Shiqing who took it?

Shen Zhen showed a disgusted expression.

At that time, Su Shiqing already dared to steal things?

Zheng Xiao said in a low voice: “I also called him a thief.”

“But he said that he didn’t think about stealing anything, he just thought it looked pretty, so he took it back to his room and admired it carefully.”

“But you found out and in order not to be misunderstood as a thief by you, he didn’t return the necklace to you.”

Shen Zhen: “…..”

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As expected of Su Shiqing, ordinary people really couldn’t possess this kind of logic.

Zheng Xiao said again: “Brother Shen, I have no other way…..”

Shen Zhen knew that Zheng Xiao wanted him to hate Su Shiqing even more, and then help him.

Although he saw through it, Shen Zhen didn’t say anything.

Since Su Shiqing was looking for death himself, Zheng Xiao also came begging him, and Shen Zhen was not a forgiving person, he smiled and said, “How do you want me to help you?”

A gleam of joy appeared on Zheng Xiao’s face: “Thank you, Brother Shen!”

“I was thinking, Shen Zhen, can you call Brother Qin out for a meeting.” Zheng Xiao said, “And then air out the things about the past with Brother Qin.”

The smile on Shen Zhen’s face was still there. He didn’t want to deal with Qin Yue, not because he was avoiding the other, but because he only felt disgust when he saw Qin Yue now.

He felt that his past self who loved Qin Yue and almost lost himself in the process was a brain-dead retard.

Seeing that Shen Zhen’s expression was not good, Zheng Xiao quickly said, “It’s alright if you don’t want to make the call, I…..”

Shen Zhen said, “I will ask him out to talk.”

It was time to let go of the past.

Shen Zhen looked at Zheng Xiao with a smile.

He had always been unwilling to face Qin Yue directly.

Although he said it was due to disgust, he knew it was because he was still angry and felt treated unjustly.

Since the honest conversation with Qin Xing, this anger had dissipated.

Whether Qin Yue’s life was good or not, he didn’t want to bother anymore.

He was going to reconcile with his anger.

As for Su Shiqing——he should wish for his own blessing.

“Thank you Brother Shen.” Zheng Xiao stood up and bowed to Shen Zhen in a polite manner.

His expression was very sincere.

When Shen Zhen left, he looked back at Zheng Xiao, wondering in his heart, whether this Zheng Xiao was a second Su Shiqing, or a second version of himself.

But either way this had nothing to do with him.

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