Source Of Calamity

Chapter 91.2


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The next day.

When Qin Yue received Shen Zhen’s call, he almost didn’t react. For a moment, he didn’t know what happened. Was it an earthquake or a tsunami? Why did Shen Zhen take the initiative to contact him? Take the initiative to invite him to dinner?

Was there some conspiracy? Could it be that Shen Zhen had hired a hitman to kill him?

Sitting on the chair, Qin Yue suddenly laughed at himself. With his current state, Shen Zhen didn’t have to bother to take such a risk.

Maybe…..he really just wanted to talk to him about the past.

Qin Yue stood up from the chair, walked to the window with his coffee, and looked at the scenery under the office building. From this angle, all the people below were as big as ants. They had worked hard all their lives, but most of them did not make anything of themselves.

He used to be by Qin Xing’s side, feeling a sense of superiority, and felt that no one could compare to him.

Now he suddenly felt that he was no different from the ants in his eyes.

Qin Yue took a sip of coffee, then looked down at the coffee cup. Was the coffee so bitter? Why didn’t he feel it before?

Qin Yue made an internal call and said to the secretary, “Make me a cup of Huangshan Maofeng tea.”

He still remembered that this was Shen Zhen’s favorite tea. When drinking tea with Shen Zhen in the past, he would always drink Shen Zhen’s favorite tea, and ignore his own favorite tea brand.

Time had passed, and thinking about it now, Qin Yue could only sigh.

He no longer remembered how he and Shen Zhen got to this point.

It seemed that inexplicably his relationship with Shen Zhen had become even more distant than that between strangers.

At this moment, Qin Yue received a text message from Su Shiqing.

[Su Shiqing: Ah Yue, I have learned how to cook, come back tonight, I will cook for you.]

With a headache, Qin Yue pressed the phone screen to black.

His feelings for Su Shiqing were complicated now.

On the one hand, he would still be attracted to Su Shiqing.

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But on the other hand, he couldn’t get over the fact that Su Shiqing had been kept by Li Zhao.

And he didn’t have the strength to bring Li Zhao down now.

On the contrary, Li Zhao now made trouble for him from time to time, and he could only endure it.

He felt that he still loved Su Shiqing.

But he felt that being with Su Shiqing was too exhausting.

He didn’t know when Su Shiqing would leave again, but he would feel very relaxed when he was with Zheng Xiao.

Just like when he first met Su Shiqing.

Needless to say, when the two sit together, he would feel at peace.

Qin Yue called Zheng Xiao: “I won’t go back for dinner tonight. I have something to do. You can go out to eat by yourself. I’ll transfer the money to you.”

Zheng Xiao responded: “Brother Qin, don’t worry about me, I’m a grown man, I can have a meal anywhere.”

Qin Yue was amused by Zheng Xiao. He sat back on the chair again, and said with a smile: “Remember to eat enough.”

Zheng Xiao knew that Qin Yue was definitely going to meet Shen Zhen, he knew it well, so his mood didn’t change, and he wouldn’t ask stupidly.

Going to see Shen Zhen, Qin Yue suddenly felt a little nervous for some reason.

He hadn’t seen Shen Zhen for a long time, and he didn’t know if there was much difference between Shen Zhen now and before.

When Qin Yue walked into the restaurant that he had made an appointment with Shen Zhen, and was led by the waiter to the table, the moment he saw Shen Zhen, he suddenly had a feeling that things were different.

Everything had changed.

Shen Zhen nodded to Qin Yue: “Have a seat.”

Qin Yue sat down, and the two looked at each other speechlessly. It was Qin Yue who broke the silence first and asked, “How have you been recently?”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “Without you and Su Shiqing being an eyesore, I’m doing pretty well.”

When Qin Yue heard Shen Zhen’s taunting words, he was not as angry as before. He sighed and said, “You still resent me.”

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Shen Zhen asked strangely, “Shouldn’t I?”

Qin Yue looked at Shen Zhen with confusion in his eyes. Up to now, he still didn’t understand why Shen Zhen became alienated from him.

Shen Zhen looked at Qin Yue’s expression, and found that he really didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he did, or how much he did was too much.

Shen Zhen asked him: “Do you still remember how Su Shiqing came to the Qin family?”

Qin Yue nodded: “You brought him.”

Shen Zhen asked him again: “Ask your heart honestly, how did I treat him back then?”

Qin Yue: “You were nice to him at first, but later you targeted him in everything.”

Shen Zhen was amused: “How did I target him, can you tell me?”

Qin Yue was taken aback for a moment, and found that he really couldn’t say anything. In his memory, Su Shiqing always seemed to be aggrieved, because Shen Zhen didn’t like him. But thinking it over in detail, Shen Zhen just distanced himself from Su Shiqing just as he distanced himself from him.

“He thinks I wronged him.” Shen Zhen asked, “You think so too? Don’t you?”

Qin Yue didn’t speak.

Shen Zhen picked up the red wine in hand and took a sip: “We were both living under someone else’s roof, and our surname was not Qin. Why didn’t you sympathize with me like you sympathize with Su Shiqing?”

Qin Yue was taken aback, he had never felt that Shen Zhen was as weak as Su Shiqing.

Shen Zhen: “But I don’t need your sympathy either. Your sympathy is love to Su Shiqing, but an insult to me.”

Qin Yue suddenly said, “You hate Su Shiqing because of me?”

Shen Zhen nodded. He didn’t want to hide it anymore. This was perhaps the only time he talked openly with Qin Yue about the past. He said, “You should also know my feelings for you back then, right?”

Qin Yue nodded.

He had no expression, and people couldn’t make out his emotions at all.

Now Qin Yue didn’t love to smile as much as before.

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He always had a straight face, as if the whole world owed him money.

Shen Zhen said, “After Su Shiqing came, how many hours did you spend with me in a week?”

Qin Yue was stunned: “Didn’t we see each other every day?”

Shen Zhen smiled: “Is seeing also called spending time together? Then Qin Shan and Qin Meng and I still see each other every day, and you don’t say more than three sentences to me a day, and each sentence doesn’t exceed five words.”

Qin Yue: “You remember even this?”

Shen Zhen shrugged: “I remembered it so deeply at the time, and I haven’t forgotten it now.”

Qin Yue: “…..”

Qin Yue said: “You hate Su Shiqing because I was close to him?”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “I’m not so ridiculous to this extent, and I didn’t have any close relationship with you. I hated him just because he was full of drama. He once knelt down to beg me, do you remember?”

Qin Yue: “I remember…..”

Shen Zhen: “I still remember him telling me: “You are so good, so excellent, you are better than me in everything, you can find someone better, can you please give me Brother Qin, please?”, I can’t understand his logic. There are so many people better and stronger than him in this world, so because he is weak he is right? And others should give everything to him?”

Qin Yue’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe that Su Shiqing had said such a thing, and his voice was hoarse: “He wouldn’t say such a thing.”

Shen Zhen raised his eyebrows: “Believe it or not, it’s up to you, and it doesn’t matter to me.”

“I just hate that he always comes to me to seek a sense of existence. Who you like and who you don’t like has nothing to do with me strictly speaking.”

“But he makes me sick, and that’s what’s wrong with him.”

Qin Yue turned his head, and it happened that the waiter brought up the steak at this time. Qin Yue didn’t know why, but felt relieved to be interrupted in their conversation.

Qin Yue asked: “Do you still hate him now?”

Shen Zhen nodded: “It’s not hate, it’s disgust.”

“But he always shows up in front of me to sicken me.”

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Qin Yue sighed: “At the beginning, I just felt comfortable being with him. Ah Zhen, you are different from him, being with you will make me feel a lot of pressure.”

This was the first time Shen Zhen heard such words, and said strangely: “Did I put pressure on you?”

Qin Yue shook his head: “You don’t even need to say anything, and I’ll just feel a little out of breath.”

Shen Zhen didn’t speak, he knew that Qin Yue himself couldn’t explain the source of this feeling.

He understood.

Shen Zhen: “I thought people like Su Shiqing was your type. Isn’t the person you’re with now a copy of Su Shiqing?”

Qin Yue was a little embarrassed, but he didn’t deny it, he just said: “Being with Su Shiqing now won’t make me relax, but being with Zheng Xiao will make me feel more relaxed.”

“Ah Zhen.” Qin Yue looked into Shen Zhen’s eyes, “Can we become friends again?”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “No.”

Qin Yue was a little disappointed, but he still asked: “Now that we’re sitting here and talking about the past together, I thought we could restore our previous relationship.”

Shen Zhen said, “What happened in the past cannot be smoothed out with a few words.”

“Qin Yue.” Shen Zhen’s tone was a little cold, “You have followed Uncle Qin since childhood, and you stood above everyone, so you don’t understand what the people below think.”

“Actually, like Su Shiqing, you only love yourself in your heart.”

Shen Zhen: “I came here this time to make things clear to you. The things I gave Su Shiqing back then were all things Su Shiqing coveted. I won’t say how generous I was to him, but I have a clear conscience. Su Shiqing may not have done anything to target me, but his existence itself is targeting me.”

Qin Yue didn’t speak.

Shen Zhen: “Is there anything else you want to say?”

Qin Yue looked up at Shen Zhen: “You once liked me.”

It was not a question, but an affirmative remark.

Shen Zhen smiled: “It’s like I used to like sweet and sour pork, but I don’t like it now.”

Qin Yue lowered his eyes, and said in a somewhat lonely tone: “Is that so?”

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